What's the difference between Obama and a chimpanzee with a Magic Eight Ball?

Answer: I don’t know. What’s the difference between Obama and a chimpanzee with a Magic Eight Ball?

Answer: Statistically, a chimpanzee with a Magic Eight Ball can run a capitalist economy better than a third-generation Communist who only held one full-time job in his 20’s before becoming president and who thinks money comes from “rich people” instead of creativity, service and the ambition to create a good life for yourself and your family.

Anyone else have answers to contribute?

Bonus: Generate your own Magic Eight Ball answers here.

LOL News turns on Obama

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I didn’t make any of these up.

LOL News leads with this photo captioned with a swipe at George W. Bush. But when I checked for other captions, I was struck by the change in tone and the marked increase in the number of captions that ridicule Obama. I wonder why quadrupling the deficit, increasing unemployment, stagnating our economy, nationalizing the auto industry, weakening our military, bowing to a king, insulting our allies and apologizing to our enemies, turning his back on the democratic process in Iran and supporting a legally deposed would-be dictator in Honduras, refusing to keep promises to ensure homosexual equality and vowing to skyrocket energy prices would reduce his popularity? Go figure.

Stars and Stripes Forever

I play the bassoon in the Bel Air Community Band and usually we play a concert for the Independence Day celebration just before the fireworks at Bel Air High School — which is the descendent of the school attended by John Wilkes Booth, since this is where he was born and raised. However, a new high school is almost finished and the Bel Air High School I attended is slated for demolition. So for the last couple of years, and this year, due to the construction, the fireworks have been moved to another location but we haven’t played because the alternate location has no room for us or our audience.

When the band plays before the fireworks, we always finish with John Phillip Sousa’s march, “Stars and Stripes Forever.” The most difficult thing about playing it for many of us, because it is such a beautiful and stirring march, and we love our country so, is not to burst into tears as we play. I do usually finish with tears running down my cheeks, and I see other band members wiping away tears, too, when we’ve finished playing.

Our country is under a well-planned, slow-motion attack from within the like of which we’ve never seen before and can hardly comprehend due to the scale of destruction bearing down on us. We are fighting for the life of America as a democratic republic empowered by capitalism. Please vow on this Independence Day to keep the faith and do the work necessary to restore our Congress and the presidency to people who will be true stewards of liberty, capitalism and the American Dream. This fight is too big now for anyone to be excused from service.

Palin for president in 2012

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Photo by Jeff Schultz of AlaskaStock.com, Anchorage, Alaska.
Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. Photo by Jeff Schultz of AlaskaStock.com, Anchorage, Alaska.

My reaction to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s announcement today that she will step down on July 25 is that I hope to God she will devote all her energy to winning the presidency in 2012.

My reaction to my newly fellow conservatives and Republicans is that with friends like you, her enemies can relax.

Sarah Palin is not just the best candidate we have now or can foresee. Sarah Palin is the BEST CANDIDATE WE HAVE HAD SINCE RONALD REAGAN! We have NO other candidate with Sarah Palin’s intelligence and charisma and qualifications to be president. DEAL! For heaven’s sakes, it’s time we get behind Gov. Palin and support her and pull together!

Does ANYONE think for even one second that if Sarah Palin had been sworn in as president on Jan. 20, 2009, instead of Obama, that we would have the stock market below 9,000 and unemployment at 9.5 percent? NO, WE WOULD NOT!

Why? Because Sarah Palin knew we were half-way through the recession in January and getting out of it did NOT require quadrupling the deficit!

If Sarah Palin were president RIGHT NOW, JUST THE WAY SHE IS, THIS COUNTRY WOULD BE ON THE ROAD TO RECOVERY instead of being on the brink of totalitarianism and socialism!

Smacks on the head as follows:

Ace of Spades HQ: “Sarah Palin Resigning July 25

Hot Air, Allahpundit: “Breaking: Palin to Resign Within Weeks? Update: Is Her Career Over?

Jonah Goldberg: “A Letter to Sarah Palin

Charles Krauthammer on Fox News, July 1, saying Gov. Palin needs to study more now but could be a serious candidate in the future, YouTube video here, partial transcript here.

This is a partial list. More to follow.

Update, 7/03/09: Smitty at The Other McCain is not up to the level of support for Gov. Palin that I favor, but I’ll take it as a sign some people are emerging from their fog: “Anyone on the Right should consider supporting Sarah Palin, if only from the enemy-of-my-enemy-is-my-friend standpoint.” Come toward the light, Smitty, come toward the light.

Update, 7/04/09: I should have known it would be dear, courageous Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs who would get it right that this is a beginning for Gov. Palin.

Update, 7/04/09: THIS is the time to rally to Gov. Palin:

Update, 7/05/09: See Kurt Schlichter at Big Hollywood, “The Force is with Sarah Palin“:

“… Remember when Darth Vader faced off with Obi-Wan Kenobi? ‘If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine?’ She’s now immune from bogus legal claims and her book will not only raise her profile but set up her family financially for life. Now Sarah is unbound, freed from the need to be up in Juneau and able to network, fundraise and even (maybe) campaign without limitation. And the modern media environment will let her do these things without even a nod to the mainstream media ….” (Go read the whole thing!)

Also, Ed Morrissey at Hot Air, “Video: Matalin thinks Palin is ‘brilliant’ for resigning“:

[Republican strategist Mary Matalin on Gov. Palin:] On the substance, there’s the key economic issue — I know everyone says — thinks it’s health care, but it’s really energy. And she’s the queen of energy.

And the second big issue for 2012 will be the role of government. And she has a record of reform and ethics reform and making government smaller and reigning in spending — all those issues that are getting increasingly important as Barack Obama expands on his agenda.

Update, 7/10/09: I should have noticed sooner that James Joyner at Outside the Beltway scolded Charles Krauthammer on July 3 for his assertion that you can’t run a campaign on platitudes, which was directed at Gov. Palin, by pointing out that that is exactly what Obama did (and, for heaven’s sake, is it possible to have an emptier and more meaningless slogan than, “Hope and Change”?). He has a video clip of Krauthammer’s remarks with his rebuttal here.

How to bring the campaign to FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN to your local Tea Party

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moar funny pictures

If you want conservatives to be able to field the best and brightest candidates, there’s something you can do at your Tea Party to make that happen: send the message that sexism and attacks on the children of people you disagree with are career suicide. The way to do that is to make an example of David Letterman, who attacked Gov. Palin and her daughters on June 8 and 9, then made sneering, sham apologies on June 10 and 15. He resumed his attacks only four days later. We MUST do the work required to get David Letterman fired!

Here are two things YOU can bring to your local Tea Party to help get David Letterman fired:

  1. Copies of contact info in the file at the end of this post. It lists the top executives for CBS and three major Letterman sponsors to show people where to write to get Letterman fired.
  2. A petition to CBS to fire David Letterman for attacking the children of a politician because he disagrees with her. (The privacy statement for the petitions should let signers know that this list will only be used to present copies to CBS and Letterman sponsors and to keep them informed of the progress of this campaign.)

Whether or not Gov. Palin is your favorite candidate, if we tolerate the degrading and sexist remarks Letterman made about her as looking like a “slutty flight attendant” and his fantasizing about her daughter getting “knocked up” while attending a baseball game with her mother, we are telling every single one of our candidates that when they stand up for us they are putting their children in harm’s way. We also are telling our candidates that when they stand up for us, we will not stand up for them.

This is NOT the way to attract the best and brightest candidates. However, it IS the way to tell our ideological opponents that they can beat us up and take our lunch money whenever they want. And that message will multiply the number and viciousness of the bullies attacking us and our candidates. IT. MUST. STOP. NOW.

That is why it is important to persist in the campaign to get David Letterman fired. It is an extremely efficient and cost-effective way to improve the level of courtesy in public discourse.

If you do not know why there’s such a fuss about Letterman, here are some helpful links:

A Conservative Lesbian: “Apology, schmopology — FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN!” This post explains why Letterman’s attacks on Gov. Palin and her children affect all women and everyone Letterman disagrees with.

A Conservative Lesbian: “Your handy ‘FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN’ kit, part two.” This post explains the hierarchy of things that are the most effective to do to get Letterman fired from an e-mail to me by Sebastian Gray of HillBuzz.

A Conservative Lesbian: “Your handy ‘FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN’ kit, part one.” This post contains video of Letterman’s original insults.

HillBuzz: “Why persistence matters when facing down Corporate America, by Sebastian Gray, for Gray Matters.” This inspiring post will make you invulnerable to defeatist trolls. It explains what to do, why to do it and how persistence ultimately prevails. (Note: HillBuzz is a blog by centrist Democrat gay men in Chicago who campaigned for McCain/Palin after the nomination was stolen from Hillary Clinton. Consider them staunch friends and allies — they’ve earned our trust. Plus they have the most impressive dirt on Obama.)

HillBuzz: “How to write to corporate America.” Excellent lessons in practical activism: “If you want to get through to corporate America, this is the mindset [of persistence] your readers need to have: they will resist you, and try to ignore you, and most definitely laugh at you in their boardrooms…but if you are persistent and you keep writing them, and writing them, and writing them, then you will ultimately scare the living daylights out of them.”

HillBuzz: “We hope Republicans see that the Alinsky-Al Sharpton methods work.” The money quote: “There is absolutely nothing more important than hitting back HARD every time the opponent takes even the slightest swing at you.”

HillBuzz: “The REAL difference between Republicans and Democrats — Dems know how to work the system by Sebastian Gray for Gray Matters.” Money quote: “It will take a month to really hurt David Letterman — a month of sustained letter writing and calling to every one of his advertisers letting them know that their decision to stand with Letterman means they support the notion that statutory rape of a 14 year-old girl is ‘funny,’ and that later calling this same 14-year-old girl ‘one of Eliot Spitzer’s prostitutes’ is also funny.”

To do your part to get David Letterman fired, print and bring letters for your fellow Tea Partiers to sign calling for advertisers to drop their sponsorship of “Late Night with David Letterman” and for CBS to fire David Letterman immediately.

H/T Instapundit: to find your local Tea Party, click here and look on the right under the banner for “Find an Event.” You also can register your Tea Party to be listed there.

Here is the “Fire David Letterman” Kit, Part 3, as a PDF file that you can print and download — feel free to make copies and distribute them at your local Tea Parties. Be sure and talk to your local Tea Party organizers to ask if you may have a few minutes at the microphone to explain why we MUST get CBS to FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN!:

How to Get David Letterman FIRED

Update, 7/03/09: Thank you, Smitty, for the “Headline” link to this post from The Other McCain.

Update, 7/03/09: Welcome, Instapundit readers! Thank you, Prof. Reynolds!

Outraged WaPo publisher: 'We are sluts, not whores — there's a difference!'

Today Washington Post Publisher Katharine Weymouth cancelled plans for a series of private salons-for-hire at her posh home where lobbyists paying six-figure fees were to have access to WaPo reporters, members of Congress and officials in the Obama administration.

“We are sluts, not whores,” Weymouth said indignantly. “There’s a difference! We do not charge for our journalistic integrity. We gave that away for free years ago. There’s nothing we wouldn’t do to protect Pres. Obama and the Democratic Congress totally for free. We also are happy to destroy their enemies purely as a labor of love. I am outraged that anyone could think we would put a price on those services. When we sell out our readers, we get absolutely nothing in return!”

H/T Michelle Malkin lead story for July 2, 2009: “Washington Post Laughingstocks and Let’s Make a Deal.”

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air follows the story through its twists and turns today here. Turns out the Washington Post is losing money and its business/marketing division doesn’t read its own product often enough to know the definition of “influence peddling.”

Update, 7/07/09: Iowahawk has the latest scoop on the “Washington Chrome Post” and “hot media-on-administration action.”

Did an undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorder kill Michael Jackson?

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see more Funny Graphs

Today Michael Jackson’s nurse practitioner and nutritionist — she is licensed in both fields — Cherilynn Lee, told reporters that five days before his death, Michael Jackson begged her to order a drug that is ONLY for use in hospitals for anesthesia — where patients are intubated to keep their airway open and on a ventilator that breathes for them — or in intensive care — ditto on the intubation and ventilator. (Nurse practitioners are allowed to prescribe drugs.)

The generic name of the drug Jackson sought is propofol and its brand name is Diprivan. It is given intravenously and burns, so the local anesthetic Lidocaine is usually given with it. (I assume the Lidocaine is either given as a topical spray to numb the IV site, or as a sub-cutaneous or intramuscular injection near the IV site.) Lidocaine was found near Jackson’s body when his breathing stopped.

While propofol could have stopped Jackson’s breathing and killed him because those are two of its side effects, the secondary cause of his death has to be his undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorders — at the least, he had insomnia. Yet I’ve heard nothing about Jackson being referred to a sleep specialist for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. If he couldn’t sleep, he had a sleep disorder. He went to other specialists for particular problems. But for a sleep problem, Jackson was not referred to a sleep specialist and did not consult with one on his own.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta blathered on CNN about how he’d consulted anesthesiologists to get them to explain to him the use of propofol. Yet Dr. Gupta said nothing about how Jackson was desperately seeking medical help for a sleep problem AND YET NO ONE SENT HIM TO A SLEEP SPECIALIST. The thought that Jackson should have been under the care of a sleep specialist was not a cloud on Dr. Gupta’s horizon.

Instead, because Jackson has had so many surgeries and therefore had anesthesia so often — which put him to sleep — when he could not sleep he sought treatment with an anesthetic and an anesthesiologist. That is, he went after the drug and medical specialty he associated with SLEEP. He was not trying to get high. He just wanted to sleep, according to the statement of Ms. Lee, who strikes me as ethical and on-the-ball. But she only knew enough to refuse to order propofol for Jackson, or find him an anesthesiologist. But she did NOT know enough to round up a sleep specialist for Jackson and get a sleep study done on him stat.

Let me say this again. Jackson clearly had a sleep disorder that was tormenting him out of his mind — as sleep disorders do. YET NO ONE INSISTED HE CONSULT A SLEEP SPECIALIST — the doctor who has the expertise that could have helped him get the good night’s sleep he craved.

Really, gentle readers, sometimes I think it’s like the journals that print sleep research are published with ink and pixels visible only to other sleep researchers.

Here are a few of the specialties that should know enough about sleep research to refer patients to a sleep specialist:

Cardiologist: because sleep disorders can cause atrial fibrillation, intractable high blood pressure and idiopathic congestive heart failure. The cardiologist can treat those conditions, but will have greater success when the underlying sleep disorder causing all the trouble is treated, too.

Endocrinologist: because half of people who have hypothyroidism have obstructive sleep apnea, too, but blame their fatigue on the titration of their thyroid dose or the thyroid hormones prescribed. Also because endocrinologists treate people with diabetes — the sleep disorder frequently precedes the weight gain.

Psychiatrist: because they diagnose depression without ruling out hypothyroidism and obstructive sleep apnea and bipolar disorder without ruling out restless leg syndrome.

Neurologist: because people with multiple sclerosis very often have insomnia. (Note to regular gentle readers: my late life partner, Margaret, had MS and insomnia and for our first few years together felt so delicate about her sleep that we slept in separate bedrooms. Then an abusive member of her family visited and I gave up my room and had to sleep in the same room with Margaret. She felt so safe and slept so well that she insisted we sleep in the same room after that. So we did. She never had insomnia again.)

Rheumatologist: OK, on this one the only research I know about is that alpha waves during deep sleep are associated with fibromyalgia. Plus, my personal experience that I had agonizing joint and muscle pain that almost completely vanished after I began CPAP therapy.

Oh, and family practioners and internists should be referring people to sleep doctors, too, when patients complain of poor sleep or daytime sleepiness.

Whatcha wanna bet that NONE of the cable news channels or major networks or major newspapers or blogs have the slightest glimmer of awareness that Jackson is dead because he had a SLEEP disorder and did not seek care from a SLEEP SPECIALIST.  And yet I expect they will go over again and again that he had sleep problems.

Make the connection, people! Make the connection!

What better time to vote on a law that would make energy prices skyrocket than the first week of July?

A funny thing happened on the way to getting the oceans to fall:

WASHINGTON – The President’s landmark “Cap and Trade” bill faces an uncertain fate this week, as congressional backers of the carbon-limiting legislation face mounting opposition from a myriad of interest groups angered by its controversial ritual virgin sacrifice provision….

The 87,492 page bill — officially designated as the American Patriotic Renewal Act of 2009 for Carbon Reduction, Energy Independence, Heathy Climate, Sustainable Job Growth, Adorable Puppies, and Earthly Paradise — is a keystone in President Obama’s first-year legislative agenda, and was originally anticipated to get swift congressional passage.

Iowahawk has the rest of the story.

Fear of losing the Down syndrome boogey-fetus sends Wonkette on vendetta against a one-year-old child with disabilities

Over at Legal Insurrection, Prof. Jacobson has the scoop on Wonkette’s escalating a recent PhotoShopped image attack on Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s one-year-old son who has Down syndrome, Trig Palin. Gov. Palin and her husband, Todd, knew during her pregnancy that Trig would be born with Down syndrome, but due to their pro-life beliefs, made the choice to embrace their fifth child and bring him to term. He was born in April 2008.

As a Democrat and liberal during the fall presidential campaign, with feminist and lesbian-feminist friends possessed of my e-mail address, I received a number of the poisonous and lie-filled viral e-mails attacking Gov. Palin, which I believe account for the drop in her approval ratings among women. I think the reason that feminists who sent these e-mails and now persist in their attacks are so unhinged in their hatred of Gov. Palin is that her love and acceptance of her Down syndrome child takes away one of the scariest and most persuasive arguments in favor of abortion they have — the Down syndrome baby.

I support the right of a woman to choose whether or not to bring her pregancy to term or have an abortion. I think the right to choose is what keeps women free from being taken over by religions and governments and turned into property that makes babies.

I also think the viciousness of the attacks on Gov. Palin and her son, Trig, are going to backfire on supporters of the right to choose. I think their attacks, and David Letterman’s, on Gov. Palin and her children are going to do for conservatives and Republicans what Pat Buchanan’s speech at the 1992 Republican Convention did for the disorganized factions among Democrats. It so enraged them that they stopped forming their firing squads in a circle because at last they realized they had a common enemy and had to cooperate to defeat him.

What I want is for the right to choose to be preserved, but the attacks on candidates’ children to stop. I think the best way to draw a line in the sand is for everyone outraged by attacks on candidates’ and politicians’ children is to get David Letterman fired for his attacks on Gov. Palin’s daughters.

Oh, and it’s worth noting, that the boogey-fetus in China and India is the perfectly healthy baby girl.

Bring 'FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN' petitions and letters to your local Tea Parties

I just made the following comment over at HillBuzz’s post on the importance of persistence in dealing with corporations — in this case, the campaign to persuade CBS to fire David Letterman:

What if we went to the Tea Parties with petitions calling for David Letterman to be fired and brought along pre-printed post cards and letters people could sign (after filling in their return address) that we would mail to CBS and Letterman’s sponsors?

We should press this until Letterman is fired.

I am positive the reason HillBuzz is standing pat on Sebastian’s June 18 post is that they are pressing this point: persistence and tenacity win the day. The idea of going to the Tea Parties prepared to give people something tangible to do to show that attacking children to intimidate and manipulate people you don’t agree with is career suicide will show CBS the campaign to FIRE DAVID LETTERMAN is gathering momentum.