You gots to love like you've never been hurt

A few days ago I posted a photo from LOL Cats that had captured my heart because of its unity of joy, silence and motion. I captioned it, “You gots to dance like no one is watchin.” I was thinking of a quote I’d heard at a Realtor seminar and attributed then to Louis Armstrong …

Drop it, G.O.P.! Intelligent Design IS re-branded Creationism

Social conservatives and Republicans who support the propaganda that Intelligent Design is scientific are destroying the credibility of the G.O.P. as a supporter of the scientific method, just as Charles Johnson says today (and almost every day) at Little Green Footballs. This matters because fiscal conservatives must use science to defeat the specious science used …

Mom and Dad are fighting

My fairy blogparents, Little Miss Attila and Robert Stacy McCain, of The Other McCain, both came after me on Saturday, May 9, from different angles. In “Sorry, Cynthia,” Little Miss Attila disagreed with me on the practice of outing, while Stacy pondered, “Could Cynthia Yockey double her chances for a date on Saturday night?” I …

Mother's Day and Marie Osmond's lesbian daughter

Just in time for Mother’s Day, Marie Osmond modeled how a devout Christian mother should behave toward her openly lesbian daughter — with respect, love and support. She asserts her own beliefs but also supports her daughter in being herself and speaking for herself. She is not letting anyone shame her or her daughter. Those …

The hot dog vendor must have had Obama's favorite Dijon mustard

I respect Prof. William Jacobson and enjoy his blog, Legal Insurrection, very much. I was just giving my site meter a glance before turning in for the night and noticed that practically all my traffic is coming from Legal Insurrection. Thank you, Prof. Jacobson! He is honoring me as his “Blog of the Day”! I …

It's the first thing we think of because so often it is true

Over at Hot Air Allahpundit has a short piece on the gossip blog TMZ publicizing details of the divorce papers from Carrie Prejean’s parents. Apparently it was quite the dirty fight and included back-and-forths about who was gay or had gay friends or relatives. Allah writes: Usually the very first bit of mud to be …

My forbidden love with Joe the Plumber is OVER

I have Charles Johnson’s blog, Little Green Footballs, in my newsfeed (look right) so that it is easy for me to keep an eye on his coverage of Creationism and Intelligent Design. As it happens, I have original correspondence and drafts supporting his recent denunciation of Melanie Phillips’ column in favor of Intelligent Design, which …