Updated: Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendan Ayanbadejo, who is speaking in the video above, supports same-sex marriage. The Ravens’ team color is purple, which is why he is wearing a purple shirt. (Baltimore and Maryland are crazy for purple in support of the Ravens — you can even get all-purple Christmas tree lights.) The Baltimore Sun has a transcription of the video and links a piece he wrote for HuffPo in favor of same-sex marriage equality.
Today the Maryland State Senate is expected to reconvene at 4 pm to vote on marriage equality. Listen live here (this link also goes to an archive of recordings — look for the Senate session on 2/24/12). Last year marriage equality was approved by the Senate and then sent back to committee instead of being put up for a vote in the House of Delegates. I was present and saw the speeches. This year marriage equality has passed the House of Delegates. Some 200 destructive and obstructive amendments have failed in the Senate and there are enough votes to defeat a filibuster. It has the support of Gov. Martin O’Malley, who says he will sign it after the House and Senate versions are reconciled.
Care for my father fell through, so I will listen online from home and live tweet.

Marriage equality passed 25-21. (!!!!!!) My RealPlayer timed out during the vote, but came back for me to hear the senators explaining their votes, then Sen. Miller declared the vote official to the sound of cheers from the gallery. Shortly after that the Senate adjourned until tomorrow.
Update: H/T to Gabriel Malor for his tweet pointing me to the Baltimore Sun story explaining what happens next, since opponents of the marriage equality bill are geared up to bring it to referendum in November. The Democrat Left and Hollywood give a lot of lip service to gay equality, so let’s see what national political figures and celebrities come to Maryland to raise money and secure votes against the referendum to repeal marriage equality. The only celebrity I can think of who might actually show up is Kathy Griffin. What about Cher, you ask, as the mother of a transgender son? Gentle readers, can you suggest politicians and celebrities?