Republican candidate in Virginia supports homosexual equality

Over the last year I’ve started to see the Democratic party as an organization that makes promises to idealistic people that it doesn’t intend to keep in order to get their support. Now I’m not surprised that I couldn’t cash in any Democrat/liberal promises like wheelchair access to an annual lesbian event for my life …

Homosexual equality has nothing to do with slippery slopes

Dear Prof. William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection sent me a heads-up on his latest post on Newsweek’s story on polyamory in its current issue. I didn’t notice in Newsweek’s story any call for polygamous marriages by the polyamory movement. Marriage is an option for them and it appears they are just consistent and organized …

The Obama Prevarication Predictor — UPDATED

moar funny pictures Obama, as a man without a conscience — that is, a sociopath — whose overriding goal in life is to dominate everyone and everything, who does not have the ability to feel empathy and whose cool, calm demeanor is based on the fact that there are very few emotions that sociopaths genuinely …

Obama shows his total opposition to gay equality with DOMA brief

As soon as I knew about Obama’s 20-year allegiance to his pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his Muslim up-bringing in Indonesia, his ties to the Muslim world and his support of illegal immigration — all groups that hate homosexuals and most of whom feel entitled to kill us, and some of whom believe they are obligated …

I predicted Carrie Prejean would be fired

I only had to spend a few minutes at a press conference with Carrie Prejean to be able to predict she would be fired as Miss California. She was in breach of her contract as Miss California in early May, as I pointed out then. Here is my comment in its entirety, which I made …

Equality for homosexuals is as American as apple pie

In my recent post, “Bookworm has advice on how to talk to liberals,” I wrote, “social conservatives, who believe I do not deserve equality as a U.S. citizen because I am a lesbian,” which prompted an objection by a gentle reader named Mary Beth. I wrote a reply that was detailed enough to deserve its …

California state Supreme Court rules in favor of Prop 8

At his blog, Legal Insurrection, Cornell law professor William Jacobson has an even-handed analysis of today’s decision by the state Supreme Court of California upholding Prop. 8, which banned same-sex marriage by defining marriage as a union of one man and one woman. (See here for the decision.) Prof. Jacobson writes, “The Court rejected the …

No equality for me despite an ancestor that served at Valley Forge with Washington

It is Memorial Day and I do wish to honor all the members of our armed services, living and dead. But I am going to have to start insisting on having me all of that equality they talked about today that every other citizen has, and, frankly, practically every illegal alien, too. I attend Memorial …

My civil dialogue with Gay Patriot on same-sex marriage and marriage equality for lesbians and gays

Gay Patriot has a post from May 18 about Carrie Prejean, same-sex marriage and civil dialogue — my comment in reply is so long that I am posting it here first: The rights that come with legally-recognized marriage are so many and various that it will never be possible to stipulate all of them in …

Hey, hey, ho, ho, Michael Steele has got to go

You don’t just know a minority has arrived when one of its members — Barack Obama — becomes president. Or — Michael Steele — head of a major political party. The real sign of having arrived for a minority is for its members to start bashing on the gay people who truly believed the rainbow …