I just received an e-mail from PLAGAL, the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, saying the blog I didn’t know they had has been updated. I have added it to my Blogroll.
I have to admit that the PLAGAL booth isn’t thronged on Pride Day — to be celebrated on various Saturdays in June in a city near you — and I don’t expect their blog to change that.
But they exist, and I want my gentle readers to know about them.
I am convinced that the reason pro-choice feminists demonized Sarah Palin and conducted their successful viral e-mail smear campaign of lies to demolish her support by women is Trig, her son with Down syndrome, who just celebrated his first birthday. I believe they did that because the Down syndrome fetus is the boogey-fetus that most successfully scares women into supporting the right to abortion. Medicine has advanced enough to have a reasonably accurate — not 100 percent accurate, just reasonably accurate — test to determine whether a fetus has Down syndrome. And I suspect that quite a lot of women who would sit on the fence forever on the abortion question jump down on the pro-choice side when they contemplate how it would change their lives — and marriages, if they have them — if they had to bring a Down syndrome baby to term.
The choice of Sarah Palin to embrace her Down syndrome baby and the support she has from her husband and other children un-demonizes the Down syndrome child everywhere forever. Even more, it de-mystifies the Down syndrome child because the Palin family is coping with the challenges of his disability in the public spotlight. People will never be as frightened of the Down syndrome boogey fetus again.
Who will be the next boogey fetus?
Bear in mind that the boogey fetus in China and India is any female.
I predict that the instant there is a test announced that claims to predict whether or not a fetus will be born homosexual, then homosexuals will be the next boogey fetus.
The PLAGAL lesbians and gays first saw that day coming from light years away. Or 1990, when the organization was founded.
Should that day come, then totalitarian social conservatives — who are like their counterparts, totalitarian liberals, but with a different checklist — will be in quite the pickle. They will know, or think they know, in the womb, that a member of a group they hate and want to kill — not always directly mind you, so they can keep the appearance of virtue and clean hands, but by eroding the foundations of life in every possible way, cutting the roots of the tree and blocking its sun, so that when it is stunted and later dies, they can deride and mock it and gloat about how defective and evil it was — that one of THOSE PEOPLE has come to be born into their own family.
What will they choose, then?
I do believe that some of them will obtain abortions secretly, just as some of them exploit the gay and lesbian community by having secret sexual liaisons and affairs.
But I’m also positive that the lesbian and gay fetuses brought to term in social conservative families who are aware the post-birth child is most likely homosexual will be tortured unremittingly by efforts to make them straight. If they are looking for techniques, there’s already a book. It’s titled Soul Murder.