Attila and Stacy debate feminism on Da TechGuy’s radio show, 10 am, EDT, April 2

A blog war on the subject of feminism broke out a couple of weeks ago between Little Miss Attila and Stacy McCain, of The Other McCain. My contribution in Attila’s comment section was minimalist — “Attila: right. Stacy: wrong.” I think that must be why I’m not linked in Attila’s post tonight thanking her sisters-in-arms–in …

Help stop the Leftist campaign to defeat Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser in next week’s election

I am very grateful to Prof. William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection for making me his “Blog of the Day” today. And I would like to thank him by taking up a cause he is promoting: raising money for advertising to counter the multi-million dollar Leftist advertising campaign against Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice David Prosser, who …

Vodkapundit drunkblogs Obama’s Libya speech — and sticks the landing

I don’t drink and seldom take painkillers stronger than ibuprofen or Excedrin Migraine, so sometimes I don’t listen to Obama’s speeches because there is only so much pain I can bear without chemical assistance. But dear Vodkapundit is made of sterner stuff. After fortifying himself for the task, Vodkapundit posted this contemporaneous account of Obama’s …

Stacy McCain’s epic rant on the Left’s encomiums on the passing of Joe Bageant

Thanks to a tweet by dear Charlie Martin over at The Tattler at Pajamas Media, calling attention to Stacy McCain writing at his finest on Leftist blogger Joe Bageant’s proper place in intellectual history on the occasion of his passing, I give you this morsel and bid you go read the whole thing: Far from being …

Geraldine Ferraro, thank you, and a reminder of the vicious sexism you faced

Geraldine Ferraro died today of blood cancer. As the first female vice presidential candidate in 1984, she inspired a generation of women, including me. The moment I knew Sarah Palin has the majesty of soul to be a great leader came during her speech after John McCain announced he had selected her as his running …

Gay Republican Fred Karger is the first to file in the race for president

I’ve been following press releases from gay Republican Fred Karger for about a year now and I think he deserves more coverage than he is getting from conservative bloggers. So last month at CPAC when I finally got to meet Fred, I told him that I would be publishing blog posts about him and some …