Charles Johnson outraged that a Democrat's photo attempt to prove Obama ever had a real job before becoming president is a PhotoShop

Really. He’s threatening legal action and everything. Ace has the story. [Shoulders shaking, church guffaw about to burst out.] Update, 1/2/2010, Sat.: Patterico, too: but ask dear Little Miss Attila, who also explains here why he might not be buying her a drink at this year’s CPAC.

A progressive's anti-Obama epic rant

Thanks to Instapundit for linking an anti-Obama epic rant by progressive political science professor David Michael Green — apparently, it smarts something fierce when the Kool-Aid wears off (boldfacing mine): Like any good progressive, I’ve gone from admiration to hope to disappointment to anger when it comes to this president. Now I’m fast getting to …

That was a lot of snow

Two feet of snow fell here on Saturday and I spent most of Sunday digging out the walkway and driveway. Then I spent the rest of Sunday and today recovering. However, I did read up a bit today on the Senate’s vote on the healthcare reform bill. I agree with the rants on HillBuzz — …

Obama hits a new low — in the polls, I mean, because with Obama and the expression 'new low,' you have to be specific

Today Obama built on his previous new lowest approval rating of -16 yesterday to plummet to his newest new low of -19 today. I wonder what is making American voters so testy with Obama — so “ungovernable.” (Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!) Wasn’t getting the Nobel Peace Prize in a box of Cracker Jacks on Dec. 10 supposed to …

Oprah gets temporary pass from under the bus to boost Obama's ratings — um, do a White House Christmas special

About the time that Oprah’s Dec. 13 ABC White House Christmas special with Barack and Michelle Obama was announced a couple of weeks ago, a tabloid newspaper ran a story about how puzzled and hurt Oprah was that even though she got Obama selected and elected as president, Obama would not accept her calls and …

Gen. McChrystal, Obama is behind you in Afghanistan 75 percent

As Iowahawk reports: Anyhoo, after receiving General McChrystal’s request, I carefully reviewed and focus tested it with some of the top military strategists of DailyKos and HuffingtonPost. As an alternative, they suggested sending a special force of 200 diversity-trained surrender consultants. After several months of careful deliberation, polling, and strategic golfing, I told the General …

'Please fire Kathleen Parker'

Dear Stacy asks today, “Is Kathleen Parker’s evil under-rated?” and provides his 2009 Evil Top 10 rankings. First — regarding Kathleen Parker: yes, Stacy. Yes, it is. My headline has quotes because one of the very first indications to me that I was becoming a fiscal conservative was that after one of her more egregious …

Ignoring Sarah Palin's job record versus ignoring Obama's

Daniel Blatt, aka Gay Patriot West, saw Gov. Palin being interviewed this week and discussing her interview in 2008 with Katie Couric. Gov. Palin said that Couric never asked her any questions about her record in Alaskan government as a mayor, commissioner and governor. Instead, Couric badgered Gov. Palin by asking the same questions on …

When the Left mocks Obama, come to find it's not racist

The Left has begun to mock Obama, who is the most pre-eminently mockable man ALIVE. Surprise! When the Left ridicules Obama, it’s not racist. Well, I’ll be. The video below is from The Onion, which has just caught up with the idea that a man who must have his every remark scripted and scrolled across …

Oprah picked Obama to be president and is surprised to be under the bus now that he doesn't need her any more

The National Enquirer reports today that Obama has thrown Oprah under the bus and set his wife, Michelle, up to take the blame. Oprah still does not understand what her idol really is so she has fallen for his ruse, which means she’s hurt and angry with Michelle but still all gooey and starry-eyed about …