'Obama is Hitler' — how dueling Hitlers led me to fiscal conservatism

I took a photo of a poster of Obama with a Hitler mustache at Sen. Ben Cardin’s ObamaCare town hall meeting in Towson, Maryland, without realizing how significant it was that the African man with the Muslim name who was holding it was standing so close to the LaRouche booth. I gather now that the …

White House confirms it is collecting opponents' e-mail addresses for intimidation campaign

White House assistant press secretary Bill Burton confirmed this morning in an interview with Megyn Kelly of Fox News that the White House started its snitch program for the purposes of intimidating opponents to ObamaCare and collecting their e-mail addresses to bombard them with re-education e-mails until they beg for mercy and bow to Obama’s …

Grassroots Demonstrations for Conservatives 101

Moe Lane presents his advice for conservatives on how to do grassroots demonstrations as, “How to ruin a professional agitation group’s day.” Regarding his suggestion to use cameras — I really love my Flip video camera and covet the new Flip UltraHD, which is very affordable, easy to use, records for 120 minutes and uses …

Just a Girl in Short Shorts has ended, but Becky says she'll be back

Becky, the libertarian lesbian lawyer and mother who blogged at Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever, declares today that she is ending her blog due to censorship imposed by Google last week, which has caused her traffic of 150,000 hits per month to crash. She tweeted this morning: The time has come …

Obama's healthcare reform bill outlaws private health insurance

Organizational Chart of House Democrats Health Plan – During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama promised healthcare reform where the uninsured would be covered through a government program while the insured would be allowed to keep their current plan. This assauged the fears of people happy with their current health insurance that Obama’s plan would not …

Unfounded porn complaints today shut down Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever

I came home from taking my father to the pool this afternoon and thought I’d see if there were any comments that I needed to approve before watering the tomatoes and starting dinner, when this urgent message changed my plans: Look what’s happened to the Just a Girl in Short Shorts blog: http://girlinshortshorts.blogspot.com It’s not …

Obama shows his total opposition to gay equality with DOMA brief

As soon as I knew about Obama’s 20-year allegiance to his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his Muslim up-bringing in Indonesia, his ties to the Muslim world and his support of illegal immigration — all groups that hate homosexuals and most of whom feel entitled to kill us, and some of whom believe they are obligated …

I'm OK with the whole outing gestalt

My take is that sunshine improves the level of discourse. I came out as a lesbian at the age of 18 in 1972, when it was dangerous and even life-threatening, so I know something about it. However, I do LOVE it that the animus against conservativism by liberals, which does force conservatives to lie about …

Bookworm has advice on how to talk to liberals

Bookworm’s advice on how to talk to liberals — if you want to be persuasive to them — is at her blog and American Thinker. She took a shellacking in the comments at American Thinker from conservatives who do not suffer fools gladly. I am sorry to see that. She replied by politely pointing out …

What SHE said

No, no, no — not Miss California, whose remarks opposing gay marriage were not all that polite after they were translated into all their death-dealing ramifications for the lives of lesbians and gays. It is the lesbians and gays who understood that translation who have gotten all snippy this week. I mean libertarian lesbian blogger …