Attila and Dan at Protein Wisdom — MAN UP!

Sebastian Gray, at HillBuzz, wrote about the difference between Democrats and Republicans regarding putting in the effort required to get what you want from government and corporations on June 12 when he predicted it would require 30 days of persistent, consistent effort to get David Letterman fired. He also wrote: As a lifelong Democrat, I’m …

Letterman apology tonight is too little, too late — FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN!!!

moar funny pictures I just heard Wolf Blitzer on CNN read the apology David Letterman reportedly will make on his show to be aired tonight, Monday, June 15, to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her teen-age daughters Bristol and Willow. Letterman’s show is taped on weekday afternoons between 4:30 and 6:30 pm at The Ed …

Your handy 'Fire David Letterman' Kit, Part One

This is Part One of your handy “Fire David Letterman Kit,” complete with sample letters, mailmerge instructions and contact info. Here are the topics I plan to cover in the complete kit: Why we are angry and our cause is just: videos and timeline of David Letterman’s offenses. Overview of the tools to use to …

Blogger reports Embassy Suites responded to his e-mail they have pulled their ads from

Conservative blogger Chris Wysocki just linked me to report the following: Embassy Suites responded to his e-mail saying the company does not sponsor “Late Night with David Letterman,” but has pulled its advertising from the network’s Web site, His post reporting the e-mail exchange was linked in a story about the movement to …

Why the Left hates Sarah Palin

Little Miss Attila has an excellent post on “Cold Fury on the Letterboy Flap,” where she drew my attention to Ric Locke’s musings at the Protein Wisdom Pub on why the Left hates Sarah Palin’s family: Stereotype: Womyn® are good Progressive Democrats. Reality: Sarah Palin is a Republican. Stereotype: Only Democrats give power to Womyn® …

To scare off bullies, you must first have hit one of them

I did not watch the TV sitcom Happy Days very often, but one of the shows made a lasting impression on me. It encapsulates why all of us who are outraged at David Letterman’s vile rape jokes about 14-year-old Willow Palin and his unfunny, degrading remarks about her mother, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, must get …

More on how to get Letterman fired — and why Republicans need to do so

Sebastian Gray at HillBuzz has been giving lessons this week on how to get David Letterman fired for his rape jokes about Gov. Sarah Palin’s 14-year-old daughter, Willow. Today he has a post explaining that Republicans do not have the same tenacity as Democrats in working the system to get what they want — in …

See HillBuzz on how to get David Letterman fired

… and Little Miss Attila on WHY Letterman should be fired for his rape jokes about Sarah Palin’s 14-year-0ld daughter: This is American Sharia, assholes. The practitioners of Sharia in Muslim countries are at least consistent in their contempt for women and in their practice of gender apartheid: you, on the other hand, want sexual …

Pro-life lesbians and gays

I just received an e-mail from PLAGAL, the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, saying the blog I didn’t know they had has been updated. I have added it to my Blogroll. I have to admit that the PLAGAL booth isn’t thronged on Pride Day — to be celebrated on various Saturdays in June in …

Save the wolves! Palin for president!

Totalitarian feminists were very busy during the presidential campaign fighting for the Obama/Biden ticket and its implacable allies in the Muslim and illegal alien community who believe women are property. They were busiest writing viral poison e-mails filled with plausible lies about Gov. Palin, which, in my opinion, were motivated by her decision — her …