Florida primary headlines and famous women breaking taboos

  “Mary Tyler Moore’s taboo-breaking shows seen in a new light“: Between “The Dick Van Dyke Show’s” Laura Petrie and Mary Richards, Moore helped create two of televisions most influential and indelible roles — there’s a statue depicting the famous Mary hat toss in downtown Minneapolis. How many other television characters have their own statue? …

Headlines from the Republican campaign trail — did Gingrich get one of his talking points from Cracked.com?

“The 6 Stupidest Things We Use to Judge People We Don’t Know” — John Cheese, a columnist at Cracked.com, notes that Newt Gingrich adopted a new talking point shortly after it appeared in one of his columns: Last November, I wrote a piece on the Occupy Wall Street generation, and the first point was about how …

How to improve Paula Deen’s ‘The Lady’s Brunch Burger’

One of the first things I knew I had to do in June 2010 when I started the diet and exercise program that has trimmed over 65 pounds from my figure was to stop watching Paula Deen’s cooking shows. But I have to love and admire her. She brings people together and makes them feel …

The civility wars and gay conservatives

Yesterday Lisa De Pasquale, GOProud’s interim chair, published a piece worth reading in The Daily Caller calling out the gay Left for its vicious treatment of gay conservatives and their supporters while simultaneously deploring bullying: Dan Savage, the “It Gets Better” project’s co-founder, has been just as vicious toward gay conservatives as schoolyard bullies have …

UPDATEDx2: ‘The Case for “Outing” Gay Congressmen and Staffers’ at PJ Media

My essay making the case for outing members of Congress and their staffers who are gay and engage in anti-gay activism posted this morning at PJ Media. I’m finding that straight people are having a hard time understanding that there’s no such thing as privacy when it comes to anyone’s sexual orientation. Since there is …

Lisa De Pasquale is the new interim chair of GOProud, replacing Chris Barron

GOProud announced yesterday that co-founder Christopher Barron is stepping down as chairman of the board. Lisa De Pasquale, former executive director of CPAC from June 2006 to April 2011 has been elected interim chairman of the board. Chris will continue as GOProud’s chief strategist and serve on the board as chairman emeritus. Joe.My.God., a progressive …

Robert Laurie’s open letter to social conservatives

I have been repenting this week that I have started writing this blog again before my bliss, compassion and sense of humor have entirely returned or surpassed what they were in my jolly fat days before I started my diet in June 2010. I’ve lost over 65 pounds now and I’m getting close to my …

Rejoicing in tiny karmic miracles

Consider the paradoxes in the following sequence of events: Presidential candidate and Republican governor of Texas, Rick Perry, releases a TV ad attacking the honor of lesbian and gay service members, saying, ““I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m a Christian, but you don’t need to be in the pew every Sunday to know there’s …