You know who should be live blogging the SOTU? Republican members of Congress! THAT would be TEH AWESOME!!!

(H/T a commenter at Perfunction, which has other versions of this photo from the White House’s Flickr feed that are just as hilarious. Via Ace.) I just read Michelle Malkin’s post that Joe Wilson will be the first member of Congress to answer a State of the Union address with a live video post from …

UPDATED — Just a reminder before Obama's State of the Union speech

It turns out Barack Obama is not a magic Negro. It turns out there’s no such thing as a magic Negro. Dang. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The First 364 Days 23 Hours Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Watch this from Charles Krauthammer …

Photo proof Ellie Light is real — AND, she's written to Little Miss Attila

Well, the Right blogosphere is all aflutter today — Ellie Light is real! We have found her Facebook photo (above), AND she has written identical missives to Little Miss Attila, Dan Riehl (here and here) and other bloggers all proclaiming her reality and scathingly deriding the Right’s skepticism that she exists. Well, Obama got into …

What The Bloggess brought to her daughter's school to celebrate Multi-Cultural Day

All right, first of all, I’ll wait for all the heads to finish exploding over a Texas school celebrating “Multi-Cultural Day.” OK, then. Next, I will remind you that Jenny, The Bloggess, is my dear friend and that I invented the acronym PFNFNDHTIN (pee first, no food, no drinks, have tissues and inhaler nearby) to …