Huckabee slander of same-sex marriage didn't go as well as in the past

Former governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee, in an interview at The College of New Jersey, in Ewing, New Jersey, on Friday slandered same-sex marriage in terms that usually get him congratulations from his supporters and indignation from lesbians and gays, which results in more congratulations from his supporters, all of which Huckabee seems to feed …

No other actress could deliver a song or a rant like Dixie Carter

Actress and singer Dixie Carter died the morning of Saturday, April 10, at the age of 70. She is survived by her husband of 26 years, Hal Holbrook, and her daughters from her first marriage to businessman Arthur Carter (no relation), Mary Dixie and Ginna. When I checked Ms. Carter’s biography on Wikipedia, I was …

'Poland Is Not Yet Lost'

“Poland Is Not Yet Lost” is the title of the Polish national anthem — and today, this sad day that Poland’s president, his wife and dozens of Poland’s foremost civilian and military leaders died in an airplane crash in Russia that killed all 132 96 people on board, we grieve with the Polish people and pray …

Trap, neuter, return feral cats

This ABC News story describes a population boom of abandoned and feral cats in Miami. I expect the man they show trapping cats is taking them to be euthanized and they didn’t have the guts to say so. It is a pity that the woman they interviewed who is feeding homeless cats near her condo …

Sassy Gay Friend saves Desdemona

Sassy Gay Friend rescues Desdemona in Shakespeare’s “Othello”! But The Second City writers couldn’t pass up referring to Rossini’s opera, “Otello”! Frankly, I hope The Second City runs Sassy Gay Friend all the way through Shakespeare and then sends him on to rescue all the doomed heroes and heroines of tragic opera. Although it wouldn’t …

Singer Ricky Martin comes out as gay

I just noticed on Twitter that Perez Hilton tweeted that Ricky Martin has come out as a gay man. Good for him! Here is Ricky Martin’s announcement that he is a gay man from his official Web site: A few months ago I decided to write my memoirs, a project I knew was going to …

Obamacare has no privacy protections for electronic medical records

Watch the latest news video at Megan Kelly reminds viewers that an Obama supporter in Ohio’s state government used her access to government databases to publicize embarrassing details of the private life of Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, aka “Joe the Plumber.” Oh, and remember WHY the Obama campaign did that? Recall that Obama came to his …

Lady Gaga is first in the billion online video views club

Mashable reported a couple of days ago that Lady Gaga made history by becoming the first artist to have over one billion views of their online videos according to video analytics company, Visible Measures. I don’t go out or listen to the radio very much, so I had no idea who she was when she …