Obama awarded Nobel prize in economics

Stockholm, October 12 — Nobel Committee spokesman, Torvald Helmer, announced this morning that U.S. President Barack Obama has been awarded the 2009 Nobel prize in Economics. “First we want to beg journalists to remember the time difference between Stockholm and Washington, D.C. Please embargo this story in the U.S. until 7 am Eastern Time,” Mr. …

Obama Prevarication Predictor: Homosexual equality march on Oct. 11 edition

My Obama Prevarication Predictor says that whenever a consensus develops that poses an obstacle to something Obama wants, within 72 hours he will say whatever the group blocking him wants to hear but with no intention of actually delivering on what he says, but rather the intention of getting his opponents to relax, stop paying …

Today Stacy McCain turns 50, embraces Pamela Anderson nude and says Rachel Maddow is hot

My dear friend Stacy McCain has a wife and six children, which makes every honest dollar that comes in his door — as cash, check or PayPal — a very glad sight indeed. Today is his birthday, the big five-O, so do give him a visit and some practical appreciation of his work in the …

UPDATED: Rachel Maddow, you need to see these videos about Charles Johnson before preaching his propaganda

Last week I thought the videos below were hilarious, but that it was too mean to grab them up from Ace of Spades HQ, who found the first one at The Other McCain. Then Rachel Maddow preached from the gospel of Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs on “Meet the Press” ON MY FREAKING BIRTHDAY. …

Hitler finds out Chicago didn't get the Olympics

I lifted the video above from those dear, wonderful young gay men in Chicago at HillBuzz, who campaigned for McCain/Palin with everything they had and who have mountains of dirt on Obama. What movie is this from? I encountered it last week when it was used to lampoon the insanity of Charles Johnson of Little …

I'm shocked, shocked, that David Letterman sexually exploited women in his power

moar funny pictures My impression of David Letterman is that people in general, and women in particular, exist to jump at his command and serve his every whim. And I am still outraged that CBS did not fire him in June for his sexist remarks about former Alaska governor Sarah Palin and his rapes jokes …

ACORN to partner with Roman Polanski on daycare center chain

Washington, D.C., Sept. 29 — ACORN CEO Bertha Lewis, the sole black person in the organization’s leadership, announced today that ACORN has signed a deal with film director Roman Polanski to create a new kind of daycare center at ACORN offices across the U.S. “Thanks to those two crazy kids and their hidden video camera, …

Stacy, do you take your coffee with urine, strychnine or arsenic?

Stacy is giving lessons today on “How to offend a woman.” It ends not with a cry, but a demand for coffee. Stacy, if you want me to get you coffee BECAUSE I am a woman, I’m going to need to know how you take it — with urine, strychnine or arsenic? Name your poison. …

No venue is too humble for Obama to use to apply the lipstick of his rhetorical powers to sell the pig of Obamacare

Interesting News Items has the story here. Yes, I know this is the third time I’ve used the expression that Obama is applying “the lipstick of his rhetorical powers to the pig of Obamacare.” I coined it! Update: now it is “the lipstick of his rhetorical powers TO SELL the pig of Obamacare.” I want …