You learn the most interesting things about Obama at HillBuzz

I dearly love those nice young gay men at HillBuzz and read them every day. They poured out their hearts and bank accounts and traveled to many states campaigning for McCain/Palin, so show some respect, please. Since they live in Chicago and know Obama from WAY back, they regularly provide the most interesting details on …

Pattymelt is my favorite dish

I have been pining to have me some more of that saucy Pattymelt, who wrote an absolutely hilarious post for HillBuzz during the 2008 campaign and today, Friday the 13th, is my LUCKY day because she’s baa-aaa-ack!!! on the pixels of HillBuzz, the Hillary PUMA (Party Unity My Ass!) site written by some nice young …

Mr. Obama, You're No Abe Lincoln

[This blog was born on January 12, 2009, and I took it down and put it up in different combinations of WordPress, Web hosting and domain names until I arrived here on January 25. But I didn’t re-post everything I had written. However, Pres. Abraham Lincoln was born 200 years ago today and Obama and …