Pro-life lesbians and gays

I just received an e-mail from PLAGAL, the Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians, saying the blog I didn’t know they had has been updated. I have added it to my Blogroll.

I have to admit that the PLAGAL booth isn’t thronged on Pride Day — to be celebrated on various Saturdays in June in a city near you — and I don’t expect their blog to change that.

But they exist, and I want my gentle readers to know about them.

I am convinced that the reason pro-choice feminists demonized Sarah Palin and conducted their successful viral e-mail smear campaign of lies to demolish her support by women is Trig, her son with Down syndrome, who just celebrated his first birthday. I believe they did that because the Down syndrome fetus is the boogey-fetus that most successfully scares women into supporting the right to abortion. Medicine has advanced enough to have a reasonably accurate — not 100 percent accurate, just reasonably accurate — test to determine whether a fetus has Down syndrome. And I suspect that quite a lot of women who would sit on the fence forever on the abortion question jump down on the pro-choice side when they contemplate how it would change their lives — and marriages, if they have them — if they had to bring a Down syndrome baby to term.

The choice of Sarah Palin to embrace her Down syndrome baby and the support she has from her husband and other children un-demonizes the Down syndrome child everywhere forever. Even more, it de-mystifies the Down syndrome child because the Palin family is coping with the challenges of his disability in the public spotlight. People will never be as frightened of the Down syndrome boogey fetus again.

Who will be the next boogey fetus?

Bear in mind that the boogey fetus in China and India is any female.

I predict that the instant there is a test announced that claims to predict whether or not a fetus will be born homosexual, then homosexuals will be the next boogey fetus.

The PLAGAL lesbians and gays first saw that day coming from light years away. Or 1990, when the organization was founded.

Should that day come, then totalitarian social conservatives — who are like their counterparts, totalitarian liberals, but with a different checklist — will be in quite the pickle. They will know, or think they know, in the womb, that a member of a group they hate and want to kill — not always directly mind you, so they can keep the appearance of virtue and clean hands, but by eroding the foundations of life in every possible way, cutting the roots of the tree and blocking its sun, so that when it is stunted and later dies, they can deride and mock it and gloat about how defective and evil it was — that one of THOSE PEOPLE has come to be born into their own family.

What will they choose, then?

I do believe that some of them will obtain abortions secretly, just as some of them exploit the gay and lesbian community by having secret sexual liaisons and affairs.

But I’m also positive that the lesbian and gay fetuses brought to term in social conservative families who are aware the post-birth child is most likely homosexual will be tortured unremittingly by efforts to make them straight. If they are looking for techniques, there’s already a book. It’s titled Soul Murder.

Monique Stuart, still champeen

As the official referee of the Jell-o wrestling match between Monique Stuart (HotMES) and Suzanna Logan (Insert Clever S.logan Here) scheduled for Tea Party Day, April 15, I declared Monique Stuart the winner on points a week in advance, as I explained here.

Now I see there are many more reasons to declare Monique a champion.

Update: Congratulations to Monique for earning her very own Memeorandum thread for telling the compelling story of how she came to conservatism and, well, cold-cocking the “pampered brat” meme.

Update: Smitty at The Other McCain: “Possibly better than the Jell-o wrestling.”

Update: Pundit and Pundette on the conservative message for the spoiled and unspoiled.

Hey, George Will! What about THIS movie star in denim?

Ronald Reagan with his horse, Little Man, at his Texas ranch in February 1977.
Ronald Reagan with his horse, Little Man, at his California ranch in February 1977.

Last week George Will wrote a column denouncing the ubiquitous wearing of denim and proposed we all go back to dressing like movie stars. Good news! It turns out we are!

I’m late for the pile-up, but in case you missed it, too, here are my favorites:

Little Miss Attila: “Blue Jeans — Scourge of America?”

Michelle Malkin: “Friday Fun — Conservative Rebels in Blue Jeans.”

Xena disagrees with Janeane Garofalo

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

If you have a hard time reading the sub-title, it says: “Xena disagrees with Janeane Garofalo that the Tea Parties were about race.”

Michelle Malkin on the Janeane Garofalo of academia.

Hot Air with video of Garofalo denouncing the Tea Parties as being all about racism against a black president, rather than out-of-control spending by Congress and a president who believes the tax code should be used to punish success and reward failure.

Big Hollywood’s Andrea Peyser gives Garofalo the Celebutard of the Week award.

Teh Resistance Blog: “10 Things You Didn’t See at the Tea Parties”

Update, June 1, 2009: Michelle Malkin has the scoop on an invitation to Janeane Garofalo to attend the Dallas Tea Party on July 4.

Nessun dorma

I gather it is heresy for a conservative to love PBS and NPR, but Margaret did, and I do.

When I came downstairs this morning my father was watching a PBS fundraising show on television featuring the life of Luciano Pavarotti and his seven greatest arias. Apparently one of the best things I ever did for my father is get him a ticket to see Pavarotti when he sang in Baltimore.

My favorite aria of all time is “Nessun Dorma” from the opera Turandot by Puccini. Here are the lyrics, with a translation:

The Prince
Nessun dorma, nessun dorma …
Tu pure, o Principessa,
Nella tua fredda stanza,
Guardi le stelle
Che tremano d’amore
E di speranza.

No one sleeps, no one sleeps…
Even you, o Princess,
In your cold room,
Watch the stars,
That tremble with love
And with hope.

Ma il mio mistero è chiuso in me,
Il nome mio nessun saprà, no, no,
Sulla tua bocca lo dirò
Quando la luce splenderà,
Ed il mio bacio scioglierà il silenzio
Che ti fa mia.

But my secret is hidden within me;
My name no one shall know, no, no,
On your mouth I will speak it*
When the light shines,
And my kiss will dissolve the silence
That makes you mine.

Il nome suo nessun saprà
E noi dovrem, ahimè, morir.

No one will know his name
And we must, alas, die.

The Prince
Dilegua, o notte!
Tramontate, stelle!
All’alba vincerò!

Vanish, o night!
Set**, stars!
At daybreak, I shall conquer!

* “Dire sulla bocca”, literally “to say on the mouth”, is a poetic Italian way of saying “to kiss.” (Or so I’ve been told, but perhaps a native speaker can confirm or deny this.) I’ve also been told that a line from a Marx Brothers movie — “I wasn’t kissing her, I was whispering in her mouth” — is a conscious imitation of the Italian phrase.

** “Tramontate” literally means “go behind the mountains”, but it’s the word Italians use for sunset and the like. It’s also a word Turandot uses after Calaf kisses her: “E l’alba! Turandot tramonta!” (“It’s dawn, Turandot descends!”) This suggests yet another mythopoetic theme which pervades the Turandot libretto — the sun god’s defeat of the moon goddess — but I won’t get into that….

Copyright © 1997, Mark D. Lew

And here is Pavarotti:

So a feminine lesbian walks into a lesbian bar

When I ran a group in Silver Spring, Maryland, for feminine lesbians called the Lesbian Ladies Society in the late 1980’s, practically every woman who attended in good faith — some came in order to destroy the group because that’s how the lesbian community rolls — had a story about getting all dressed up for a night out with other lesbians and when she walked into a lesbian bar, invariably she’d get mobbed by hostile dykes telling her to leave because she looked feminine.

This story was the most common among black women. And after I noticed that, I started counting the percentage of black women at MY meetings versus the percentage in other lesbian groups and gatherings. The percentage of black women in the Lesbian Ladies Society was 20 percent. For all the other lesbian groups I observed, the percentage was five to 10 percent — in Washington, D.C., which is 90 percent black (that’s the number I remember reading — I haven’t checked it for this post).

When I spoke about the Lesbian Ladies Society at meetings of the Gay Women’s Alternative, which met at the Washington Ethical Society in Washington, D.C., and usually had about 80 – 100 lesbians at each meeting, I would see women who happily wore skirts or dresses when they had attended the Lesbian Ladies Society at GWA dressed in dyke drag — flannel shirts and blue jeans. (When George Will made a fool of himself this week by denouncing blue jeans and demanding that we all dress up like Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers, I considered a post about how everyone dresses like a dyke these days. Ialso thought about checking YouTube to see if anyone has posted the Saturday Night Live jeans ad parody featuring the late Gilda Radner in “Jewess” jeans. Darn — I just checked — it’s not there.) Where was I? Oh, right. The crowd at GWA was ready to lynch me for the heresy of saying some lesbian are feminine by nature AND NOT NECESSARILY FEMMES because they want a feminine lesbian partner, not a butch one. Also, they were convinced that we were somehow lying and were trying to pass as straight. Anathema! Also, none of them judged anyone by their clothes. Not no how. Not no way.


I am convinced that the vicious and discriminatory treatment that feminine lesbians receive from the conglomerated victim identity groups of non-feminine lesbians is why polls find that the number of lesbians in the U.S. population is half the number of gay men (two percent versus four percent). I think the number of lesbians is really four percent, the same as the number of gay men, but half of us are treated so badly in the lesbian community that we just don’t go there any more.

All of that is to explain why I don’t consider the black lesbian, Pam, of Pam’s House Blend to be a hero of free speech, equal treatment, truth, justice and the American Way — pretty much all the time, not just when she is bashing the Tea Parties.

Little Miss Attila has the background and excellent observations here, which she picked up from dear Dan Collins of Protein Wisdom here. My thanks to her for bringing this to my attention.

Oh, and FYI — the nice young gay men at HillBuzz have published a number of posts of the trashings and physical assaults they’ve endured for supporting McCain/Palin in their predominantly gay area of Chicago called Boystown. Samples: “Calling out the crazies wherever we see them,” and “How can someone be conservative and gay?” Bonus: “What will Obama do for same-sex federal health benefits?” I do urge other conservatives to keep up with their blog and consider them worthy friends and stalwart allies in our quest to take this country back from a president and Congress hellbent on destroying it.


My, my, my, I just noticed I linked HillBuzz and not Pam’s House Blend. Must have been an oversight.

Update on Cuban Diva BFF's father

Cuban Diva BFF’s 84-year-old father was taken to the emergency room on Easter Sunday when an alert family member realized he had an infected wound that was getting worse rapidly. It turned out to be necrotizing fasciitis and the wound was in his groin, so an hour or so more of delay and he would probably not have made it.

As it was, he had two surgeries and was in ICU and on a ventilator (i.e., a tube was put down his throat so a machine could breathe for him and the tube would ensure his airway stayed open). Well, good news! He’s been off the ventilator for over a day and will be transferred to a regular hospital room as soon as one is available. He’ll have another week or so in the hospital.

Thank you to everyone who was praying or holding good thoughts for Cuban Diva BFF, her father and her family.

(I have Cuban Diva BFF’s permission to post this.)