Social isolation now shown to be harmful to physical health as well as mental health

Yikes! I’m trying to figure out how long I’ve been socially isolated and it’s in the range of 18-to-25 years. I’ll be 57 in October, so that’s most of my adult life. It’s been for lots of reasons — Margaret’s multiple sclerosis, my undiagnosed obstructive sleep apnea (because it reduced my energy and earning power), …

Save Stogie from foreclosure

Last year when Stacy McCain was under attack by the Left, Stogie helped to rout the attackers thanks to his personal knowledge that they were using bogus charges. Now Stogie is in trouble — he has been out of work for over a year. His savings have run out. He has missed his July mortgage …

‘I’m very happy in my old age’

Dad had severe back pain in June and part of the treatment has been physical therapy for him in a swimming pool. The practice treating him has a deal with the health club where we belong to use one of their pools, so I go work out on one of the elliptical machines while Dad …

Tarnation! This h’yar algorithm says …

I write like Mark Twain I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing! Dear Matthew Vadum, who writes like Mario Puzo, put me up to this thanks to a post of his I spotted in my Facebook newsfeed last night. Then dear Dan Collins of POWIP inspired me to mosey over to …

Apparently there are instructions for how to upgrade to WordPress 3.0 for a reason

Bottomline: that seductive looking “Upgrade” button in the WordPress dashboard that makes you think you can get away with just clicking it — and lulls you into a false sense of security by saying the upgrade was successful — do NOT click it unless you’ve done all the tasks in the WordPress Codex instructions for …

The right to turn off a pacemaker

I was browsing Twitter this morning and spotted a tweet by Jimmy Bise linking a post by Stacy McCain, who was connecting a New York Times piece about anosognosia to choice of political parties. “Anosognosia” describes the dilemma where you don’t know what you don’t know, which is why stupid people are not smart enough …

Ace: 'Facts change minds'

Ace has written a couple of excellent posts about what Congressman Joe Barton should have said instead of apologizing the BP CEO Tony Heyward. I particularly like the following observation from Ace, which he added after his list of questions that Congressman Barton should have asked Mr. Heyward (boldfacing mine): Arguments don’t change mind. Theories …

I'm AWOL until the tomatoes are planted

I expect to finish getting my heirloom tomatoes planted tomorrow. I am sorry I’ve been AWOL most of the last week. I’m also sorry I thought the “Thrust in the Lord” post was funny — I have vacillated about deleting it but I think it will be better to update it with my apology and …

I planted seven kinds of basil today

Late this afternoon I planted seven kinds of basil: Genovese basil aka basil, large leaf Italian basil, mammoth basil, Siam Queen (Thai) basil, cinnamon basil, lemon basil and lime basil. What? I like basil. And it is particularly scrumptious with heirloom tomatoes. I remember the first time I saw herb plants could come in so …