I'm an official CPAC blogger, y'all

When I attended CPAC for the first time last year, I had only been blogging about seven weeks and I had only been a fiscal conservative for about five months. A post by Stacy McCain on “How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog in a Year” led to my writing a post about …

Movin' on up — Stacy McCain has classy new digs

Congratulations to my dear friend, Stacy McCain, on moving his blog, The Other McCain, from Blogger to TheOtherMcCain.com as a self-hosted WordPress blog. At last! My trackbacks will get through and FINALLY justice will be done on FMJRA days! Oh, wait — I should be thinking about how nice this will be for Stacy and …

'Please fire Kathleen Parker'

Dear Stacy asks today, “Is Kathleen Parker’s evil under-rated?” and provides his 2009 Evil Top 10 rankings. First — regarding Kathleen Parker: yes, Stacy. Yes, it is. My headline has quotes because one of the very first indications to me that I was becoming a fiscal conservative was that after one of her more egregious …

Tales of Hoffman

From YouTube: Jeremy Kaine and Tony Maglione from Doug Hoffman’s Plattsburgh, New York, campaign office tell America what is at stake in the Nov. 3 Congressional special election in upstate New York. Dear Stacy McCain just got back from his trip to NY-23 to check on the campaign of Doug Hoffman, who is the Conservative …

Today Stacy McCain turns 50, embraces Pamela Anderson nude and says Rachel Maddow is hot

My dear friend Stacy McCain has a wife and six children, which makes every honest dollar that comes in his door — as cash, check or PayPal — a very glad sight indeed. Today is his birthday, the big five-O, so do give him a visit and some practical appreciation of his work in the …

UPDATED: Rachel Maddow, you need to see these videos about Charles Johnson before preaching his propaganda

Last week I thought the videos below were hilarious, but that it was too mean to grab them up from Ace of Spades HQ, who found the first one at The Other McCain. Then Rachel Maddow preached from the gospel of Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs on “Meet the Press” ON MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY. …

Rachel Maddow is a dupe, but Robert Stacy McCain is NOT a white supremacist or racist

Criminy! It’s my fifty-sixth birthday and this is not the mellow post I was planning to write in the time I have available for posting today! But I see from Pat at So It Goes in Shreveport that Rachel Maddow, reading from the gospel of crazy man and pro-jihadist Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs, …

UPDATED — Is Kejda Gjermani working as a concern troll to support Islamic jihad?

I noticed in my 20’s the approach an acquaintance of mine used when he was asked a question by a pair of young women that he didn’t really want to answer. He emitted a torrent of words like a squid squirts ink and kept talking until they heartily repented of questioning him and had vowed …

Stacy, do you take your coffee with urine, strychnine or arsenic?

Stacy is giving lessons today on “How to offend a woman.” It ends not with a cry, but a demand for coffee. Stacy, if you want me to get you coffee BECAUSE I am a woman, I’m going to need to know how you take it — with urine, strychnine or arsenic? Name your poison. …

Read John Hawkins on the descent of Little Green Footballs

Because I am new to conservatism and blogging, when I first saw Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs attacking dear, brave Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, whom I met at CPAC and came this close to asking her to autograph my … arm — so much do I admire her courage — I did not …