Gov. Palin won’t run — Palin for president in 2016

I was dismayed, but not very surprised, last night when I heard that Gov. Palin announced she has decided not to run for president in this election cycle. I was hoping she was hanging back to let the field thin out. Allahpundit at Hot Air says it’s a smart call and links Charles Krauthammer saying …

Uh, Neo-neocon and Jules, I think the scoop for rallying for Scott Brown belongs to Legal Insurrection and Hill Buzz

H/T for video to Hill Buzz: “Get off your butts: MSNBC admits electing Scott Brown will cripple Obama.” Success has a thousand fathers and failure only one, as the expression goes.* Now that Republican Scott Brown is polling ahead of the Democratic candidate, Martha Coakley, for the election in Massachusetts on Jan. 19 to fill …

I'm OK with the whole outing gestalt

My take is that sunshine improves the level of discourse. I came out as a lesbian at the age of 18 in 1972, when it was dangerous and even life-threatening, so I know something about it. However, I do LOVE it that the animus against conservativism by liberals, which does force conservatives to lie about …