moar funny pictures Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is Obama’s Kryptonite.
Tag Archives: Sarah Palin
Liberal media bias and the debate where Sarah Palin trounced Joe Biden
moar funny pictures Toward the end of the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, the media bias in favor of Sen. Obama and Sen. Biden was so flagrant in covering up their faults and mistakes while exaggerating those of Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin, or just plain spreading lies and rumors without regard for the trust reposed …
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Yo! Krauthammer! Jonah Goldberg! Palin would be a better president RIGHT NOW than Obama ever will be
I posted my most recent “Fire David Letterman” kit on Friday, July 3, around 3 pm, and then saw something in my newsfeed (look to your right on this page) at Michelle Malkin’s site about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin having a news conference at that moment, possibly to announce her resignation. Gah! I immediately wrote …
Stop the lies about Sarah Palin
My posts about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin are attracting enough attention from people who don’t like her based on Palin Derangement Syndrome and lies, lies, lies that I realized I was going to have to do a ton of work to de-bunk the lies and provide the truth. Then I spotted someone visiting from a …
Obama, the economy and that creek he's led us up
moar funny pictures H/T to Instapundit for these helpful insights at from Richard Berner on “America’s Fiscal Train Wreck.” Update, 7/07/09: My thanks to The Other McCain for the headline link to this post. If you thought it was funny, click “Home” at the top of the page for the one posted after it. …
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Attorney refutes allegations of federal investigation into Sarah Palin over Wasilla Sports Complex
Sarah Palin Not Under Investigation Release for 7-4-09-1
Pondering Palin Derangement Syndrome
The first thing that Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin did to earn my love and respect was to thank Geraldine Ferraro and honor Hillary Clinton in her speech when Arizona Sen. John McCain announced in Dayton, Ohio, that she would be his running mate — it’s at about 3:30 into the video. There she was, a …
Palin for president in 2012
My reaction to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s announcement today that she will step down on July 25 is that I hope to God she will devote all her energy to winning the presidency in 2012. My reaction to my newly fellow conservatives and Republicans is that with friends like you, her enemies can relax. Sarah …
How to bring the campaign to FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN to your local Tea Party
moar funny pictures If you want conservatives to be able to field the best and brightest candidates, there’s something you can do at your Tea Party to make that happen: send the message that sexism and attacks on the children of people you disagree with are career suicide. The way to do that is to …
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Fear of losing the Down syndrome boogey-fetus sends Wonkette on vendetta against a one-year-old child with disabilities
Over at Legal Insurrection, Prof. Jacobson has the scoop on Wonkette’s escalating a recent PhotoShopped image attack on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s one-year-old son who has Down syndrome, Trig Palin. Gov. Palin and her husband, Todd, knew during her pregnancy that Trig would be born with Down syndrome, but due to their pro-life beliefs, made …