No equality for me despite an ancestor that served at Valley Forge with Washington

It is Memorial Day and I do wish to honor all the members of our armed services, living and dead. But I am going to have to start insisting on having me all of that equality they talked about today that every other citizen has, and, frankly, practically every illegal alien, too. I attend Memorial …

My civil dialogue with Gay Patriot on same-sex marriage and marriage equality for lesbians and gays

Gay Patriot has a post from May 18 about Carrie Prejean, same-sex marriage and civil dialogue — my comment in reply is so long that I am posting it here first: The rights that come with legally-recognized marriage are so many and various that it will never be possible to stipulate all of them in …

Alan Keyes and Randall Terry at Notre Dame graduation fight for the unborn since 'you can always abandon or kill them later and if they're gay, not one conservative will utter a word against you'

Failed Republican perennial candidate Alan Keyes and pro-life advocate Randall Terry have been participating in demonstrations against Pres. Obama and his support of abortion at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana, where Obama is speaking today at the graduation ceremony and receiving an honorary degree. Both Keyes AND Terry are not famous for abandoning …

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Michael Steele has got to go

You don’t just know a minority has arrived when one of its members — Barack Obama — becomes president. Or — Michael Steele — head of a major political party. The real sign of having arrived for a minority is for its members to start bashing on the gay people who truly believed the rainbow …

Mother's Day and Marie Osmond's lesbian daughter

Just in time for Mother’s Day, Marie Osmond modeled how a devout Christian mother should behave toward her openly lesbian daughter — with respect, love and support. She asserts her own beliefs but also supports her daughter in being herself and speaking for herself. She is not letting anyone shame her or her daughter. Those …

It's the first thing we think of because so often it is true

Over at Hot Air Allahpundit has a short piece on the gossip blog TMZ publicizing details of the divorce papers from Carrie Prejean’s parents. Apparently it was quite the dirty fight and included back-and-forths about who was gay or had gay friends or relatives. Allah writes: Usually the very first bit of mud to be …

My forbidden love with Joe the Plumber is OVER

I have Charles Johnson’s blog, Little Green Footballs, in my newsfeed (look right) so that it is easy for me to keep an eye on his coverage of Creationism and Intelligent Design. As it happens, I have original correspondence and drafts supporting his recent denunciation of Melanie Phillips’ column in favor of Intelligent Design, which …

Robert Stacy McCain vows to kill his gay children on a hill

Robert Stacy McCain has six children, ages five to 19. He has written repeatedly that opposing equal marriage rights for lesbians and gays is a “hill to die on” for social conservatives. I don’t know if any of them are gay. But, then again, neither does he. Why do social conservatives always forget that at …

Carrie Prejean believes in marriage, just not THAT much

Update: Linked from Hot Air’s Green Room — thank you! — see below. I took a pleasant jaunt down to the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., yesterday to see Carrie Prejean headline a press conference for the new TV spot against gay marriage by the National Organization for Marriage (NOM). Ms. Prejean is Miss …

Oh noes!!! I lost my gay agenda!!!

moar funny pictures Gentle readers, with all the talk about Miss California and gay marriage and the gay agenda over the past 10 days, I realized I hadn’t looked at my gay agenda in ages. I thought I’d better dig it out and read it again because I don’t remember it saying anything like what …