About Joy’s advice on how to talk to the now-undecided voter who supported Obama in 2008

Over at the Conservative Commune, Joy McCann has an excellent post on “How to talk to the undecided voter” who voted for Obama in 2008. I recommend reading it. This is the group that is unhappy with the current economy and unemployment rates — especially if their own unemployment rate is 100 percent — but …

In 2012 you can still be fired in 29 states due to your race or religion

Did I say you legally can be fired in 29 states in America due to your race or religion? Dang. I meant sexual orientation. You can be fired because you are gay, no matter how well you are doing your job, in 29 states. In America. While Obama is president and head of the Democratic …

Handy tips for using Facebook’s new timeline

On March 30, 2012, Facebook will change all profiles to its new “timeline” format. I found a graphic today explaining “10 Things You Need to Know about Revamped Facebook Pages,” but it is not embedding properly so I am just going to link it. What I like best about is that it tells you the …

Obama’s record on Israel

This video is about 30 minutes, but it is a handy summary of Obama’s record on Israel. It is important because what Obama says and what he promises always have to be tracked. What he says must be checked to see if it is consistent with other statements on that issue — or if what …

Bloggers remember Andrew Breitbart

I agree with all the praise of my fellow bloggers in this video for Andrew Breitbart — Stacy McCain, Chris “Smitthy” Smith, Sean Hackbarth, Tabitha Hale and others. Dear Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit, and his wife, Dr. Helen, came to the memorial for Andrew Breitbart at the offices of Americans for Tax Reform in Washington, D.C., …

Michelle Malkin’s newest blog mines Twitter, finds gold

Check out Michelle Malkin’s newest blog, Twitchy. What Twitchy does with Twitter — explained at Ms. Malkin’s blog here — is similar to what Memeorandum does with blogs and news websites. It’s a Twitter curation blog, which means her editors are pulling news on a spectrum of news categories onto a page that gives you a bird’s …

What I propose to protect conservatives under attack on Twitter

Bill Whittle says he thinks Twitter killed Andrew Breitbart because it let so many toxic people send their poison his way and he took them on directly. I was worried about just that problem for Andrew and spoke to him about it at CPAC 2010. Re-tweeting tweets that are especially toxic or looney does nothing …

At PJ Media I explain why marriage will be saved by marriage equality, not DOMA

My piece at PJ Media begins: “A meteor is threatening to destroy the institution of marriage, but it isn’t marriage equality.” For background, read the full decision from Feb. 22 by a federal judge that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.

Why Andrew Breitbart as a fiscal conservative activist was a better friend to gays than Barack Obama

I loved Andrew Breitbart and he was my friend. He died today of a heart attack at the age of 43. He leaves behind a wife, four children and generations of intellectual heirs determined to pick up the weapons that have fallen from his hands to win the fight for liberty, free markets, secure borders …