I’ve spent most of the last few days figuring out how to cope with Hurricane Irene. My biggest concern is that we could lose our electricity because my father and I both have obstructive sleep apnea and use respirators to keep our airways open while we sleep. Dad is 95 and could die. I will …
Category Archives: About Cynthia Yockey
Restoring lost posts
On Saturday I will finish manually restoring the posts from Aug. 11 to Sept. 16 that were lost by my web host. Then I will resume posting. I have more to say about Marcus Bachmann, my piece in The Advocate explaining why I think gay equality will come from the Right, and what I think …
Technical difficulties and my op-ed for The Advocate on why gay equality will come from the Right
This morning this blog experienced technical difficulties and when it was restored came back missing my posts from Aug. 11 to Sept. 16. These include my posts on Marcus Bachmann and my op-ed for The Advocate on why gay equality will come from the Right. I have been able to save the posts, but not …
Instapundit turns 10
University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds celebrates the tenth anniversary of his blog, Instapundit, born Aug. 8, 2001, and I wish him and his blog every blessing (and hope one day earn a spot in his blogroll). He was one of the first bloggers I saw at CPAC 2009 speaking with Vodkapundit, Stephen …
The 25 most unlikely Palin fans
I just noticed for the first time that Conservatives4Palin has a series entitled, “The 25 most unlikely Palin fans,” with Kevin DuJan of HillBuzz being profiled today as number 7. I don’t know why I can’t get anyone from Conservatives4Palin to answer my e-mails, although it’s been a year since I last tried — perhaps …
Moe, my rule of tipping is that 20 percent …
… is the minimum tip in all circumstances unless the server deliberately sets you on fire. If the fire is accidental, then the tip is still 20 percent. What? I was schooled on tipping by girlfriends in college who were waitresses.
For night owls who feel groggy all day after a full night’s sleep
I know perfectly well the principle of ayurveda that one of the worst things I can do for my health is to go to bed after 10 pm. At both mid-day and midnight, the hours between 10 and 2 are pitta time — the natural principle associated with metabolism. Pitta is strongest at noon and …
Continue reading “For night owls who feel groggy all day after a full night’s sleep”
UPDATED — If nominated, I will run, if elected …
I will serve. Update, 7/9/11: Click for Maryland’s requirements for filing to be a candidate for U.S. Senate. The deadlines haven’t been updated yet for the 2012 election, so I assume the final deadline for filing is early July 2012. So I am going to let my readers decide: if I can raise at least …
Continue reading “UPDATED — If nominated, I will run, if elected …”
Obesity and sleep
Dear Attila is musing tonight on why people become overweight and proposes two explanations. I agree with her, but want to add a third — sleep deprivation. Luckily, the Los Angeles Times published a story this week explaining, “Lack of sleep contributing to obesity” (boldfacing mine): “You’re fighting against the tide to lose weight when …
Conservative arguments for gay equality
Yesterday evening I took my father to see our local minor league team, the Ironbirds, and when we got home we watched an episode of “Columbo,” one of my father’s favorite TV shows, through the magic of Wii and streaming Netflix. Dad loves how Peter Falk springs the trap on the murderer. I am saddened …