Hot guy booed from stage for anti-gay rant at … CPAC?

Smokin’ hot dude Ryan Sorba had barely launched into an anti-gay rant at CPAC around 6 pm, ET, Friday evening when the audience began to boo. And boo and boo and boo. Astonished but defiant, Sorba continued his rant and began to remove articles of clothing until he was stripped down to just a tight …

Obama is a sociopath and ridicule is his Kryptonite

moar funny pictures Most of the action here over the last few days, in terms of traffic, has been for a post I wrote last February about ridicule being Obama’s Kryptonite (see below for the link). It was relevant to a post Jonah Goldberg wrote at National Review Online’s “The Corner” about Obama having a …

Advice on sex tapes for Rielle Hunter

The Bloggess has advice on making sex tapes — “Don’t!” — but since the sex DVD of Rielle Hunter and John Edwards has just come to public awareness and I hear tell you only can recognize John Edwards, I think it’s only common decency to bring items seven through 10 on re-dubbing the sound track …

Just like me, T. Coddington Van Voorhees VII plays the bassoon

That’s how Iowahawk’s guest blogger this week knows Obama’s State of the Union address was a symphony: In those astonishing 75 minutes that held an entire nation rapt, Mr. Obama transcended the earthly bounds of mere oratory; it was the music of Heaven itself, and only the language of music can sufficiently describe his sheer …

UPDATED — Just a reminder before Obama's State of the Union speech

It turns out Barack Obama is not a magic Negro. It turns out there’s no such thing as a magic Negro. Dang. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The First 364 Days 23 Hours Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Watch this from Charles Krauthammer …

Photo proof Ellie Light is real — AND, she's written to Little Miss Attila

Well, the Right blogosphere is all aflutter today — Ellie Light is real! We have found her Facebook photo (above), AND she has written identical missives to Little Miss Attila, Dan Riehl (here and here) and other bloggers all proclaiming her reality and scathingly deriding the Right’s skepticism that she exists. Well, Obama got into …

Brown WON!!!

moar funny pictures Massachusetts member of Congress Barney Frank had a much classier reaction to Scott Brown’s victory than I expected, which is quoted at the American Spectator blog by Philip Klein: Rep. Barney Frank is not a wobbly moderate in a marginal district, but a liberal Democrat who has been supportive of the health …