How Robert Stacy McCain became irresistible to men

Thanks to the avalanche of comments rebutting my assertion that straight women’s porn is not photos of naked, hot men but rather photos of chocolate cakes, any other dessert and attractive women in stylish clothes, by which I mean Cuban Diva BFF going ballistic, today I have a delectable specimen of beefcake in the dripping wet person of Robert Stacy McCain, circa 1990:

Robert Stacy McCain, circa 1990
Robert Stacy McCain, circa 1990

Little Miss Attila advises that Stacy should favor solid-color Speedos over striped ones, but I have to disagree as this photo reveals to me for the first time that the rationale of the solid vs. striped Speedo may very well go along the lines of “check my biceps” vs. “check my package.” It does seem that Stacy brings the Godiva 140-piece gold ballotin, package-wise.

Yesterday was a mixed bag for dear Stacy, fame-wise. He was featured in Chris Muir’s “Day-by-Day” for his habit of speaking truth to dolts liberals socialists power:

Chris Muir spotlights Robert Stacy McCain, of "The Other McCain," on St. Patrick's Day.
Chris Muir spotlights Robert Stacy McCain, of "The Other McCain," on St. Patrick's Day.

However, Stacy holds unfortunate views on gay marriage, which is to say that he has fulminated against it recently, and thus the Google Gods of Karma, who count key phrases without remorse, drew their own conclusions and began to serve The Other McCain with ads like this on 3/15/09:

Thus the Google Gods of Karma smote Robert Stacy McCain for his opposition to gay marriage with ads for gay dating services.
Thus the Google Gods of Karma smote Robert Stacy McCain for his opposition to gay marriage with ads for gay dating services.

And served him again on 3/16/09:

How Robert Stacy McCain became irresistible to men, too: find your gay true love at The Other McCain.
How Robert Stacy McCain became irresistible to men, too: find your gay true love at The Other McCain.

So, in the spirit of fairness, since last week I described “How Stacy McCain became irresistible to women,” and with the above clear dripping-wet proof of the universal appeal of Robert Stacy McCain, I now also must declare him irresistible to men.

Update: Welcome, Legal Insurrection readers! My favorite article at American Thinker written by Prof. Jacobson and published on 10/19/2008 is his explanation of why he would be voting for McCain. And I am grateful to him for inventing the neologism, “Sapphic traffic,” to describe Web traffic inspired by my humble postings.

Update: Welcome, Little Miss Attila readers! And thank you, Joy, aka LMA, for your comments below!

Update: Welcome, The Other McCain readers! Stacy, thanks for the headline rotation! It takes a really big man to be so gracious! And thanks for making sure I was invited to the party! I am flabbergasted at how much better I am always treated by conservatives than I ever am in the lesbian community. But I’m still holding out for a spot under Little Miss Attila (Do. Not. Go. There!) in your testimonials. I want mine to read, ” ‘Stacy McCain … the envy of every man … irresistible to women.’ Cynthia Yockey, A Conservative Lesbian.” Come on, for the WTF value alone!

Update: Welcome, readers! Moe, it was a pleasure to meet you at the party! I’m glad you enjoyed this post!


11 responses to “How Robert Stacy McCain became irresistible to men”

  1. Robert Stacy McCain Avatar

    Thank you for acknowledging the universality of my appeal, Miss Yockey, but if you keep it up with this near-pornographic content, pretty soon Ross Douthat will become addicted to your blog.

  2. Joy McCann Avatar

    “Near pornographic”? Must we now go into the entire history of your blog’s photo gallery, Mr. McCain?

  3. […] his appeal is apparently quite Catholic. Share and Enjoy: These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and […]

  4. Robert Stacy McCain Avatar

    Oh, Attila, every time I check your SiteMeter, I marvel at the Hun girl’s endowment.

  5. […] …’round the blogs posts; but it is kind of funny that Cynthia Yockley’s (aka The Conservative Lesbian) poking of Stacey McCain’s condemnation of gay marriage caused him to disseminate a picture that now apparently makes for the most interesting automatic a*d* choices. […]

  6. Joy McCann Avatar

    Muir captured that so well . . . we should have him do one of Cynthia.

  7. […] Whatever he does, let’s hope he doesn’t show up for the Alabama event clad as he was in this photo. Share and […]

  8. […] Perhaps McCain is too distracted by nudity — or perhaps it’s a necessary evil to draw attention to the government’s response to our economic crisis.   Hopefully, he won’t see this billboard (courtesy of Glenn Reynolds) as he’s crossing the Tennessee state line on I-65 and inadvertently miss his speaking engagement. Whatever he does, let’s hope he doesn’t show up for the Alabama event clad as he was in this photo. […]

  9. […] my reply here and my lampoons, which have been taken in very good spirit by their target, here and here), so I am perplexed, civil dialog-wise. I do hope it just got overlooked when you were busy and […]

  10. […] used in its copy. It wasn’t that long ago that the gods of Google ads smote Stacy thusly for denouncing gay marriage too frequently: Gay singles ad on The Other McCain, […]