I don’t drink and seldom take painkillers stronger than ibuprofen or Excedrin Migraine, so sometimes I don’t listen to Obama’s speeches because there is only so much pain I can bear without chemical assistance. But dear Vodkapundit is made of sterner stuff. After fortifying himself for the task, Vodkapundit posted this contemporaneous account of Obama’s speech on Libya on Monday, and here is a delicious sip:
4:41PM In just one month we’ve done everything but get permission and money from your elected representatives.
Obama bragging about diplomatic and military speed. Dare we call it… a rush to war?
4:42PM NATO has taken command. And who has effective command of NATO? This is like a naked Ron Jeremy grabbing a pine needle and calling it a fig leaf.
It’s a lovely paradox that while Vodkapundit can blog while drinking, you can’t drink while reading Vodkapundit’s blog or you’ll be spraying your beverage all over your keyboard.
Who’s that cutie frustrating the drunk?
Dammit, Peter, you stole my quip. *sulks*
But seriously, Cynthia is adorable. (Is there any way to say that without it seeming like I’m hitting on her?)
Liz and Peter,
How kind of you! Actually, Liz, I always interpret praise as intended platonically and generally have absolutely no idea that I’ve been hit on, on the rare occasions when it happens. But I’m very grateful for your comments because I’m working on a series of YouTube videos right now that I plan to start rolling out in the next few days. Things that I know would improve my appearance are not in the budget right now–I just have to appear as I am with what I have right now. I’ll just have to look for all the blessings in that and be grateful that the issues pushing me to video are so important that they’re getting me through my stage fright.