Dear Stacy asks today, “Is Kathleen Parker’s evil under-rated?” and provides his 2009 Evil Top 10 rankings. First — regarding Kathleen Parker: yes, Stacy. Yes, it is. My headline has quotes because one of the very first indications to me that I was becoming a fiscal conservative was that after one of her more egregious …
Category Archives: Barack Obama
Ignoring Sarah Palin's job record versus ignoring Obama's
Daniel Blatt, aka Gay Patriot West, saw Gov. Palin being interviewed this week and discussing her interview in 2008 with Katie Couric. Gov. Palin said that Couric never asked her any questions about her record in Alaskan government as a mayor, commissioner and governor. Instead, Couric badgered Gov. Palin by asking the same questions on …
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When the Left mocks Obama, come to find it's not racist
The Left has begun to mock Obama, who is the most pre-eminently mockable man ALIVE. Surprise! When the Left ridicules Obama, it’s not racist. Well, I’ll be. The video below is from The Onion, which has just caught up with the idea that a man who must have his every remark scripted and scrolled across …
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'Drink the Kool-Aid' got its tragic meaning 31 years ago today
Today is the anniversary of the first time a sociopathic charismatic leader charmed and coerced his followers into mass suicide by getting them to drink poisoned Kool-Aid, even as they watched those who drank before them dying and saw their friends’ and fellows’ dead bodies piled higher and higher. Jim Jones, leader of the Christian …
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Understanding Obama: learn the four types of enablers of narcissists
Conservative Pup is a nurse and she was disturbed by Obama’s cold and inappropriate behavior right after the Ft. Hood mass murder — you do not do “shout outs” just before announcing a mass murder unless you are doing a comedy skit or you have a sociopathic lack of empathy. Come to find that a …
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FINALLY — Gays unite to withhold donations to Democrats until DADT and DOMA are repealed while pro-choice Democratic women threaten mutiny or something
Well, well, well! Since Sunday, two groups that Democrats have gleefully exploited and abused and held hostage — because what are they going to do? become Republicans? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! — have finally figured out that they must unite and ring the party’s bell to teach it a lesson in keeping its promises that it will never …
This historic, frightening anniversary
Iowahawk’s column from 11/6/2008 on the election of Obama, which he re-published yesterday, has proved to be prescient. My only quibble is that the presidency is Obama’s second full-time job ever, not his first. He was a copy editor in his 20’s. While others complain that Obama has never run so much as a lemonade …
Best Fisking of the 'Inherited Deficits' assertion
Almost all my friends and family are liberal and occasionally I ask them about the economy and how they feel about Obama. I do this in the scientific way that a cat pats a mouse. What I really want to know is, “Is the Kool-Aid wearing off? Are you still satisfied that you investigated Obama …
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Rush is right — Sarah Palin is ready to be president right now
H/T Conservatives4Palin. Sarah Palin has the experience, leadership, policies and temperament to be the president of the United States RIGHT NOW. In 2008, of the four persons on the Democratic and Republican tickets in the presidential race, ONLY Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin had the experience to be president AND only Gov. Palin had the best …
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Punksmacking for Gay Patriot, bitchslapping for Peggy Noonan
Gay Patriot fell into bad company yesterday, by which I mean Peggy Noonan, who is too elitist and envious to understand the miracle that is Sarah Palin, and Noonan persuaded him that our nation’s ills are due to us pampered, spoiled Baby Boomers. Here is Noonan’s central problem: Obama is deliberately bringing down this country, …
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