The Six Best Ways to Stop Outlook from Double-Spacing Your E-mails

If it drives you crazy that Outlook seems to randomly double-space your double-spaced e-mails, making them quadruple-spaced, has the best explanation of the cause: When you press Enter while creating HTML email, Outlook inserts a paragraph tag (<p>), so two Enters (for white space between the paragraphs) inserts two <p> tags, which is double …

Horse riding fitness gizmo

It really just sells itself, doesn’t it? I should definitely get one for … my abs. From the YouTube description: From Korea, for those who like to ride the horse in front of TV and in home comfort of their own space. For all family member, this home mechanical equestrian system will meet for all …

Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside Yockey

  My beloved big grey cat, Beauregard Jackson Pickett Burnside Yockey, died in his sleep on June 30, 2012, at the age of 15 years and nine months. I raised him from his feral kittenhood and all his life I would hold him in my arms, stroke his chin and sleek his whiskers and tell …

Fight political terrorism by convicted felon Brett Kimberlin, Neal Rauhauser and Ron Brynaert

Stacy McCain of The Other McCain must have looked like easy pickins to progressive activist, convicted felon, Brett Kimberlin, the Speedway Bomber. After all, Kimberlin had been able to use the skills he’d acquired as a jailhouse lawyer in harassment and intimidation against bloggers Patterico (Patrick Frey), Liberty Chick, Aaron Walker (who blogged as “Aaron …

Bully terrorizes Christian teens while audience laughs

A more precise headline would be, “Bully terrorizes gay Christian children in anti-gay sermon while congregation laughs.” Seriously: gay children were in fear of their lives during the sermon by Pastor Sean Harris shown below. Another pastor wrote to the Fayette Observer that the gay and lesbian Christian teens she counsels not to kill themselves …

Earth Day: “If I wanted America to fail”

H/T Instapundit Thoughts for Earth Day: Oil only kills wildlife when there’s an accident, but wind energy kills birds, bats and insects — including the ones needed to pollinate crops — when the turbines are working as intended. And how do the wind farms kill birds and bats? The air pressure change near the turbines ruptures …

UPDATED: More proof the gay community runs on fiscal conservatism

Dear Stacy gloats about the supposed Leftist hypocrisy of Out magazine firing all its staffers and hiring back a select few to work as freelancers willing to work without health insurance, benefits and steady paychecks. Ha! This is really just more proof that the gay community is a model of applied fiscal conservatism. After all, …