Turning blockers into boosters, day 4: I didn’t do any blocker-transforming processes today. I figure the blocker to clear for that has to do with going to bed on time — I was up until 2 am reading conservative blogs, which meant I got up late and had trouble getting going. I spent most of …
Author Archives: CynthiaYockey
More environmental blockers and a great treatment for generalized anxiety disorder
Turning Blockers into Boosters, Day 3: I haven’t been getting my weatherproofing done as quickly as I wanted to, but I was pleased to notice that I’m doing the tasks quicker and with less effort than they would have taken me even a year ago. Part of this is due to my weight loss, improved …
Environmental blockers
Turning Blockers into Boosters, Day 2: The textbook I recommend for readers joining me on this year-long quest to turn blockers into strengths defines blockers as “self-defeating habit patterns,” which generally were formed early in life but are not successful or appropriate for coping with adult challenges. Call these internal blockers. However, there are external …
Join me for a year of turning blockers into boosters
This year I’m committing to doing something every day to turn my blockers — self-defeating habits — into boosters: strengths that will support my success. The framework I’m using comes from the work of Stuart Lichtman. Check him out here. I recommend his e-books and courses. I started using his system in 2005. My results …
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Gun-free zones are magnets for massacres
In his USA Today column yesterday, dear Instapundit’s response to the massacre of 20 children and six women at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, was headlined, “Gun-free zones provide false sense of security.” Actually, gun-free zones provide an absolute sense of security for would-be mass murderers. That’s what turns them into kill zones. …
Invitation to my project to demonstrate that prosperity comes from ideas, not the government
Today I’m participating in a panel having a live discussion on BBC World Have Your Say from 10 am to 11 am EST on the importance of women’s votes in securing victory for Barack Obama for a second term and what this will mean for the GOP going forward. I’m going to announce that over the …
The GOP’s blind spots in seeing its way forward after the 2012 election
Republicans and conservatives — who are not always the same people — are stunned that they lost the election after running a candidate highly competent for the office of president against an incumbent whose policies have led to high unemployment and economic stagnation. And they are realizing that if they can’t win against an opponent …
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Why undecideds should vote for Romney
Romney clinched my vote when he chose Paul Ryan as his running mate because that showed he is serious about restoring the United States to fiscal health. Today I’m going to vote with my 96-year-old father, then I’m on stand-by as a volunteer with my county’s Republican organization to take voters to the polls, especially …
‘You don’t need those old Grandma shorts’
I think it was in May 2011 that I learned from Ayurveda that walking at sunrise or in the early morning sun was a potent remedy to charge yourself with energy (prana) for the day. Soon after that I learned a scientific explanation: light stops the production of melatonin, the hormone produced at night that …
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Harvest August 17
Black cherry, an open-pollinated, indeterminate tomato; string beans; and patty pans squash.