The Hammond Song by The Roches

The popular music performers that Margaret and I loved to go see in concert were Joan Armatrading, Betty (the group) and The Roches. Betty moved to New York in the mid-80’s I think, so we only saw them once or twice, but we saw Joan Armatrading and The Roches several times over the years. I’ve …

My darling HillBuzz boyz, don't just leave the Democrats, JOIN the Republicans

I am up way past my bedtime, but I just got quite the shot of adrenaline from seeing in my newsfeed the following headline from HillBuzz: “We are very close to no longer being Democrats.” My darlings — I love you with all my heart — as Ronald Reagan said — you are not leaving …

Proven technology for producing peace

This is a video from 1990 of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, the founder of the Transcendental Meditation program, explaining how the Maharishi Effect can create peace and positive trends. The Maharishi Effect begins when any given population has at least one percent practicing the Transcendental Meditation program twice a day, or the square root of one …

Hot Voodoo

I was reminded of this performance by Marlene Dietrich by a post by Reclusive Leftist, who was suggesting Halloween outfits. I first saw this in 1995 when I rented the movie to watch with my late life partner, Margaret Ardussi, after getting caught up in a biography of Marlene Dietrich that she had listened to …

How to learn to be lucky

Richard Wiseman is a psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire  in the U.K. who researched how to be lucky and wrote a book about it called The Luck Factor. He published a piece giving highlights of his research findings on Jan. 9, 2003, at the Web site of the British newspaper, the Telegraph: … unlucky …

Ex-ex-lesbian tells why ex-gay books should be banned

I was an ex-lesbian for almost eight years during most of my twenties. Except for one thing. I was just celibate. I was still sexually attracted to women. I could not force myself to be attracted to men. I could not will myself to be attracted to men. All I could manage was to be …

Shepard Fairey and the Left's hope-destroying double standard

I was reminded of the YouTube video, “The Patti Lupone Audience Freak-out Re-mix,” by the post today by Stage Right at Big Hollywood, which explains why Shepard Fairey’s appropriation of the work of an AP photographer for his famous “Hope” poster of Obama is plagiarism and threatens the foundation of artistic compensation, yet Left-wing Hollywood …

I started taking down the garden

I spent the afternoon taking down my heirloom tomato garden, which is in containers on our front yard. The garden is in containers because it would have been very expensive to landscape an in-ground garden and the soil isn’t good because when this house was built, it was the practice to scrape off the topsoil, …

Shelter in a storm, your willow when the sun is out

You can listen to a YouTube of the recorded version of Joan Armatrading singing “Willow” here, but it does not permit embedding. However, it does include the link to Ms. Armatrading’s Web site and a link to buy the song on iTunes. Willow by Joan Armatrading I may not be your best But you know …