You gots to love like you've never been hurt

A few days ago I posted a photo from LOL Cats that had captured my heart because of its unity of joy, silence and motion. I captioned it, “You gots to dance like no one is watchin.” I was thinking of a quote I’d heard at a Realtor seminar and attributed then to Louis Armstrong as, “You’ve got to dance like no one is watching, sing like no one is listening, love like you’ve never been hurt and work like you don’t need the money.”

I’ve captioned a couple more LOL Cat photos to go with the quote. But I thought I’d take a few moments to track down the real quote and its source. Here’s what I found at from Nostromo, Quoteland Potentate:

I contacted Mr. Purkey asking him (here is the beginning of my message to him):
Are you the author of a quote that goes something like:
“Dance like no one is watching,
Work like you don’t need the money…”

and this is his reply:

Dear John,

Thanks for your note regarding the quote. It is
obvious that the theme has worked its way through many minds.
I certainly want to give credit to those who have tinkered with this beautiful concept.
My version follows. I am sure that most of the words are mine.
“You’ve gotta’ dance like there’s nobody watching,
Love like you’ll never be hurt.
Sing like there’s nobody listening,
And live like it’s heaven on earth.”
(And speak from the heart to be heard.)
Hope this helps.
Best wishes,

William W. Purkey
Wed 6/13/01 8:31 AM

I’ll be on the look-out for photos that speak to me about “Sing like there’s nobody listening” and “Live like it’s heaven on earth” and maybe even “Speak from the heart to be heard.” In the meantime, here is a reprise of “You’ve got to dance like no one is watching” and my LOL Cats for “You’ve got to love like you’ve never been hurt” and “Work like you don’t need the money”:

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Drop it, G.O.P.! Intelligent Design IS re-branded Creationism

Social conservatives and Republicans who support the propaganda that Intelligent Design is scientific are destroying the credibility of the G.O.P. as a supporter of the scientific method, just as Charles Johnson says today (and almost every day) at Little Green Footballs. This matters because fiscal conservatives must use science to defeat the specious science used to support the fear-mongering that is the campaign against global warming, now re-branded at climate change. Like changing isn’t what the climate DOES. The G.O.P. must drop its support of faith masquerading as science in order to be credible in its support of the real science regarding the climate and the environment.

However, I have to admit, legitimate scientists are not helping very much to burnish the reputation of science because their search for the origin of life is based on the complete failure to grasp simple principles of coding theory. The short version of the explanation is that you cannot look back from a 20-letter alphabet of amino acids to a 64-letter alphabet of codons. This means the origin of life is an axiom of biology just as much as the origin of matter is an axiom of physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc. The origin of life is unknowable. That is what should be taught about the origin of life. All of the scientific scenarios for the origin of life that currrently exist and that may be proposed in the future are based on faith just as much as Intelligent Design and Creationism and must therefore be rejected as well.

Mom and Dad are fighting

My fairy blogparents, Little Miss Attila and Robert Stacy McCain, of The Other McCain, both came after me on Saturday, May 9, from different angles. In “Sorry, Cynthia,” Little Miss Attila disagreed with me on the practice of outing, while Stacy pondered, “Could Cynthia Yockey double her chances for a date on Saturday night?” I was relieved and flattered by Stacy’s post since I had gone after him a few days before with “Robert Stacy McCain vows to kill his gay children on a hill,” — in which I reminded opponents of gay marriage that their vitriol against gays will damage their relationship with their gay children and may cause their child’s death — and I was worried he wasn’t speaking to me — or worse, not linking me. Nothing says love in the blogosphere like links. It was a couple of days before I realized he also might have been coveting Google dominance on some key phrases that include the word “lesbian,” but I am a practical woman and traffic is traffic.

However, I did get a bit of a giggle on Monday when war broke out between Little Miss Attila and Stacy over the vexed question of the relative amount of awesomeness required to write for newspapers as opposed to magazines. I won’t pick sides but I will tell you that both Stacy and I were newspaper reporters.

Mother's Day and Marie Osmond's lesbian daughter

Just in time for Mother’s Day, Marie Osmond modeled how a devout Christian mother should behave toward her openly lesbian daughter — with respect, love and support. She asserts her own beliefs but also supports her daughter in being herself and speaking for herself. She is not letting anyone shame her or her daughter. Those are real family values.

AfterEllen has the story and photos.

Here’s the part of the interview of Marie Osmond from Monday, May 4, 2009, with Mark Wallengren of KOST 103.5 FM Los Angeles, that is about her lesbian daughter, Jessica:

funny pictures of cats with captions
see more Lolcats and funny pictures

The hot dog vendor must have had Obama's favorite Dijon mustard

I respect Prof. William Jacobson and enjoy his blog, Legal Insurrection, very much. I was just giving my site meter a glance before turning in for the night and noticed that practically all my traffic is coming from Legal Insurrection. Thank you, Prof. Jacobson! He is honoring me as his “Blog of the Day”!

I also see, from perusing Legal Insurrection, that Prof. Jacobson inadvertently has stirred up quite the hornet’s nest with his posts here, here and here about the media going to bat to cover up Obama’s cluelessness and elitism at a photo op with both Obama and Joe Biden that was apparently aimed at showing what regular guys they are. For the photo op, they drove from Washington, D.C., to Arlington, Virginia, for a bite to eat at Ray’s Hell Burger. Obama ordered a burger and asked for spicy mustard. AT. A. BURGER.JOINT. Because he is such a regular guy.

Well, Prof. Jacobson was brave enough to wade into hot water with me by linking my April Fool’s post, so with this post I am walking right into the hot water he’s in now for challenging MSNBC’s effort to suppress Obama’s clueless, elitist request.

Oh, and I’m bumping up the photo below, just to make sure everyone sees it. If you have trouble reading the caption, it says, “Suddenly, Michelle got a sinking feeling that activism wasn’t the only thing Barack experimented with in college.” As my headline says, the hot dog vendor must have had Obama’s favorite Dijon mustard:

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I wish I were the one who wrote that caption, but I’m not.

Update, May 9: Welcome, visitors from The Other McCain! I was afraid Stacy wasn’t speaking to me because of this warning I gave him about the potential unintended consequences of opposition to gay marriage. I am delighted to find that he is as comfortable taking it as he is dishing it out. I have to admit, that’s my kind of man!

Update, May 9: Welcome, Instapundit visitors! It’s an honor! Since you came for humor, please check out my “Humor” category for more laughs. I have a number of other photos and posts you might enjoy! Also, you might be interested in my posts on why sociopathy is the explanation for all of Obama’s contradictions: “Understanding  Obama,” “The chilling explanation of why Obama is cool,” and “Why ridicule is Obama’s Kryptonite.”

Update, May 11: Welcome, visitors from Protein Wisdom. I gather I made a provocative reply to a comment. Oh, well — in for a penny, in for a pound: check the comments for more.

Update, May 11: Thank you, Conservative Grapevine and John Hawkins of Right Wing News, for linking this post today, and welcome Conservative Grapevine readers!

Update, May 11: Welcome, readers from Clever S.logan, who included me in a linky-love round-up that is so boffo that it has been Instalanched!

It's the first thing we think of because so often it is true

Over at Hot Air Allahpundit has a short piece on the gossip blog TMZ publicizing details of the divorce papers from Carrie Prejean’s parents. Apparently it was quite the dirty fight and included back-and-forths about who was gay or had gay friends or relatives.

Allah writes:

Usually the very first bit of mud to be thrown at a conservative critical of gays is the charge that they’re gay themselves and are channeling their denial into “hate.”

Actually, Allah, we say that because it is so often true — just click your heels together three times and say, “Robert Bauman, Robert Bauman, Robert Bauman” — or “Ted Haggard, Ted Haggard, Ted Haggard” or “Barbara Mikulski, Barbara Mikulski, Barbara Mikulski” — but I don’t think we say they are channeling their denial into hate. That’s because what we really see them doing is channeling their denial into passing as straight in order to obtain the perks that people in the U.S. with ALL their civil rights enjoy. Lots of lesbians and gays do this by getting married. But some take it to extremes and found anti-gay organizations or take anti-gay political stances.

We are not making up this charge about them. These closeted gays come to us as parasites and predators in order to get laid, so we see both their identities while you do not. There are still gays and gay organizations who pledge to keep their secret and let them do their work of destroying the lives of innocent people by fighting to deny equal rights to lesbians and gays and of encouraging parents to throw out their lesbian and gay children — as Alan Keyes did to his lesbian teenage daughter Maya in 2005 for the crime of addressing a Maryland rally about the life-threatening consequences to gay and lesbian teens of being thrown out by their parents — all for the BEING crime of homosexuality. As long as these lesbians and gays and their organizations promise anti-gay closeted gays complicity in hiding their true sexual orientation — the latest one to announce this policy is GOProud — it looks like we’ll have a steady supply of this type of destructive duplicity for the foreseeable future.

I find one of the rationales for this to be just plain crazy — that your personal life has nothing to do with your professional life. Huh? Try establishing rapport with anyone without being able to say anything about your personal life. It’s difficult-to-impossible. Imagine having to police every word you say and everything you do so you don’t give out information about your dating life or life partner. Wear a wedding ring and see how many conversations new acquaintances and clients use it to start the process of getting to know you. If your personal life is so private, no one should wear wedding rings! Imagine straight politicians never using their families to establish what regular Joes or Janes they are. The thing that is nobody’s business about your personal life is that no one should get a vote to make you a second-class citizen for the BEING crime of homosexuality.

Update, May 9: Little Miss Attila objects to outing and I clarify my remarks above in my comment on her post. I thought she was reacting to another recent post I wrote about the move Outrage, but she was addressing the one above.

My forbidden love with Joe the Plumber is OVER

Cynthia Yockey with Joe the Plumber on Feb. 26, 2009, at CPAC in Washington, D.C.
Cynthia Yockey with Joe the Plumber on Feb. 26, 2009, at CPAC in Washington, D.C.

I have Charles Johnson’s blog, Little Green Footballs, in my newsfeed (look right) so that it is easy for me to keep an eye on his coverage of Creationism and Intelligent Design. As it happens, I have original correspondence and drafts supporting his recent denunciation of Melanie Phillips’ column in favor of Intelligent Design, which truly is re-branded religion, but he won’t have anything to do with me, which I assume is because it was my father’s work that was appropriated and distorted to start the Intelligent Design bushwa in the first place in spite of his explicit opposition. (My father is Hubert P. Yockey, for more info see the blog I started for him at Oh, well, Charles, my door is open if you ever want to talk.

However, because I keep an eye on Charles and LGF, I found out about Joe the Plumber weighing in on the controversy on gay marriage this week in a post titled “Joe the Plumber speaks out against ‘Queers.’ “ Joe said:

I’ve had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn’t have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they’re people, and they’re going to do their thing.

I boldfaced the “area of concern,” as Rachel Lucas would say.

When I met Joe at CPAC, he was very kind and told me he enjoyed the remarks I made at the first Conservatism 2.0 meeting. His publisher’s booth was near Blogger’s Row and when I stopped to buy his book, Joe remembered me and made a point of searching out a copy he had not yet signed so he could do a special autograph for me. I do love the man and his do-right character. He is working hard to educate himself on the issues, which I respect. I am shocked that more hasn’t been done by the Republican Party and/or conservative organizations to bring him on board in a salaried position and get him up to speed. I think he has the potential to be an asset for the long haul.

I believe one day, because Joe is a “do right” man with an intelligent mind and a warm, valiant heart, he will see lesbians and gays as individuals when he is deciding whether we are suitable company for his children and make his decision on the basis of each individual’s character. Perhaps Joe will be like the TV character Andy Sipowicz from NYPD Blue, who was worried about letting his squad’s administrative assistant, whom he called “Gay John,” babysit for his young son. He asked around the squad and got good character references for John, and then did allow him to babysit because AS AN INDIVIDUAL, John was a good man who would never harm a child.

In real life, lesbians and gays may actually be better to children than straight people. We set up organizations to help teens who are homeless because their parents threw them out when they found out they were gay. We also adopt the children straight people have thrown away. We work for the right to adopt because the joys and challenges of raising children enrich one’s life. (I notice some religions seem to encourage their members to adopt in an effort to increase their numbers and their church’s power and wealth. However, there is no corollary motive for gays — we do not adopt for the purpose of increasing the numbers and power of the gay rights movement. ) Also, when we have life partners who have children, when we can be their children’s adoptive parents then the children have more security for life because they have another parent legally committed to them. And also, then we can pick the children up from school, manage their medical care and transport the children without risking being detained by police until our status in their life can be determined.

So, Joe, one day I hope you know enough about life, about people and about lesbians and gays to make decisions on us as individuals. However, until then, it’s over between you and me.

Update: I am so grateful to find this comment about Joe the Plumber’s anti-gay remark from Roger Simon, founder of Pajamas Media.