Obama's mama was trash, now with nude photos

Well, I’ll be ding-dang-darned, when I wrote about Pastor Manning’s sermon about how Obama’s mama was trash, it NEVER ONCE occurred to me to Google anything like “Obama’s mother nude photos.” However, the mainstream media continues to fabricate stories and spread rumors about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. I found out about the latest one …

The Obama Prevarication Predictor — UPDATED

moar funny pictures Obama, as a man without a conscience — that is, a sociopath — whose overriding goal in life is to dominate everyone and everything, who does not have the ability to feel empathy and whose cool, calm demeanor is based on the fact that there are very few emotions that sociopaths genuinely …

Dr. Hanson, I can tell you why Obama just makes stuff up

Victor Davis Hanson posted a wonderful piece at National Review Online yesterday entitled, “Just Make Stuff Up,” in which he gives a skillful summary of Obama’s broken promises, flip-flops and outright lies. But he just doesn’t seem to know how to put his finger on the explanation for the problem. This is it: Obama is …

Obama shows his total opposition to gay equality with DOMA brief

As soon as I knew about Obama’s 20-year allegiance to his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his Muslim up-bringing in Indonesia, his ties to the Muslim world and his support of illegal immigration — all groups that hate homosexuals and most of whom feel entitled to kill us, and some of whom believe they are obligated …

Now YOU can write Obama's speeches in the comfort of your own home!

moar funny pictures I find listening to Obama’s speeches excruciating because the disconnect between what he says and what he does annoys me. During the election, I also found fault with my liberal friends’ method of researching his qualifications for the presidency — or any full-time job — which was to listen to Obama talk …

The hot dog vendor must have had Obama's favorite Dijon mustard

I respect Prof. William Jacobson and enjoy his blog, Legal Insurrection, very much. I was just giving my site meter a glance before turning in for the night and noticed that practically all my traffic is coming from Legal Insurrection. Thank you, Prof. Jacobson! He is honoring me as his “Blog of the Day”! I …

If you can't get to a Tea Party you can still …

… write out your top three reasons for opposing the tax-and-spend-and-bankrupt policies of Obama and the Democrats (that sounds like they should be a band, yes?). Do your homework so you are informed. Read your points aloud for practice. Watch Zo for some inspiration. Then give your 30-second speech to a video camera and pop …

Go to HillBuzz and see for yourself

Why is it that HillBuzz, a blog by centrist Democratic gay men, has the scoop on what should have been in the headlines yesterday about Obama at the G-20, instead of Obama’s iPod gift to the Queen of England and his confusion about the correct way to speak of the United Kingdom? Update: Michelle Malkin …

Obama confesses to treason and resigns, co-conspirators are in custody, Hillary Clinton sworn in as president

Washington, D.C., April 1 — U.S. President Barack Obama has resigned after confessing to treason. Obama named his co-conspirators and the FBI has taken all but one into custody in undisclosed locations. Obama told FBI investigators that his primary co-conspirators were Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. He revealed that they have spent the last 40 …

'The Economist' parched by blast from 'Hot Air'; plus, did A.I.G. became the face of capitalism as Obama applied Saul Alinsky's Rule 12?

H/T Michelle Malkin The Economist endorsed Obama for president and now is having buyers’ remorse, apparently in the hope of salvaging some of its credibility given the all-consuming, prosperity-sucking black hole socialist coup Obama’s presidency has turned out to be in just two months. Ed Morrissey blasts their tardy admission of misgivings at Hot Air …