When you can’t drag and drop in iTunes, look at the column headings to see which one you have selected — it will be highlighted. Then select the farthest left column, which has numbers in it — THAT’S the one that allows you to drag and drop songs to play in the order you prefer. …
Tag Archives: Humor
Fabulous! An overview of the same-sex marriage debate
Thanks to a tweet I can’t find now, I came across a graphic, “Overview of the Same-Sex Marriage Debate,” which I gather was created by Patrick Farley of Electric Sheep. It strikes me as a perfect summary of the debate over equality for lesbians and gays. Check the larger, legible versions at Electric Sheep or …
Continue reading “Fabulous! An overview of the same-sex marriage debate”
I don’t know why he swallowed the fly, Keyboard Cat, perhaps he’ll … have a freakass ghetto meltdown
OK, I’m pretty sure I came across the following Keyboard Cat cover act by actor Ron Livingston at icanhascheezburger.com, and I will take you on the journey through YouTube that it sparked: This led to a reporter who swallowed a fly — I don’t know why he swallowed the fly — but hijinks ensued because …
It’s called ‘gullism’
Stop the hate: From FailBlog.
Neo-neocon, A Connecticut Yankee’s lessons from trying to talk to a liberal
Neo-neocon is pondering how to talk to liberals tonight. I’m struck by her saying her liberal friends accused her of going over to the dark side because one of my friends who voted for Obama is now disgusted with him and sent around to her friends, including me, Robin of Berkeley’s recent post at American …
Continue reading “Neo-neocon, A Connecticut Yankee’s lessons from trying to talk to a liberal”
Tarnation! This h’yar algorithm says …
I write like Mark Twain I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing! Dear Matthew Vadum, who writes like Mario Puzo, put me up to this thanks to a post of his I spotted in my Facebook newsfeed last night. Then dear Dan Collins of POWIP inspired me to mosey over to …
Sassy Gay Friend saves The Giving Tree
H/T The Bloggess at Good Mom/Bad Mom: “It’s about damn time someone set The Giving Tree straight.” Coming attractions: I am not satisfied with the post I’ve been working on the last couple of hours, so it will have to wait for tomorrow, or another day, but I will post the video of Shelby Steele …
Sassy Gay Friend saves Eve in Paradise
Apple’s iPhone 4 vs. Sprint’s HTC Evo
The two animations below are from the same writer and give the pros and cons of Apple’s iPhone 4 and Sprint’s HTC Evo. The first one was linked last week at The Atlantic and I found the second one when I was browsing on YouTube. I advise against eating or drinking while you watch either …
What a friend we have in Jesus
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