So a feminine lesbian walks into a lesbian bar

When I ran a group in Silver Spring, Maryland, for feminine lesbians called the Lesbian Ladies Society in the late 1980’s, practically every woman who attended in good faith — some came in order to destroy the group because that’s how the lesbian community rolls — had a story about getting all dressed up for …

Ignore Meghan McCain on gay marriage at your peril, G.O.P.

On my daily rounds I came across one or two blogs denouncing Meghan McCain, which is not unusual, but somehow my curiosity was piqued. Anyway, I clicked through on the links and found — you are shocked, I’m sure — that I am delighted with Ms. McCain’s explanation of why she supports gay marriage and …

THIS is what we should call 'gay marriage'

When I wrote last week about my joy over the court decision that allows lesbians and gays to have same-sex marriages in Iowa, near the end of the post I pointed out that our healthcare system is a far bigger threat to marrriage right now than gay marriage, which is totally not a threat to …

Pattymelt is my favorite dish

I have been pining to have me some more of that saucy Pattymelt, who wrote an absolutely hilarious post for HillBuzz during the 2008 campaign and today, Friday the 13th, is my LUCKY day because she’s baa-aaa-ack!!! on the pixels of HillBuzz, the Hillary PUMA (Party Unity My Ass!) site written by some nice young …

How Stacy McCain became irresistible to women

It was a balmy, sunny day at Rehobeth Beach, Delaware, and Stacy McCain was walking on the sparkling beach when he spied a dark metal handle of something that looked like a gravy boat sticking up out of the sand. He pulled it out for closer examination. As Stacy brushed off the sand and rubbed …

How to turn around blighted neighborhoods for free, the conservative way

As a minority, lesbians and gays have few, if any, friends and allies willing to expend political capital on our behalf — although other minorities accept all the golden eggs we produce for them with endless handfuls of gimme and mouths full of “much obliged.” We also have less family support than any other minority …