'Still Life' at the Penguin Cafe

In the late spring of 2004 I was driving and listening to the radio when the most amazing music came on. I got to my destination and just stayed in the car for at least 20 more minutes to hear it all the way through and get the name. It was “‘Still Life’ at the …

Absolutely Fabulous — 'I'm chanting as we speak'

Margaret and I loved watching “Absolutely Fabulous” over and over. We saw its American debut, which included this music video of the Pet Shop Boys. I hoped it would be shown again in the reruns, but it never was, so this is the first time I’ve seen it, except from my own VHS recording, since …

When the Left mocks Obama, come to find it's not racist

The Left has begun to mock Obama, who is the most pre-eminently mockable man ALIVE. Surprise! When the Left ridicules Obama, it’s not racist. Well, I’ll be. The video below is from The Onion, which has just caught up with the idea that a man who must have his every remark scripted and scrolled across …

I'll hold you while angels sing you to sleep

“Lullabye” by Cris Williamson from her 1978 album, Live Dream. I love singing lullabyes and this is one of my favorites. In my first year with my late life partner, Margaret Ardussi, circa 1984-85, I thought it would make her feel loved and comforted if I sang her lullabyes before we went to sleep. But …

The exercise to do to get smart

This clip includes the intro music for all five seasons of “Get Smart” and the 1989 reunion movie: Fun fact: “Get Smart” is my father’s favorite comedy. I have learned the hard way that I have to exercise to think clearly and function well, and these rewards are so obvious to me that I dread …

For stronger bones — jump!

Thanks to Little Miss Attila, I was browsing the New York Times and came across a piece on new research on what exercise is best for making your bones stronger — the last I heard it was weight-lifting and weight-bearing exercises, but newer research has a different recommendation: … the current state-of-the-science message about exercise …

Gone to lynch

Huzzah, Jenny, The Bloggess, whom I love pure and chaste from afar, is back from Japan. Before watching this video, I have to caution you that there is a reason I made up a new Internet acronym for her: PFNFNDHITN (Pee First, No Food, No Drinks, Have Inhaler and Tissues Nearby): Thank you, my dear …

Carrie Prejean made 15-20 sex videos and she was 20 at the time

MSNBC, 11/13/2009: Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy When Carrie Prejean dropped her lawsuit against the Miss California USA pageant last week, she acknowledged making only one video of herself masturbating and claimed she was 17. Saying she was 17 is convenient because it means distributing the video or …

Vicious backlash for ALL gays because Perez Hilton called Carrie Prejean names she keeps proving she deserves, but no backlash for Muslims after an Islamist jihadist kills 13 at Ft. Hood

One of the hurdles that beauty pageant contestants must hurdle effortlessly is proving they have the ability to answer polarizing questions in a way that offends no one. No one who lacks that ability deserves to win a pageant. Carrie Prejean proved at the Miss USA pageant last spring that she is always determined to …

The Hammond Song by The Roches

The popular music performers that Margaret and I loved to go see in concert were Joan Armatrading, Betty (the group) and The Roches. Betty moved to New York in the mid-80’s I think, so we only saw them once or twice, but we saw Joan Armatrading and The Roches several times over the years. I’ve …