My dad’s story about Oppenheimer’s Commie student and the Lawrence Radiation Lab

I’m finishing my clutter clearing and just came across a note I made in March 2008. My father, Hubert P. Yockey, became an experimental nuclear physicist at the University of California at Berkeley during World War II, studying under Robert Oppenheimer and Ernest Lawrence. (My parents met in Tennessee working on the Manhattan Project.) Dad …

Shredding sadness

Turning blockers into boosters, day 5: This morning I was enthusiastic about clearing clutter from the living room and den but had an instant change in my priorities when I found a flea on our cat, Polar Bear. One of my perennial blockers is the experience of an emergency, illness or even death of a …

The laundry room door revelation

Turning blockers into boosters, day 4: I didn’t do any blocker-transforming processes today. I figure the blocker to clear for that has to do with going to bed on time — I was up until 2 am reading conservative blogs, which meant I got up late and had trouble getting going. I spent most of …

More environmental blockers and a great treatment for generalized anxiety disorder

Turning Blockers into Boosters, Day 3: I haven’t been getting my weatherproofing done as quickly as I wanted to, but I was pleased to notice that I’m doing the tasks quicker and with less effort than they would have taken me even a year ago. Part of this is due to my weight loss, improved …

Environmental blockers

Turning Blockers into Boosters, Day 2: The textbook I recommend for readers joining me on this year-long quest to turn blockers into strengths defines blockers as “self-defeating habit patterns,” which generally were formed early in life but are not successful or appropriate for coping with adult challenges. Call these internal blockers. However, there are external …

Join me for a year of turning blockers into boosters

This year I’m committing to doing something every day to turn my blockers — self-defeating habits — into boosters: strengths that will support my success. The framework I’m using comes from the work of Stuart Lichtman. Check him out here. I recommend his e-books and courses. I started using his system in 2005. My results …