Best video round-up of Obama's broken promises is on — Comedy Central?

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Stealth Care Reform Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Jon Stewart at Comedy Central has pulled together the best collection of videos of Obama making campaign pledges that he never intended to keep, which some people uncharitably, but accurately, …

Charles Johnson outraged that a Democrat's photo attempt to prove Obama ever had a real job before becoming president is a PhotoShop

Really. He’s threatening legal action and everything. Ace has the story. [Shoulders shaking, church guffaw about to burst out.] Update, 1/2/2010, Sat.: Patterico, too: but ask dear Little Miss Attila, who also explains here why he might not be buying her a drink at this year’s CPAC.

Evolution deniers SHOULD be run out of academia AND Hubert Yockey supports evolution

I just clicked a link in a Google Alert with my father’s named misspelled and it turns out someone has written a book claiming it is a terrible injustice that people who deny evolution are not being admitted to Ph.D. programs in biology because this cheats them of the credential they need to teach the …

That was the year that was

Once upon a time, when I read newspapers, specifically, the Washington Post, I loved Dave Barry’s column, especially his annual review of the past year. My favorite joke from one of these is from 1997. Early in the piece Barry writes that foreign car manufacturers have agreed to level the playing field against American carmakers …

Obama hits a new low — in the polls, I mean, because with Obama and the expression 'new low,' you have to be specific

Today Obama built on his previous new lowest approval rating of -16 yesterday to plummet to his newest new low of -19 today. I wonder what is making American voters so testy with Obama — so “ungovernable.” (Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!) Wasn’t getting the Nobel Peace Prize in a box of Cracker Jacks on Dec. 10 supposed to …

'Nobody's gonna rain on my blog tirade'

I love The Bloggess and had no idea she has such a lovely singing voice! I’m going to have to start watching “Glee.” And going to bed on time — by coincidence, it was exactly 1:26 am here when The Bloggess said she was up at 1:26 am. Update, 12/13/09, Sunday: See another side of …