Just in time! The Moron Meetup is March 20 and you’ll need your license to participate in the Hobo Hunt.
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Cynthia Yockey, A Conservative Lesbian
A Conservative Lesbian
Just in time! The Moron Meetup is March 20 and you’ll need your license to participate in the Hobo Hunt.
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Would you comment on Dan Riehl ‘s piece? You know leftie tactics. Did he go too far?
Do you mean the one where Dan asked whether Harry Reid’s wife should be euthanized after her car accident this week, on account of being 69 years old and having a broken neck and back? Then no, I don’t. He was making a valid point about the death panels that will be instituted if Obamacare passes and is not repealed (remember it would not go into effect until 2013, after the next presidential election). Is anyone on the Left unhappy about that? If so, then it’s time to gather up the citations of all their wishes for the pre- or post-birth death of Trig Palin, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s son with Down syndrome. The difference is that they are serious and truly wish Trig dead, while Dan was satirical.
Yup that’s the post. I completely agree with your analysis.
I shouldn’t be – but I am – surprised by the amount filth and bile in the comments left for him. Guess I need to toughen up.
Thank you for the reply.
.-= JB´s last blog ..Riehl’s Post about Reid =-.