Iowahawk spots top Democrats in circular firing squad

Check out Iowahawk’s brilliant take on the intra-party war top Democrats are now waging via their proxies in the press and see if, like me, it reminds you of the song from the musical Chicago, “They Both Reached for the Gun” — and, um, just to be clear, I mean the puppet master aspect of …

He is risen — Keyboard Cat, that is

Rejoice! Keyboard Cat is risen — well, there’s a new orange tabby of Buddha-like serenity playing keyboards and drum and even tossing in some wicked dance moves. Brenna Ehrlich of Mashable has the story. The dear, departed Fatso, the original Keyboard Cat, is famous for the “Play him off, Keyboard Cat” YouTube videos adapted from …

UPDATED — Berkeley Tie-Dye and other heirloom tomato secrets

UPDATED 3/17/2010 — scroll down for the additional material. The seeds I ordered from Bradley Gates of Wild Boar Farms for some of the amazing and delicious varieties of open-pollinated tomatoes that he developed  arrived today! I know I called them “heirloom tomatoes” in the headline, and in 45 or so years they will be. …

Did Dan Rather tell Chris Matthews Obama couldn't sell watermelons?

What Dan Rather said to Chris Matthews this morning on MSNBC about the current state of Obama’s persuasive powers is, “But he couldn’t sell watermelons if you gave him a state trooper to flag down the traffic.” There’s no racial monopoly on who sells or buys watermelons. Rather made no allusions to race. So — …

Moe, I beg to differ, Peter Scolari RULES!

Opening credits and the show’s premise: On February 28 dear Moe Lane advised his readers to have a couple of glasses of wine before perusing the site, “Peter Scolari, Unsung Genius.” To enhance the WTF factor, he says. Ahem. Let me make one thing perfectly clear, once and for all. Peter Scolari RULES. What do …

I'm up to something

It’s been tough, blog-wise, for the last month. The first two weeks of February I spent coping with two blizzards and two snow storms — it was painful and exhausting. Then I went to CPAC, which was WONDERFUL, but I got very sleep-deprived. I’d have recovered faster if I’d been willing to close my eyes …

The Bloggess wins the first Supreme Writing Award from A Conservative Lesbian

I am still working my way through the technical difficulties that developed over the weekend when I was trying to figure out how to add some awesome new features to my blog. However, some outrages must not be allowed to stand. I see today that my dear friend, The Bloggess, was in the running for …