YES, deconditioning IS a medical condition

Dear Instapundit asks, “Is deconditioning a medical condition?” Yes, YES, a thousand times YES! The insight that deconditioning is a medical condition is just as brilliant and apt as Hans Selye’s observation that stress is a medical condition. The diagnosis of deconditioning gets to the root of a syndrome of problems that otherwise would be …

Thrilled with Paul Ryan

I am delighted that Romney has chosen Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate. It signals that he is serious about fiscal conservatism and restoring America’s economy to prosperity. Ryan is the balance the Republican ticket needed. Dear Keith Koffler* of White House Dossier worries, “Are Two White Guys What the GOP Needs?“: But there’s …

My moment of commitment

  Dear gentle readers, I’ve done everything I know how to get through my challenges by myself. But now I’m in a bind that I can’t get out of on my own in time and it feels suicidal not to come clean about my situation and ask for help. My problem is my 16-year-old car …

Weight loss advice guaranteed to make you fat

Over at PJMedia, physician Theodore Dalrymple asks a question that German immigrant and pediatrician Hilde Bruch posed and answered over the course of her career starting in 1935, when she founded a clinic for obese children at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons.* The question is, “What are we to make of the fact …