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See HillBuzz: “The angrier gays get over DOMA and DADT the more likely you are to hear stories about Man’s Country” and “All we could think of when we saw this cartoon of Rahm Emanuel was ….“
Cynthia Yockey, A Conservative Lesbian
A Conservative Lesbian
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I’d read that his grandpa had put him in charge of Frank the communist so he’d learn to be a black man. Only thing was, allegedly, Frank had a letch for boys.
My perception is that Frank was a sexual predator who did not discriminate about the sex of his victims. It seems likely to me that he molested both Obama’s mother when she was around 12 or 13 and Obama when he was a teen. See the comments in my post here. His son trolls this site, among others, to whitewash his father’s memory, so I’m expecting him in 3, 2, 1 ….
Thanks for the correction, Cynthia. You’re right.
Every time I see that couple I remember who is paying for their date nights and expensive vacations. And the left cried tears the size of horse turds because Bush went to a house he owns outside of Waco.
.-= Peter´s last blog ..The Man Who Brought Us The Edsel and The War In Viet Nam =-.
Yup, Peter, they do love to live large. We foot the bill, and I bet they consider it as reparation.
I Just wanted to let you know that your site is a breath of fresh air from the leftist claptrap over at afterellen, where you get kicked out for truthfully expressing that islam is an evil ideology.
Thank you! It is bizarre that gays do not see what a threat Islam is already in the U.S. where Muslims are taking over cities like Dearborn, Michigan. They believe they have a divine duty to kill lesbians and gays and that women are property. They also want to continue here the custom of amputating women’s external genitalia. They also have the right to vote, so the strategy of attaining homosexual equality through legislation at the state level is not taking that obstacle into account. This is why I am comfortable with court decisions that affirm homosexual equality. It is one of the jobs of the courts to protect minorities who would never, ever have sufficient favor with a majority to be allowed to have their equality recognized in law.
Your response to Sarahfan contains a brilliant insight: those that wish to kill homos and mutilate women have the vote which is goes a long way towards legitimizing court rulings as a means of advancing equality. Hmm, now that I think of it, that has always been the role of the court.