The first rule of the philosophy of liberty is …

… You Own Yourself [boldfacing mine]: While self-ownership may seem like a simple and self-evident concept, I believe that most Americans residing in the land of the free would become very uncomfortable when the full implications of self-ownership become evident. We know for example that many of our fellow Americans are Statists in one form or …

UPDATED: Michelle Bachmann wins Iowa straw poll, husband still gay

I originally posted the following on August 14, 2011. It was lost on Sept. 17 due to a web host snafu. I am restoring it from Google’s cached copy along with all the original comments (I will be answering objections raised in the comments in a future post): The Daily Show with Jon Stewart Get …

Dan Riehl on why America needs Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012

I originally posted the following on August 13, 2011. It was lost on Sept. 17. I am re-posting it from Google’s cache: Dan Riehl has been writing some very positive and insightful posts on Sarah Palin, whose interview with Sean Hannity last night at the Iowa State Fair was electrifying. Today he is posting on …

Technical difficulties and my op-ed for The Advocate on why gay equality will come from the Right

This morning this blog experienced technical difficulties and when it was restored came back missing my posts from Aug. 11 to Sept. 16. These include my posts on Marcus Bachmann and my op-ed for The Advocate on why gay equality will come from the Right. I have been able to save the posts, but not …

Instapundit proposes tax increases the Tea Party can support

In his Sunday column for The Examiner, Prof. Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit, asks a pertinent question, “Why should Democrats be the only ones to enjoy the fun of taxing people they dislike?” Then he proposes taxes that would clarify the thinking of Hollywood on the effect of taxes on prosperity: Were I a Republican senator …

Gov. Palin on ‘Conquering the Storm’

Thanks to dear Dan Collins I read Gov. Palin’s Aug. 8 Facebook essay, “Conquering the Storm,” in which she demonstrates why she is the best candidate for the Republican nomination and has exactly the leadership and vision required as president to restore America to prosperity. While all the other candidates dither or denounce, Gov. Palin …

Instapundit turns 10

University of Tennessee law professor Glenn Harlan Reynolds celebrates the tenth anniversary of his blog, Instapundit, born Aug. 8, 2001, and I wish him and his blog every blessing (and hope one day earn a spot in his blogroll). He was one of the first bloggers I saw at CPAC 2009 speaking with Vodkapundit, Stephen …