Vodkapundit drunkblogs Obama’s Libya speech — and sticks the landing

I don’t drink and seldom take painkillers stronger than ibuprofen or Excedrin Migraine, so sometimes I don’t listen to Obama’s speeches because there is only so much pain I can bear without chemical assistance. But dear Vodkapundit is made of sterner stuff. After fortifying himself for the task, Vodkapundit posted this contemporaneous account of Obama’s …

Sassy Gay Friend rescues Cleta Mitchell

Did I forget to finish the Cleta Mitchell story I started after dear Christopher Barron characterized her in an unflattering way in the interview he and Jimmy LaSalvia gave to Metro Weekly that was published on Feb. 9 during CPAC? For some reason, several months of being on the receiving end of Ms. Mitchell’s scorched …

New troll policy courtesy of The Bloggess

I am instituting a new troll policy, which is inspired by my dear friend Jennifer Lawson, The Bloggess: … sadly, there are always assholes in the world. In fact, some of them have computers and use them to troll the Internet and viciously attack people they’ve never even met. When I first started blogging, I …

Oo-oo, child, things are going to get easier

Via my dear friend, Jenny, The Bloggess, a couple of days ago I found the blog of a young lesbian who is in seminary on the ordination track to be a Lutheran minister — thus the name of her blog, Emm in Sem: Gay marriage isn’t revolutionary. It’s just the next step in marriage’s evolution. …