The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground have outed Kevin DuJan as the owner of the blog, Hill Buzz. They are smearing him with the false charge that that he is a racist. They are urging their readers to destroy his career and attack him physically. (I’m not linking them, but you can verify this by Googling. Instead, I suggest you read Hill Buzz here.)
The Right blogosphere should rally to the aid of DuJan and Hill Buzz, as he has tirelessly rallied to ours with dozens of posts teaching Republicans how to campaign effectively and supporting Republicans, including Gov. Sarah Palin and now Sen.-elect Scott Brown. If you are not familiar with Hill Buzz, here is a wonderful sample post — they are observing the first anniversary of Obama’s inauguration with the thank-you letter they wrote to Pres. George W. Bush last year.
In my transition from lifelong Democrat and liberal during the presidential campaign in 2008, I started reading blogs so I would be able to explain to my Democrat friends that I had legitimate reasons for supporting McCain/Palin. STOP LAUGHING!!! Since I was briefly a Hillary PUMA, I read PUMA blogs and liked Hill Buzz the best. I began to read Hill Buzz every day some time in September or October of 2008. I assure my gentle readers, Kevin DuJan and the rest of the Hill Buzz boyz are not racists. They oppose racial entitlement and racial grievance hate-mongering. That is not racism.
Hill Buzz is written by a group of gay men in Chicago who began the blog in early 2008 as part of their efforts on behalf of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Thanks to experiencing the dirty tricks of the Obama campaign up close and personal during the primaries, as soon as the Democratic nomination was stolen from Hillary, they became supporters of John McCain. They blogged, campaigned, phonebanked and donated money for McCain/Palin with unbounded zeal and passion.
Now Kevin DuJan and Hill Buzz need our support. We MUST push back against FALSE charges of racism because Lefties will use it to destroy innocent people as long as it keeps working. Certainly if we do not hang together on this, we will hang separately.
What are the best ways to express your support? Here are some suggestions:
- Bloggers can write posts in support of Kevin Dujan and Hill Buzz and link to Hill Buzz posts.
- I’m encouraging Kevin to write an e-book collecting his posts teaching Republicans how to campaign and fight Democratic dirty tricks, plus his posts on the Hill Buzzers’ experiences of Obama’s dirty tricks during the primaries. I suggested he sell it for $24.95, but offer it for $19.95 to people who buy it in advance of its publication. So, if you want to vote with your wallet, please go to Hill Buzz and click the “Donate” button and donate at least $19.95 with a note that you would like a copy of his e-book, if he does write it (if not, please just let it be a donation — he’s losing clients as a result of these false charges).
- I’m also encouraging Kevin to accept that these attacks destroying his current livelihood are calling him to a new career on a national stage as an author and motivational speaker. He is a professional writer. He has great insights, especially for the 2010 campaign. His books could be best-sellers. I bet his speeches would bring you to your feet cheering yourself hoarse. So if you are a literary agent, publisher or need a speaker for your event (and you pay your speakers), contact Kevin at hillbuzz at (The contact e-mail is published at Hill Buzz.)
Thank you.
Update, 1/21/2010, Thurs.:
Thanks for the link, Instapundit! And welcome, Instapundit readers!
Update, 23/2010, Sat.
I thank the following bloggers for posting, linking, tweeting and re-tweeting this post and standing up for Kevin DuJan and Hill Buzz — if I missed anyone, please leave a comment and I will add you:
- Instapundit, aka Prof. Glenn Reynolds
- Michelle Malkin, who knows what these attacks are like due to her courage as a pioneer in calling out racial grievance mongering: “You know you are getting to these Kossacks and when they start coming after you”
- Prof. William Jacobson of Legal Insurrection, for making this a “Post of the Day”
- Dear Little Miss Attila, my fairy blog mother and a staunch friend of Hill Buzz: “Go Help the Guys at Hill Buzz”
- Sissy Willis of SISU — she and Prof. Jacobson were the first two bloggers who went to work using social media to support the candidacy of Scott Brown in Massachusetts — read this awesome post on using social media
- Kathy Shaidle, another fearless opponent of the enslaving and bullying tactics of identity politics — who is paid by the amount of traffic she gets (hint, hint): “Hey, stop me if you’ve heard this one!”
- Gay Patriot: “Stand with Hill Buzz”
- Conservatives4Palin: “Stand up for Hill Buzz”
- Shakey Pete’s Shootin’ Shack — blogroll and bookmark and subscribe to this blog, I REALLY recommend it, and Pete is a great friend and frequent commenter here: “A Friend is Attacked, Unfairly”
- Dan Riehl of Riehl World View has an excellent post with a link to Stacy McCain: “Hill Buzz versus whomever.” Charges like this are tried periodically on Stacy. When it happened in September 2009, I was one of the first to stand up for Stacy, which is how I learned that we really can make tactics like these feel like spitting into the wind for the Left — soon they were whining about how many bloggers were vouching for him!
- Life in 3D: “Smear Merchants”
- Moose and Squirrel: “Driving the snakes out of Washington”
- Irons in the Fire: “Just a Few Things to Note This Morning”
- Death by a 1,000 Paper Cuts: “Hill Buzz threatened by Kos and Dummie Underground”
- iChannel (a news aggregator)
- And all the re-tweets on
And thank you to Kevin and the dear boyz at Hill Buzz for their kind thank-you post today — since I am old enough to be their mother, I am touched that they called me “a big sister” to them, instead!
I also am grateful to my dear gentle readers, old and new, who came here to read this post. In addition, I am grateful to the readers who donated to Hill Buzz and to me. I’ve gotten a P.O. box so I can send out real thank-you notes to all my donors, but it may be several weeks before I have things around the house well enough in hand to send them. I appreciate your generosity, kindness and patience.
Updated, 1/23/2010, Sat.:
Here’s an example of how to publish a book based on your blog posts: Dan Collins of POWIP has a new book, Was It Something I Said?
Updated, 1/29/2010, Fri.: Thanks for the link, Joe.My.God. — the reason most of the wingnut sites are pointing to this post is because I was the first blogger to take up my terrible, swift pixels on behalf of Kevin and Hill Buzz. I’m looking forward to Leftie gay and lesbian bloggers doing more to hold Obama and the Democrats to their promises of repealing DADT and DOMA. Set some deadlines, for example, and list what will happen if they are not met cheerfully and promptly.
75 responses to “UPDATED — Kevin DuJan of Hill Buzz is NOT a racist and he needs our help”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Cynthia Yockey, Stephanie Key. Stephanie Key said: RT @conservativelez: Hill Buzz needs our help — what's wrong, what to do #tcot #icon #tbrs […]
Wow, I didn’t realize it was THIS bad. I sent a little (I am kind of broke from the MoneyBomb!) but I’ll hit ’em again next payday. Thanks for the heads-up.
Well, let us see if I can write a little bit. That’s about all I can do, unless they’d like me to send them a few rounds of 12 gauge buck.
I can’t afford to donate as I’m out of work. But I did add him to my blogroll and I’ll be hitting his site regularly as well as recommeending him to my 12 loyal readers. thanks for bringing his situation to light.
Rich Vail, Pikesville MD
Thanks for bringing this to my attention, but please, please don’t tell me that Pattymelt is some gay man……
Our beloved Pattymelt is a woman. I gather the photo at Hill Buzz of a woman holding a packet of Kool-Aid and grimacing is dear Pattymelt.
I ran across HILLBUZZ during the McCain/Palin campaign and was shocked to read civil dialog from a left wing blog site. I came back a few more times and eventually became a regular visitor.
At first, my fellow conservative straight friends could not understand what a conservative straight guy could find of interest on a liberal gay blog site. I began copying articles on a regular basis and sending to my fellow conservative straight friends and let it suffice they are now also regular visitors.
I recently read where Hillbuzz is under attack from the evil wing of their party for allegedly being racist. Those claims have about as much credibility as what comes out of Olbermann’s mouth!
$ on the way to Hillbuzz. It’s a class act and not afraid to call out dirty tricks no matter where they originate. Thanks for spreading the word Cynthia.
The Kos kids sound like a middle-school clicque. Act like it, too.
Please read some of the posts on that blog, yes, they are racists, the type of people you really don’t want to be associated with.
I can send them to you if you want. If you consider referring to the First Lady as “The First Wookie”, a fun little joke, then we have diffrent worldviews.
Our Democratic Governor here in NH just signed a law allowing gay marriage, the tea bagging right-wing is already pushing for a referendum on it.
The race card expired at noon on Jan. 20, 2009, when the first black president took office. He opposes equality for homosexuals and has done more to fight gay equality than any president since Clinton, who got “don’t ask, don’t tell” and the Defense of Marriage Act through Congress. Black people are proudly fighting equality for gay people. With the Left in control of the White House and both branches of Congress, it would take only one hour for them to repeal the laws against equality for homosexuals and enact a federal law establishing full equality for homosexuals, including same-sex marriage, adoption and service in the military. They haven’t done it because the Left is the real obstacle to homosexual equality right now. My experience is that all the Right wants to know in order to support our equality is that we will behave well and leave their religions alone — these are fair requirements. But the factions on the Left that oppose homosexual equality are nation-building, so they want everyone conscripted to make babies for them.
We are in that national conversation about race that Obama and Eric Holder are so anxious to have. In a post-racial world, ALL public figures are targets of satire, so it is not racism to parody and satirize black people for saying or doing things you think are wrong and/or foolish. Also, the Wookie was one of the good guys. The FLOTUS always will be the subject of comment for her clothes and if a white Republican dressed the way Michelle Obama does, she would be an international laughingstock. Really, it’s like Michelle Obama’s the masochist in a sado-masochistic relationship and the sadist deliberately chooses clothes for her to wear that will offend people — all the bright colors she loves to wear to ceremonies honoring our dead servicemembers — or make her a target for ridicule and humiliation — the Inaugural ball gown, the orange and turquoise outfit for the Food Network show on the organic White House garden that isn’t really organic, thanks to the Clintons fertilizing with sludge.
The Left is changing the definition of “racist” to “someone who is winning an argument with a Leftist.”
Here’s some perspective on bigotry: gays and lesbians long for the day when we don’t have to worry our families will punish or disown us for being gay. We long for the day when we have equality federally and in every state under the law. We long for the day when homosexuals have the right federally and in every state to employment, housing and the use of public accommodations (e.g., restaurants, stores, theatres, parks, etc.). We long for the day when we have the right federally and in every state to marry a same-sex partner and adopt. We long for the day when we can serve openly in the military. We long for the day when there’s a Lesbian and Gay Caucus in Congress — one of my own senators, Barbara Mikulski, is a closeted lesbian. We long for the day when the United States has an openly gay president. The Left promised to deliver all those laws for us and they had all the votes and power to do it for a year. They didn’t do it because of their own unbounded bigotry.
Maybe we should discuss a parody/lampoon compromise, where any unflattering remarks or images or effigies made of Gov. Sarah Palin or Secretary of State Hillary Clinton automatically also would be made of Michelle Obama. AND the Democrats pass the federal laws required make homosexuals equal citizens, or they get denounced as bigots and hatemongers on all Leftie blogs and in all the mainstream media AND all Lefties refuse to give them another penny until they do. Both of those things.
Cute, are they not?
Democrats and Liberals always go after someone’s means of income.
You can set your watch by it. Free speech for me but not for thee.
.-= Paul A’Barge´s last blog ..NYTimes finally found stolen documents they won’t publish =-.
I sent them a little bit a few days ago. The Hillboyz are great guys– like Miss Tammy, I’m a bit broke from the moneybomb, but I’m trying to support them however I can. ^___^
Great ideas. I have been reading them since last year, and I think they are amazingly brave. I hit the tip jar yesterday. Along those lines, I am a straight, conservative, middle-aged female. Since we are bashing stereotypes, I am proud to admit and recommend to everyone that two of my favorite blogs are Hillbuzz and A Conservative Lesbian. I also like Joan Armatrading. I think I surprise people. 😉
“They oppose racial entitlement and racial grievance hate-mongering. That is not racism.”
Unfortunately that’s the TEXTBOOK definition of “racism” from the left these days.
I am reading a novel by Ayn Rand (the third fictional book of Rand’s I’ve read in the past six months) entitled “We The Living.” The setting is Soviet Russia shortly after the Revolution. It is amazing to see how similar the tactics of the Soviets were to those in Daily Kos, etc. This book was written more than half a century ago, if I am not mistaken. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
FYI, Rand escaped Soviet Russia, so she knew whereof she wrote.
Thanks for the recommendation!
The two books that best explain what the Left is doing, and why, are Eric Hoffer’s books, starting with The True Believer, and a new book by Jamie Glazov, United in Hate. Hoffer’s book is the foundation. Glazov’s book brings Hoffer’s insights up-to-date and shows how they apply to the totalitarianisms we are fighting now. Glazov also explains why the Left embraces totalitarianism.
Thanks for letting people know what is going on in the depths of the Daily Kos and Democratic Underground Sewers.
I refuse to even google them, but I am a faithful HillBuzz fan and have donated to them.
Wouldn’t it be great if some lawyers would offer their time to research the possibility of suing the DU and Daily Kos for libel of Kevin?
.-= Beth Donovan´s last blog ..The Dirty Work of KOS and the Democratic Underground must be fought! =-.
[…] Background from Cynthia Yockey. […]
[…] Now they’re receiving threats worse that any of those we have yet faced. According to that lesbian diva Cynthia Yockey: The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground have outed Kevin Dujan as the owner of the blog, Hill […]
[…] Cynthia, via […]
Plain and simple, the DU and Kos are nothing but hate groups and should be called out for what they are. Such slander & assult coming from the left doesn’t surprise me at all. And I know there’s a piece of me that would really love to introduce them to Yellow Mama, for that type of hate deserves to be dealt with.
Paul in N.Al,
A woman whose sons died serving the Union in the Civil War came to Abraham Lincoln in her grief and demanded that he destroy the South after the war ended. Lincoln replied, “Madam, do I not destroy my enemy by making him my friend?”
Now I know we are opposed on the Left by some very hateful, toxic people. I know the only people we can save by teaching them the good that fiscal conservatism, self-reliance and ending race-baiting are the ones who are comparable to the good, hard-working idealistic animals in the barn in George Orwell’s book, Animal Farm. Those people — and perhaps America — will be lost if we try to kill hate with hate.
I do have a technology that actually does kill hate, decrease social indicators of negativity and increase indicators of well-being — see my tags and category for the “Maharishi Effect.”
Also, after I Google the term in your comment that I don’t know, if I decide that it’s a threat, I will delete your comment but leave this reply.
Wikipedia says “Yellow Mama” was Alabama’s electric chair, which was last used in 2002. It is currently in storage because Alabama now uses lethal injection to administer the death penalty. Since the term implies someone only gets there by due process of law, I am allowing the comment to stand.
Matthew Berry, who’s running against one of the worst Representatives, Jim Moran (Virginia), is a gay Republican.
Michelle Malkin has linked to you, Cynthia!
Yes, I see! It’s the first time Michelle Malkin has linked me!
I am a great admirer of Ms. Malkin’s work and her courage. In August or September 2008, when I was first Googling to learn more about McCain/Palin, she was the first blog I found and I read her every day. She had recently published a column on the sisterhood of feminist journalists which was a revelation for me because she explained what had happened to my late life partner and me in the 1990’s when the lesbian feminist disability rights establishment fought us FOR SIX YEARS because they kept refusing to choose a venue for an annual lesbian conference called Passages that met federal regulations for wheelchair access. (My late life partner had multiple sclerosis and was paralyzed.)
I could not understand why the Passages lesbians went to war against us when we were trying to get the lesbian community to make good on its promises of diversity and inclusion. When the Washington Blade published a column by a female-to-male transsexual calling for the lesbian and gay community to run us out of town AND a Baltimore gay paper refused to publish that their reporter witnessed one of the Passages organizers verbally assaulting Margaret — who was quadriplegic by then — when I was too far away to come between them — I knew we were no longer physically safe in the lesbian and gay community IN WASHINGTON, D.C., and we stopped going to events. Ms. Malkin’s column helped me understand they do that to everyone who challenges them.
[…] of this, the Hillboys are under attack by the forces of darkness and evil (Kos is darkness, DU is evil; or vice versa). The Daily Kos and […]
I just got a link to your blog from Gay Patriot, and it seems like we went on similar journeys. I constantly voted democrat, Kerry in 04 was my first time voting, and voted all dem in 06 but things changed for me in the 08 primary. At 23, I am allowed to be liberal but I was quickly being turned off to what I was seeing and reading. I couldn’t believe how the left was tearing Hillary apart and uplifting this inexperienced man based on some lofty moral ideas. I remember reading some of the comments on Daily Kos and it was kind of horrifying to see and realized this is not what I wanted to be apart of.
Its nice to find your blog and I will definitely try to keep coming back to it.
[…] a Conservative Lesbian: Kevin Dujan of Hill Buzz is NOT a racist and he needs our help The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground have outed Kevin Dujan as the owner of the blog, Hill […]
Already donated money to him and will continue to.
Also have posted links to whenever I can – mainly to the Globe and Mail comments – a Canadian newspaper that likes to pretend it is on the cutting edge but is so stuck in its framework of having the politically correct views on everything – they have a really hard time that gay guys could support a Republican. Great fun to see other commentors fume when you poke their sacred cows.
Hey, stop me if you’ve heard this one!…
Not to be a pain, or to disagree with your premise, but isn’t it about time we started just ignoring anyone using the word ‘racist’ in an argument? I mean, after all, it’s Q.E.D they have no actual argument, just emotions.
(Quod erat demonstrandum – thus it is shown)
Bill Johnson,
I see your point. But this has to be answered. There has to be pushback because the intent of the charge is to commit an injustice, NOT to fight one.
Hey Cynthia (that means Hello in Alabamian).
What a nice post and I heartily concur. I’m also fascinated and thrilled with your migration from Left to Right. Welcome, from a lifelong Republican.
Are you really a professional bassoon player? Wow, that knocks me out. Will you please recommend a piece of music you love, that features your strange and wonderful instrument?
As for the Buzz, yep they’re fantastic and so very effective. Obviously, that is why they must be targeted by fascist radical nutcases. We’ve been circulating their stuff and supporting them since well before the O-lection and I couldn’t agree more that Kevin should publish his essays and trade secrets. Great idea.
Once again, glad to meet you and I’ll stop back often.
I am an amateur bassoon player — the photo was taken before our community band played a concert in September 2009. For an introduction to the bassoon, I suggest the Mozart Bassoon Concerto and the von Weber Bassoon Concerto. Also check the recordings at
I am happy to meet you and delighted that you’ll be coming back!
I love the taste of irony. Beatrice calls the HillBuzz boyz racist for using the term *Wookie*, then uses the sexual perjorative, *tea-bagging* to describe Conservatives.
I stand firmly behind the boyz at HillBuzz.
Jeez, Miss Beatrice, I’m getting all confused- I started calling Michelle “The First Clydesdale,” but since I stole that from Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler- who, I learned much later, is a black fellow, I’m just not sure which tired old wornout slander applies to me.
And since my wet nurse was a “colored” girl ( Yes, that was a polite term, long ago in the South ) and when I work construction I tan so heavily my black friends compare skin and say “you can pass,” gee whiz, I’m getting dizzy…
The Hillbuzz guys are good guys, and I recommend them to anyone.
I linked here through
I donated to the Hillboyz. Our bloggers are the pamplateers of the New American Revolution and they must be protected.
I am a straight male and enjoy the fellows at Hillbuzz. Will add this site and follow the lesbian angle. I don’t play favorites.
Kos once (in)famously proclaimed that he was all about power. Once again we see how true that is.
Just about the only emotion sociopaths are able to feel comes from power over others and the ability to make them jump. Read the book, The Sociopath Next Door, to understand Kos — and Obama. Also, you might be interested in my post, “Dr. Hanson, I can tell you why Obama just makes stuff up.”
I would get you a latte but right now I just got done with bills and being a college student doesn’t pay very well at all!
I will hit you next time though. BTW, you’re at the top of my blog roll 🙂
How kind of you about the latte — may you generate and attract a constant stream of money that gives you plenty of cash left over after all the bills are paid. (I wish that for all my gentle readers!)
Thanks for adding me to your blogroll — I have added yours to mine.
Okay, got myself a bonanza of bassoon tunes on one album — Mozart, von Weber and a Hummel bonus. I’m enjoying the Mozart as I type.
Thanks also for the tip about Glazov’s book. It sounds more accessible than Hoffer. I own True Believer but confess it was not easy [for me] to understand.
Hey Cynthia,
Congratulations on getting linked by Michelle Malkin! Your post is great, and I’m so glad this is getting so much attention. I too wrote about this the other night, and have already had a couple of readers say they were going to support them too, by linking and becoming regular readers of Hillbuzz.
This is all the left knows how to do. We are all learning more and more about their techniques, their Alinsky methods, and hopefully, they will become less and less effective, especially as we all stand up for and support one another. They are cowards.
Again, congrats on your new endeavors and the link by the Queen of Bloggers herself. 🙂
.-= Conservative Pup´s last blog ..The Battle Of Massachusetts Is Won, Now On To The Next Hill =-.
A few days before the MA election, I heard the Hillbuzz group got a lot of props for getting attention focused on Scott Brown in the MA senate race. I immediately went there and hit the tipjar. Small amount, but helping Scott win, priceless. They deserve a commendation medal. I wonder if there will be some sort of recognition for them at CPAC?
Cynthia, Beatrice, and all friends of A Conservative Lesbian and Hill Buzz:
Cynthia, per your point #2 how to help the brilliant, HB Boys – Could not agree more. These boys are so insightful, truly inspired, engaging writers, and hilarious to boot. They are bestseller material, and I really hope to buy their books, someday very soon.
Per point #3, I also wholeheartedly agree. These boys have said many times they want a career in politics. They HAVE a career in politics! They are influential, have an incredible ability to connect with people, and inspire people to action. From where I stand, it’s simply a matter of where and how far they want to take their careers in politics. I hope it is far.
Per your conversation with Beatrice. Firstly, Cynthia, you said, “The Left is changing the definition of “racist” to “someone who is winning an argument with a Leftist.” HERE HERE! That any of the HB boys is even remotely racist is a truly laughable and ignorant claim. In fact, they are the exact opposite: By exposing how the left uses racism as a weapon and how the left manipulates and exploits minorities, the HB boys are some of the strongest champions of racial equality and liberation out there. Beatrice, the far left knows that this is a center right country, and that ain’t changing any time soon (thank the Lord). The far left knows that they will never naturally have a majority. Therefore, they have to manipulate and lie to win one (and please see Massachusetts – they will never keep it). This requires that they prey on the economically vulnerable, train large groups to become government dependents, and make any false promises they need to to buy a votes.
But here is the left’s Catch 22: They can’t deliver on these promises. If they do, they have a much harder time convincing that voting block to stick with them. Once that voting block has been satisfied, the “need” to follow the left isn’t as crucial, and the left risks that these blocks then inch closer to the center. I believe this is another reason why the left – with historic majorities in both houses – has done nothing in the way of gay rights. If they vote for gay equality, they risk then losing that voting block in the future. So instead, they will lie to this voter block again and again and convince this block that the left is their only hope. THANK GOD people are waking up to this. Thank God Cynthia is one of many exposing this manipulative tactic. I agree with Cynthia, that at the present time, by appealing to the libertarian streak that exists in Tea Party movement, more and more Americans, even those whose religions make them hesitant, will have their hearts turned in the name of liberty. When a movement as wonderful as the tea party one champions liberty, it is only so long before any in the movement who are hesitant about gay marriage see that is it hypocritical to demand liberty, and then put limits on it. I am straight woman, a lifelong GOPer, I believe in God, and I’m passionate advocate of gay rights and gay marriage. I can see that it is in fact the right that stands the best chance at advancing gay rights. It is the moderates and republicans that care most about equal opportunity and equal access to liberty.
And imagine what the left would do if the overwhelming majority of minorities could break from the race industry (that Hillbuzz BRILLIANTLY explains and aims to destroy), see that RAAACISM is in fact NOT lurking behind every corner, and instead recognize how far we as Americans have come in turning the tide on racism, and then take responsibility for their own lives? Imagine what that would do. More and more minorities would then realize they have equal access to capitalism, they have equal access to those American systems that create prosperity and enable freedom from government assistance. Imagine what would happen when the trusted voting blocks of the left stopped blaming anyone (the man, racist white people, the rich, whatever) for their plight and understood that in fact the government cannot save, but only hinder them?
Well I’ll tell you what would happen. They’d start voting republican. So the left actively prohibits these voting blocks from seeing the light, and thereby actively advances an agenda to keep them in the dark, to keep them suppressed, and to keep them powerless.
The tide is turning. Soon enough, self-empowerment will win on the national American stage. And with this, racism and the race industry that promotes racism WILL crumble under its own weight.
So Beatrice and anyone else there how wants to believe that the HB boys are RAAACIST: Know this – I do not know you. I would never dare to call you racist or claim to know your values. But I DO know this: By voting for policies that are quietly meant to keep minorities and the poor suppressed, you ARE enabling the last vestiges of racism and you ARE supporting the race industry, and are thereby actively contributing to a system that does NOT want “racism” to die. The left are the enablers of racism. This will not change until those well-intentioned people on the left have the courage to see this and call them out.
If you care about equality, you will find it in your heart to open your eyes, let the light in, and join the ranks of limited-government thought and find freedom for all. I hope that you will.
Hi, Beth! We meet in the strangest places, don’t we?
Everboddy else does, so I’ll declare my sexual orientation:
20% Hetero, 3% Homo. Yup, I’m really not all that horny.
Keep it up, Miss Yockey!
I just looked up-thread. Dang, Ma’am! You play the bassoon, and like Weber? I have just right now succumbed to a severe and almost certainly unrequited crush on you! (I usedta play the clarinet.)
P.s. Do you make your own reeds? Sorry, bassoonists are my favorite weird musicians in the whole world.
The foremost bassoon reedmaker of the twentieth century worked in the music department of Beshore’s Furniture on Main Street, Bel Air, Maryland — birthplace of John Wilkes Booth. I only had to walk about a mile from my high school — the descendent of the high school of John Wilkes Booth — to Beshore’s and ask Mr. Skinner for a reed. He charged $5.00. He made the turk’s head out of white string, covered it with Duco cement, and then red finger nail polish. (These days you can get all kinds of fancy-schmancy reed string colors.) He would give them to me in Rico clarinet reed boxes that smelled of his pipe smoke.
When I went to music camp — Eastern Music Festival in Greensboro, North Carolina — I had too many people teaching me to make reeds, each one with a different procedure. So, I didn’t learn how to make my own bassoon reeds. But I DID learn that if you REALLY want to master something, start by choosing a great teacher and master their system for doing X before trying to add in tips from anyone else. That was one of the most important lessons of my life and has stood me in very good stead. But I do look forward to the day when I have my own bassoon, all the reed-making tools I want, plenty of cane and lessons from an excellent bassoon teacher. (If anyone has a Heckel, Bell, Puchner or Moosman bassoon they want to part with on a “free to good home” basis, comment here and I promise to make it very happy.)
I don’t know why I didn’t get reed-making lessons from Mr. Skinner. I do have one of his reeds left, though.
On “The Mentalist” last week, Jane guessed that whatshername, the team leader, played an instrument in high school and when his first guess, “clarinet,” was wrong, as she was walking away he called out, “bassoon!” You know what? She would totally make a good bassoonist.
[…] Kevin Dujan of Hill Buzz is NOT a racist and he needs our help The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground have outed Kevin Dujan as the owner of the blog, Hill Buzz. They are smearing him with the false charge that that he is a racist. They are urging their readers to destroy his career and attack him physically. (I’m not linking them, but you can verify this by Googling. Instead, I suggest you read Hill Buzz here.) […]
Beatrice, did you think the constant references to Bush looking like a chimp were racist? I adored the man, and still do, but darn it, I can see why they said it, and while it was disrespectful, I did laugh at times.
I can also easily see the Wookie resemblance in Mrs. Obama. Sad, but true. Disrespectful, beyond a doubt, but funny, and NOT racist.
So this is what the Democrats have descended to? Disgusting. To the Hillbuzz boys, fight one. We’ve got your back. The irony is that the Hillbuzz post came on the same weekend the SCt devastated McCain-Feingold and the Democrats threw a fit cuz we peasants are not allowed free speech if we’re huddled in a corporation. Well, the Dems are showing that NOBODY in America is allowed free speech … unless their script is approved by the WH. That’s not America. Guess I’ll have to mosey on over to HillBuzz and donate to the cause.
Cynthia, if they come at you, you don’t back down either.
Thank you for your support of Hill Buzz and the encouraging words for me, too!
In this vein, I recommend Justice Clarence Thomas’ concur in part/dissent in part opinion in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (Powerline has a link).
Okay, so politics ain’t beanbag. How rough do people really want to play? I wish the HillBuzz folk wrote a little less eliptically about the threats they received.
.-= Malcolm Kirkpatrick´s last blog ..Economy =-.
I used to read all the PUMA blogs back in 2008, because ironically, they had better links, stories, and insider knowledge of the Obama campaign, than more reputable news agencies (I’m sure there were some planted stories, though, but from my perspective, they fulfilled a very emotional need during that roller-coaster ride of an election). One such was the defunct, Hillary’s Village, itself an offshoot of another PUMA-blog which oddly became pro-Obama the SECOND he was elected. I’ve mercifully forgotten it’s name.
Hey, Cynthia? In case no one has told you this yet, or in quite such sappy tones — welcome to the fold. We Conservatives are used to receiving people as their views change throughout the years, something which the Left considers apostasy.
It’s an honour to have a conservative lesbian blogger amongst our ranks.
.-= Victoria´s last blog ..Thank You, Massachussett(e)s =-.
Cynthia, I’ve touched on Hillbuzz once before because of you, but thanks to this post I have just spent 3 hours on their site. Girl…it’s like you tryin’ to get me to ignore my family.
I am def with them now…do disagree on some topics but always good to see people with genuine love of country combined with common sense. And will do what I can to help them stay strong.
Much love,
Victoria and Amy,
Thank you! And Malcolm, thanks for the heads-up!
TY! I’m more conservative than many of you and have never been a registered Dem. I adore Hillbuz and am doing my part, however small, to support Kevin. I will never forget the “Ya done good, Dubya” letter. TY for this alert.
The reason Hillbuzzers are being accused of being racists has to do with a thread that was posted not too long ago. In it was proposed the bombing of muslim holy places as retaliation for extreme islamic terror attacks. In a separate post related to this topic Hillbuzz claimed all muslims are responsible for terror attacks since they do not protest extremism (this is adlibbed…).
Most logical people do not belive in collective guilt. Knowledgable people know there are peaceful interpretations of the Koran. Peace loving people do not wish bombs on anyone, including islamic holy sites.
With all due respect…if you preach hatred, it comes back to haunt you.
Oh, really? You’re here to whitewash Islam? No sale. Both the boyz of Hill Buzz and I have lost loved ones in the Islamic terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and Mumbai.
The most authoritative sites on Islam are in my newsfeed: Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs; Phyllis Chesler of Pajamas Media; Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch; David Horowitz of Newsreal and Frontpage; Kathie Shaidle of Five Feet of Fury; Mark Steyn of National Review Online; and Melanie Phillips, author of Londonistan.
No, there are NOT peaceful interpretations of the Koran: Muslims are commanded to kill or subjugate ALL non-Muslims and those who do not are NOT peaceful, they are apostates feasting on the fruits of the labors of their more devout co-religionists, cheerfully providing them cover and one click away from behaving the same way themselves either voluntarily or due to coercion. If they don’t like Islamic terrorism, it’s their job to stop it. Not only do they NOT stop it, there’s hardly ever a peep of protest by Muslims anywhere of Islamic terrorist attacks, either.
Also, when you preach peace, why don’t you have the integrity and courage to START with Muslims? Don’t come to anyone else until you’ve completely wiped out adherence to the Koranic commandment to kill non-Muslims for not being Muslim. Put yourself in between the mobs sealing Christians in their churches and then setting the buildings on fire. Or get Muslims to stop attacking Jews and promising to destroy Israel. Get your affairs in order first, though.
And, peace-loving people who HAVE BEEN BOMBED absolutely MUST and DO wish to destroy their enemies when that’s the only way to stop them. The real problem with the suggestion of bombing mosques is that the Islamic terrorists’ attacks are intended to provoke exactly that kind of response because that would galvanize the apostates to their cause and unite the Muslim world to destroy Judeo-Christian nations. You can’t kill hate with bombs or bullets.
The real solution is one I have suggested here a few times: the Maharishi Effect. Look for my posts under the category of “Maharishi Effect.” THAT’S what will neutralize the hate and create a ground for peace so strong that war can’t arise.
Read United in Hate by Jamie Glazov, which brings the insights of Eric Hoffer’s The True Believer up-to-date. It is the Left that is preaching hatred and totalitarianism, not the Right, and not Hill Buzz.
thank you for standing up to the Boyz. It is through you that I have discovered other blogs such as Gay Patriot and I think even Legal Insurrection as well as Hillbuzz.
There is one point that dressdown neglects, and that is Muslim is not a race, neither is it a true religion. It is a theocracy. The fact is that Muslims come from: Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Iraq and Turkey, to name but a few of the countries where Islam is the state religion. If the boyz had said things about Indonesians then that would be racist. However, what they stated in that post does not make them racist.
I did not personally lose anyone in the bombing of the WTC but 12 people from Australia lost their lives. Another 188 people lost their lives in Bali (Hambali was the mastermind of Bali bombings) and I am not exactly enarmoured to the idea that a mosque should be built in my neighbourhood.
Pulling the race card for stating the truth about the aims of Islam is getting very tired. Yes, there are Muslims who have watered down the Koran to give “peace” a different meaning than the one meant by Mohammed. These different Muslim sects include the Sufi, yet the young man who was responsible for the Christmas Day potential disaster is a Sufi. The father of this potential terrorist is obviously a good man. I have known Muslims that would not hurt a fly. Many are just outright secular. Yet, as this one person proved, they can be radicalized.
I actually think that when Muslims blow up Christian churches and Jewish synagogues then they should pay the price by having their mosques destroyed. I think that was the point that the boyz were making. If they do it to us, then they deserve the retaliation. The post was not meant as a “go and do it” piece, but more in the line of “who do these people think they are? They blow up Christian churches and get bent out of shape over their own religious symbols.” That is not racism.
I really cannot condone the retaliation approach. I just want to repeat, one of the purposes of the terrorist attacks is to provoke retaliation that will draw more Muslims to their cause and drain their enemy by involving them in a war.
The Maharishi Effect is scientifically validated. It eliminates the foundation for war and promotes individual and social indicators of positivity. It makes sense to try this practical and affordable solution.
[…] of the wingnuts sites are pointing to this post by Cynthia Yockey, who writes A Conservative Lesbian: Hill Buzz is written by a group of gay men in […]
*not in a physical theatening kind of way*
I’m sorry that the boyz, at Hill Buzz, have to suffer the same fate as the women who the Clinton’s had to destroy inorder to make horny HillBilly seem marginally suitable to take the world stage.
They throw in the name of Rush Limbaugh as of someone who has faced the same charges and threats thrown at themselves. That is true, but who made those threats and charges? Their very own Hill and Bill.
I have little symphathy for those who reap from which they have sown.
Kettle meet Pot, Pot meet Kettle.
The libel was about racism. Stay on topic. And the purpose of the libel is to destroy anyone not toeing the Leftist line and who challenges the racial grievance industry, which exists to perpetuate subjugation not liberation. If you don’t toe the Left’s line, they will target you. This is wrong, which is why there is push-back.
Also, the first two prominent people that Obama and the Leftists have smeared unjustly as racists are Bill and Hillary Clinton.
If you reply and do not compare apples to apples and oranges to oranges, I won’t approve your comment. If you don’t like that, blogs are free — get your own.
I quickly read your response to my first post and submitted my reply without fully reading your whole response to me. My bad.
I was frankly shocked that you approved my first response, thank you.
It is your blog and you may rule with an iron hand or kid gloves, it is your prerogative. I am merely a visitor from Michelle Malkin’s site. I have no hate or dislike to direct at you.
Thank you.
[…] talks about the nature of the attack and the nature of the attackers. Conservative lesbian Cynthia Yockey explains: We MUST push back against FALSE charges of racism because Lefties will use it to destroy innocent […]
[…] McCain put me onto this story originally. Cynthia Yockey has been leading the charge on this one, I’ll let her explain: The Daily Kos and Democratic […]
[…] on | January 25, 2010 | 3 CommentsI’ve headlined the attack on Hillbuzz, but Cynthia Yockey was out of the chute early with this important background:The Daily Kos and Democratic Underground have outed Kevin DuJan as the owner of the blog, Hill […]
[…] prepared to take some bruises. It’s quite another when you try to take away a person’s livelihood. I’ve seen this before and the same word applies now as it did […]
I support Hillbuzz. Good luck in your battles.
I read about the HillBuzz attack at weazelzippers.
[…] to these Kossacks and when they come after you.” A Conservative Lesbian: UPDATED — Kevin DuJan of Hill Buzz is NOT a racist and he needs our help Diary of a Mad Conservative: Okay, we get it already. WE ARE RACISTS and TERRORISTS for […]