Maggie passed the point of no return yesterday

Around 11 am yesterday, shortly after I got off the phone with Maggie’s sister, who is staying with her 24/7 along with her brother, Maggie’s behavior shifted dramatically from a determination to live to an urgent desire to get up and go. This is NOT the same as a desire for suicide. Restlessness is a …

Republican primary victor Mattie Fein rips the Republican Party old boy playbook

Mattie Fein has a guest op-ed at The Other McCain that is worth reading. I haven’t seen the video, but I gather Karl Rove was annoyed by Christine O’Donnell’s primary victory in Delaware and she has some thoughts for him. For some reason, the women candidates in the Republican Party seem absolutely determined to win …

‘Love is watching someone die’

Click for a profound and touching video correlating the lyrics of “What Sarah Said” by the indie rock group, Death Cab for Cutie, with the experience of a person at the very end of life made by a palliative care doctor. It will make you a better, stronger and more courageous person. Love is the …

THIS is why gay people believe we comprise WAY more than two percent of the population

From my beloved friend, The Bloggess, for those of you who click #9, “Oh, Craigslist, you never stop amazing me,” and wonder if this is real and/or common, the answer is YES!!!!! The number of creeps preying on the gay community in a state of delusional full denial is legion. Just ask Ken Mehlman. P.S. …

Maggie is back at the Markey Cancer Center

Awesome Nephew called me late Friday afternoon to relay a message from Maggie’s sister that she had gotten a good report on the results of her chemo and was on her way back to her brother’s home. However, shortly after I got home from the FreedomWorks 9/12 March and Rally in Washington, D.C., this evening, …

Judge rules ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ military ban on gays unconstitutional

Log Cabin Republicans, a 19,000-member gay and lesbian organization, won an important victory for lesbian and gay equality yesterday when a California judge ruled the military’s ban on gays serving in the military known as “don’t ask, don’t tell” is unconstitutional. The Associated Press reports: RIVERSIDE, Calif. — A federal judge in Southern California has …

A Conservative Lesbian blegs for donations to attend Blogcon and the 9/12 March

I hope some of my dear gentle readers will be willing and able to donate a total of at least $400 to assist me with my expenses to attend Blogcon in Washington, D.C., from today through Sept. 11 and the 9/12 March on Sunday. I’m really only asking for help with paying Awesome Nephew for …