The Obama Prevarication Predictor — UPDATED

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Obama, as a man without a conscience — that is, a sociopath — whose overriding goal in life is to dominate everyone and everything, who does not have the ability to feel empathy and whose cool, calm demeanor is based on the fact that there are very few emotions that sociopaths genuinely have — will tell any lie to get his way. There is no such thing as a lie Obama will not tell — quick, what’s his latest position on Gitmo? on gay rights? Besides his sociopathy, another reason Obama holds so many mutually exclusive positions simultaneously, or in rapid sequence, is that prospective opponents tune out once they hear him say what they want to hear. So a lot of his supporters have no idea that he has made so many promises that are impossible to keep. In addition, Obama does not worry about ever keeping a promise because he is supremely confident in his ability to destroy anyone who insists that he does.

However, I believe I have discovered Obama’s Achilles heel. Recently I noticed that there’s a pattern to Obama’s prevarications that I believe will allow Republicans and conservatives to predict his next lie approximately two-to-three days before he tells it. Understanding this pattern will allow Republicans and conservatives to conserve energy and resources in the fight against Obama’s campaign to destroy the U.S. economy with debt, tax, regulation and entitlement bombs because they will know where to head him off at the pass and can have welcoming committees ready and waiting to, uh — “ambush” sounds so unfriendly — greet him appropriately when he arrives.

It’s really so simple! The Obama Prevarication Predictor Principle is that Obama’s next Big Lie will target any consensus that would thwart one of his objectives. The content of the Big Lie will be to seek to destroy the consensus. So the Big Lie will assert that whatever people are objecting to won’t be proposed, or won’t happen, or is not a “must have.” It will always seem very accommodating.

The actual result will be along the lines of Obama’s recent bamboozling of his gay supporters when they got uppity over all his broken promises about repealing DOMA and DADT and stopped their campaign donations. He quickly arranged a sham accommodation by having his minions trumpet a long list of coveted rights Obama would grant to same-sex partners of federal employees. The gay lobby still really hasn’t caught on that Obama’s presidential memorandum included the stipulation that it would comply with DOMA, which negates almost everything Obama’s initial pronouncements claimed his memorandum would allow. But most gays were only paying attention to the promises and won’t find out Obama’s promises can’t be honored until they try to cash them in. Meanwhile, Obama shattered their consensus and duped them back into the fold.

My prediction for Obama’s Big Lie in his address to the nation tonight is based on House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer’s statement yesterday that Congress may adjourn on August 7 without having passed Obama’s healthcare reform bill along with signs of doubts from erstwhile Democratic true believers. So I predict Obama’s Big Lie will be that the time for talk is over so healthcare reform bill must be passed in a big hurry, fast, fast, fast, don’t bother to read it, just do it now!


Over at National Review Online, Jim Geraghty made a related point when he wrote that all of Obama’s promises have an expiration date.

UPDATE: I watched Obama’s press conference and he went full-spectrum in the not-credible-promise department. Summary version: our current government-run health insurance programs, Medicare and Medicaid, are breaking our budget, so the solution is to have MORE government-run healthcare. Also, Congress must pass the healthcare reform bill by his arbitrary deadline because if they don’t, we’ll never have healthcare reform. AND, he promises, if they pass something, anything, he won’t sign it if it has (insert any of the current objections to healthcare reform).

Is it just me — and I really have only heard about this phenomenon — but isn’t Obama’s promise that he won’t sign the healthcare reform bill if it adds to the deficit, or whatever is the obstacle du jour, EXACTLY the same as a man in a moment of intimacy promising a woman that if she will just let him put it in, he won’t do anything else? And — help me out here — doesn’t the man make this promise trusting that once it is in, the woman will change her mind? So the whole premise of the promise is an intention to deceive?

Also, why is no one calling Obama for laziness and stupidity for his two arguments that (1) if there’s an expensive blue pill and a cheaper red pill that do the same thing, we should only buy the red pill?, and (2), we need to develop more of a consensus on what works and what doesn’t? These two points are stupid because (1), limiting the formulary and requiring people to use generic medications are two of the first reforms that were implemented in the 1990’s, and (2), the entire medical field ALREADY is dedicated to figuring out what works and what doesn’t — that is what research and medical journals DO.

What Obama showed in this press conference is that he can barely be bothered to memorize statistics to offer as proof of his assertions — assuming he has the intellectual capacity, which I doubt. And he is too lazy to bother to master any of the basics of healthcare reform. I am flabbergasted ANYONE thinks he is smart man, rather than just a cunning one.

Just a Girl in Short Shorts has ended, but Becky says she'll be back

Becky, the libertarian lesbian lawyer and mother who blogged at Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever, declares today that she is ending her blog due to censorship imposed by Google last week, which has caused her traffic of 150,000 hits per month to crash. She tweeted this morning:

The time has come to say good-bye to the blog—and au revoir to my readers—I’ll be back somewhere, sometime, somehow.

I did a fair amount of work behind-the-scenes both to rally support for Becky and to encourage her to switch to a self-hosted WordPress blog with her own domain name. I haven’t heard back from her personally, but obviously from her last post this kind of help seemed to her to be part of the problem, which is that Google has acquired the power and wealth of a nation and is now using it like a despot to oppress. Advice that she should just move to a different platform appears to have been a galling symptom that we have knuckled under without a proper fight. And Becky is a fighter and her cause is just:

I do not believe that the federal government should regulate how Google exercises its power—they would only make things worse, and it would result in greater infringements of individual freedom. But that in no way lessens my disgust and disdain for a company that on a small scale will wipe me out with a key stoke, and on a large scale partner with Communist Party thugs in censoring the Chinese people.

These days most of the censorship is not the work of the federal government—it is the Titans of Silicon Valley , who also strive to know every single fact about every single living thing in the Universe, that scare the beejeebees out of me.

Becky is right. One of the scariest aspects of the Obama campaign from 2007-present, since they haven’t really stopped, was their observation that they could corrupt the online public forums and make opposing viewpoints disappear before people wised up that the owners of the forums were playing favorites when allowing merchants into the marketplace of ideas. And the owners of Google were among those corrupted, so, for example, HillBuzz has reported that Hillary’s supporters got lousy page ranks in Google, and their Blogger blogs and YouTube videos would vanish. (Remember that Google owners Blogger and YouTube.)

I am comforted that Becky’s tweet this morning and her last post both say “Au revoir” — “until we see each other again” — instead of “adieu” — “good-bye until we meet in heaven,” is how I translate “adieu.” I am going to trust her resourcefulness and faith in the value of her point of view to bring her back into the marketplace of ideas. She has an important contribution to make. I look forward to cheering her return.

When the choice people have is between their own death and the death of capitalism, I'm thinking the majority will choose for capitalism to die

I work in the bedroom next to my father’s so I heard him get up last Thursday morning, the clunk of his shoes as he got dressed, then the whir of the stair lift as he rode downstairs. Then I heard him open the door and go out for the newspaper and to sample the blueberries from bushes lining one side of the walkway. I knew he was coming back inside when I heard a little clatter of the lawn chair on the porch, which is only one step up, but it did not seem out of the ordinary. I didn’t hear him call for me, so I went back to my writing. It seemed a long while between the clatter of the chair and the sound of the front door opening and closing, but he could have been sitting on the porch admiring the lovely, clear day and watching the cardinals perched on the cages of the heirloom tomatoes in the front yard. (Shut up, it’s where the sun is.)

But Dad had fallen down trying to step onto the porch. I came down about 10 minutes later and he was sitting in his lift-recliner chair watching the Sotomayor hearing on CNN. He told me about the fall, in the interest of keeping me up-to-date since I am his care provider and make all his doctor’s appointments. I asked about his ankles, knees and hips. He said they were fine. Then I examined his wrists, which can easily break in a fall, and the left one was swollen.

I learned from taking care of my late life partner, Margaret Ardussi, who had multiple sclerosis and was quadriplegic the last 10 years of her life, that if you are going to have a health emergency, have it as early in the day as possible. If you do, you can get people on the phone for information and follow-up appointments, you can fill prescriptions, and a LOT more people are doing jobs that you need done during the day than in the middle of the night.

Rookies hope the problem will go away. But usually it gets progressively worse, and when they are in agony at midnight, THAT’S when the emergency they could have dealt with easily at noon has to be a red hot crisis.

No, no, no, no!

So, knowing that if there was swelling that quickly that Dad ought to get his wrist X-rayed, I called his gerontologist. He was on vacation, but one of his nurse practitioners agreed about the X-ray and suggested it would be better to go to an urgent care facility instead of the local hospital’s emergency department.


Urgent care facilities are a big gap in my caregiving expertise because if Margaret had a problem that we couldn’t get handled with a home nursing visit or a doctor’s appointment, then she was sick enough to go by ambulance to the emergency room. However, I took good care of her and she was rarely that ill — but these ER visits loom rather large in my memory because most of them were in the last year of her life — which is common for people who are dying of a chronic, progressive illness.

But Dad is ambulatory and urgent care facilities diagnose and treat broken bones, so that’s where we went. At first the doctor didn’t see the hairline fracture, but as he looked a second time to show me there was nothing, he saw it. So, he put Dad in a splint and referred us to an orthopedic surgeon, who saw Dad the next morning and said it was not a big deal although he doesn’t want Dad swimming until he’s better. He made Dad a more comfortable splint and had us make an appointment to check back with him in a week.

It felt wonderful to get my father prompt, expert care, which we were able to do because his health insurance is excellent. Obamacare would not be as good a deal for him, since at 93, Obamacare would rate him as “life unworthy of life.”*

But I have to admit that the current system isn’t working out as well for me. Under the current system, I feel like “life unworthy of life.”

I don’t have health insurance, so I asked for a price list at the urgent care place to see what problems I could afford to get treated. No deal. The administrative assistant said they do everything they think is needed, THEN I would find out what it cost. I have to say that doesn’t really work for me.

I probably qualify for Medicaid, but it is a means-tested program. I can’t stand the thought of having the loss of my health care be a disincentive for earning enough money to be able to afford private health insurance, which, if I could afford it, I could obtain through Maryland’s private insurance programs for companies of 1 to 50 employees. I know this means I’m saying I’d rather die than commit to being poor. Really, I would rather live. Health care would really help. So would health insurance. But that health insurance program is a pricey one — over $7,000 a year for someone my age, the last time I looked. Obtaining actual health care would be additional, of course, due to the co-pays.

One wasteful aspect of our current system is that people in my situation who do get sick and go on Medicaid can run up hundreds of thousands of dollars in care that may prolong life, but not save it, when the problem could have been cured cheaply if caught early. We don’t just lose the money — we lose a productive human being, too.

And I believe a news story I read recently of a woman who had to choose between buying food for her children and buying her blood pressure medication, who had a stroke due to her high blood pressure and died. Ironically, the money that will pay for her ER care — wherever it comes from — would have kept her in blood pressure medication for years. And her children are left without a provider — there are costs associated with that, too.

I do not support Obama’s healthcare reform, mostly because I think its purpose is to destroy our economy and repose power in a totalitarian bureaucracy. But I disagree with conservatives and Republicans defending the status quo. We have to figure out how more people can obtain health insurance and health care. And I do not see why health insurance should be provided through employers — when you get sick, and need your health insurance, you are most likely to lose your job and your health insurance. That is a crazy system.

I hope Obama’s healthcare reform fails so hard he never talks about it again. But for those of us who are Republicans and fiscal conservatives to oppose Obamacare by saying the current system is fine and does not need to change is just nuts. Not coming up with a better system to propose as our alterntive is the same as saying we are too stupid and selfish to figure out how we can preserve liberty and expand the number of people who can have access to affordable healthcare. It is an abdication of duty. It is an abdication of leadership. And because we have abdicated our duty and our leadership, people seem ready to follow a sociopathic pied piper perfectly prepared to tell them whatever they want to hear that will induce them to give up the system that gives them their freedom to make the most of themselves. That’s because, when people have to choose between the death of capitalism and their own death, I’m pretty sure the majority will choose to save themselves and let capitalism die.

*”Life unworthy of life” is the expression the Nazis used to justify their eugenics program of killing the disabled.

'I kept on turning the handle'

The woman singing “I kept on turning the handle,” a song from the point of view of a silent movie camera operator in 1913, is Joanna Seaton. She is the lovely and charming wife of my friend, Donald Sosin, who is a famous composer, arranger and accompanist for silent movies. Donnie and I met on a course in the Catskills that was required back in 1977-78 in order to learn the TM-Sidhi program, which culminates in learning yogic flying. Our paths didn’t cross again until August 2006 on an advanced course for yogic flyers in Bethesda, Maryland. Now, thanks to e-mail, it is easy to keep in touch.

Recently Donnie sent me an e-mail telling of his adventures with his wife and son, who is one of the smartest and kindest persons I’ve ever met, and I moseyed over to YouTube to see if there were any videos I could share. I chose this one because I am utterly charmed by the wicked humor of this song and how beautifully and wittily Joanna sings it.

Joanna’s performance was part of “Le Giornate Del Cinema Muto” in Pordenone, Italy, in October 2008. Donnie accompanies her on the piano.

Obama's healthcare reform bill outlaws private health insurance

Organizational Chart of House Democrats Health Plan

During the 2008 presidential campaign, Obama promised healthcare reform where the uninsured would be covered through a government program while the insured would be allowed to keep their current plan. This assauged the fears of people happy with their current health insurance that Obama’s plan would not affect or undermine their health care.


Investor’s Business Daily’s staff is reading the healthcare reform bill that our members of Congress can’t be bothered to read before voting on it. In an editorial published on July 15, they point out that they have confirmed the legislation indeed will outlaw private health insurance in a particularly underhanded way. That is, only persons who currently have private health insurance may keep their coverage, but they may not change carriers and must switch to the government plan if they drop their current carrier — for example, if they change jobs:

When we first saw the paragraph Tuesday, just after the 1,018-page document was released, we thought we surely must be misreading it. So we sought help from the House Ways and Means Committee.

It turns out we were right: The provision would indeed outlaw individual private coverage. Under the Orwellian header of “Protecting The Choice To Keep Current Coverage,” the “Limitation On New Enrollment” section of the bill clearly states:

“Except as provided in this paragraph, the individual health insurance issuer offering such coverage does not enroll any individual in such coverage if the first effective date of coverage is on or after the first day” of the year the legislation becomes law.

So we can all keep our coverage, just as promised — with, of course, exceptions: Those who currently have private individual coverage won’t be able to change it. Nor will those who leave a company to work for themselves be free to buy individual plans from private carriers.

There’s more — please click the link above and go see for youself.

Obama’s healthcare reform legislation makes high unemployment rates good for his purpose of destroying the private healthcare insurance market because when people lose their jobs they have permanently lost access to private healthcare coverage. They are forced into the government program. Obama can still run around telling people he’s not outlawing private health insurance and trick people into supporting it because they do not realize his plan doesn’t have to outlaw private health insurance because it generates the same result by creating the conditions that ensure its rapid death. It’s like Obama saying he’s not going to put out a burning candle, he’s just going to put this lovely bell jar over it to keep it safe.

H/T Instapundit, including the following update Prof. Reynolds added after I wrote this post:

UPDATE: Reader Patrick Ying disagrees:

Investor’s Business Daily did not continue to read the bill to page 19. “Individual health insurance coverage that is not grandfathered health insurance coverage under subsection (a) may only be offered on or after the first day of Y1 as an Exchange-participating health benefits plan. ” It does not outlaw individual private coverage – you can still buy the plan on the Exchange where they will compete with the public option, not be replaced by it. The advantage of the Exchange, is that the coverage no longer has one of the problems of individual coverage – skyrocketing premiums should you become ill.

[Instapundit:] Hmm. We should have more time for all this stuff to be sorted out. Instead they’re ramming it through as quickly as possible. That makes me suspicious.

Michelle Malkin brings in the tax proposals in the healthcare reform bill’s proposal for the death of choice in healthcare coverage here.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air also has a worthwhile post on the Investor’s Business Daily’s assertion above that Obamacare outlaws private health insurance and responds to the update from Patrick Ying at Instapundit as follows:

Well, that [the Exchange] may address the issue, but price-fixing premiums means insurers can’t cover the costs of the risk they assume. Either the insurers will have to start with higher premiums to cover their costs, or they will go out of business when usage increases and premiums remain fixed. Forcing insurers into price-fixing schemes only adds another step to their extinction.

Unfounded porn complaints today shut down Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever

I came home from taking my father to the pool this afternoon and thought I’d see if there were any comments that I needed to approve before watering the tomatoes and starting dinner, when this urgent message changed my plans:

Look what’s happened to the Just a Girl in Short Shorts blog:

It’s not a content warning. You can’t get to the blog anymore. Based on the taglines I see here – – she believes complaints were made by conservatives. No way. This is the work of Obama’s people. They did it to Hillary last year. I think this may have been her fatal post:

Becky, the author of the Blogger blog Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever, is a lesbian, mother, lawyer and libertarian. She always has something worthwhile to say. Her illustrations are occasionally on the frisky side, but within the Rule 5 standards set out by dear Stacy McCain of The Other McCain, who provides advice on his blog on How to Get a Million Hits in Less Than a Year.

Come to find that Becky had no problems with censorship during the evil Boooosh regime — the harassment didn’t start until Obama became president:

This blog chugged along for two and a half years without any problems, but with the Dawn of the Age of Obama—nothing but trouble. The blog has never changed, and it certainly has not changed since May—the last time this happened, and Google, after an avalanche of complaints from my readers, decided that I am not really a purveyor of smut and removed the content warning splash page.

Please go there and offer her words of encouragement and support. Do not be deterred by the Google content warning page.

Update, 7/16/2009:

Here is the first of comments posted at Becky’s site from a Blogger representative:

Becky – I’m a product manager on Blogger, and would hate to see you stop blogging (here or anywhere).

I sent you an e-mail (to the address on your profile) back in May the last time this happened, and sent another tonight – I want to do what I can to make this right (starting with clearing the air about why the interstitial appeared today) and hope that we can keep you as an active blogger.

To be clear: at no time are any classifications applied to blogs because of their political views. That would be the antithesis of why Blogger was founded ten years ago, and is contrary to everything the team believes about giving our users a platform on which they can speak their mind.

I’m traveling today and tomorrow but hope that we get a chance to connect.

Rick Klau
Product Manager, Blogger

The second one is especially interesting because he explains why so many Hillary blogs disappeared during the campaign season — although Obama blogs did not, go figure:

@I R A Darth Aggie – last year’s issue with the Hillary blogs that were blocked was absolutely not politically motivated. There were a number of theories about the root cause, none of which were actually correct.

The actual explanation is far less exciting: one of the many signals used to inform our spam algorithm (not from Blogger, but from another internal system) had a bug introduced. That bug resulted in a batch of URLs getting added to a probable spam signal. This wasn’t exclusive to blogs that talked about Hillary – there were a number of non-political blogs as well – but because it was during the election and they were the most visibly affected blogs, that became the obvious (albeit wrong) conclusion.

It was not in any way influenced by end users attempting to game the system.

I don’t know that we’ve ever talked about that specific situation before (it happened before I joined Blogger, but was one of the issues I raised during my interviews internally – I was concerned there might be some truth to the rumors), so I’m not surprised to see this info persist. But I thought I’d just try and clarify that background.

8:14 AM

Sadly, yes! 'Obama's mama was trash and only 17-years-old when she got knocked up'

The Hon. James David Manning, Ph.D., of the ATLAH World Missionary Church in Atlah, New York, in this video, which apparently was made in late August or early September 2008, shortly after Republican Sen. John McCain named Gov. Sarah Palin his running mate, defends Bristol Palin and attacks Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham. Ms. Dunham became pregnant with Obama, Jr., at the age of 17 out-of-wedlock by an African man from Kenya, Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., who was already married and did not bother to divorce his first wife before marrying Obama’s mother well into her pregnancy — which means that the second marriage was not legal and Obama is a bastard in every sense of the word.

Pastor Manning gave the sermon in the YouTube video here, he says, to clarify some points from a similar sermon he recorded a year earlier calling Obama’s mama trash. In this video, Pastor Manning asserts that Bristol Palin is NOT trash for becoming pregnant out-of-wedlock at the age of 17, but by the values his mother and grandmother taught him, Obama’s mama WAS trash. He also is outraged that the press are attacking a child and suggests that if it’s OK to attack children now in political campaigns, we should start with the children of news anchors John Roberts, Wolf Blitzer, Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews, and political commentator Donna Brazile:

“Let’s see if we can’t get them up on the Internet. Let’s go to Facebook and see what are your young’uns doing? Yeah! Why don’t we do that — since everyone’s children are public property, let’s find out what your drug using, Satanist, homosexual, bestiality children are doing and what you are doing to them! Yeah! I think that’s a great idea! Might as well get it all out in the open, don’t you think?”

Transcript of Pastor Manning’s sermon:

The media is doing something to John McCain’s vice presidential pick Sarah Palin’s daughter, Bristol Palin, you have a girl 17-years-old, is that right? She’s pregnant, she’s five months pregnant, she’s pregnant by some guy named Levi and, uh, he’s a hockey player or something like that. Anyway, she’s pregnant.

The senator [McCain] knew she was pregnant when he asked Palin to be his vice presidential running mate, he knew it, she knew it, they all knew it. It wasn’t anything they were trying to hide. But the media [are] jumping all over this and trying to make it look like a poor judgment issue on behalf of the senator and on behalf of the vice presidential pick, Sarah Palin. I mean they’re really riding this down the road like it’s OK.

But hey, I want to say something. I know what the deal is, now I know what the deal is. The deal is, is that the media is in the tank for Obama. They want to make Obama look good. And they want to make McCain look bad. But hey listen, post this up! Hey, John Roberts, Wolf Blitzer, Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews, all of you folk on NBC and CBS and ABC, post THIS up on your evening broadcast: Obama’s mama was TRASH!

Obama mama got pregnant with him out of wedlock — that’s right! — and Obama’s mama was only 17 years old when she got KNOCKED UP by that African over there in Kenya. And the difference between Obama’s mama and Bristol Palin is that Obama’s mama was TRASH. I mean she was dirt! She was a bag of trash sitting on the sidewalk, waiting there in Honolulu on one of those streets for the garbage truck to come by and pick her up and take her to the dump.

Rather than the garbage truck coming by, a man named Obama, Barack Obama, Senior, from Kenya, this man who died in a violent accident at the age of 46 years of age, who had two iron legs, in Kenya. He lost his legs in a violent automobile accident driving drunk there in Kenya. The man was a pathetic alcoholic. He had children, I’m talking about Obama, you say that, boy, y’all, talking about y’all wanting [him] to be president, Barack Hussein Obama, his daddy was a pathetic alcoholic.

He died in a violent automobile accident. First he had a violent automobile accident and the car pinned his legs and they had to amputate both his legs. And this is going back to the 1960’s now, in Kenya, so they gave him two iron legs. But he kept drinking and driving and finally he killed himself with those two iron legs in an automobile. The man was a pathetic loser, couldn’t keep a job, knocking up women all over the Kenyan village of Africa. That’s Obama’s father. Well, he knocked up Obama’s mama when she was only 17 and then ran off and left her claiming he was going to study economics at Harvard.

So now, post this up, now we gotta post this up, gotta get this up, gotta get this out, because if they want to attack Sarah Palin and her daughter, Bristol, who is NOT trash, and listen when I stated about a year ago that Obama’s mama was trash, it doesn’t mean, did not mean, nor did I intend to convey that any white woman was trash, or that every white woman was trash, or that any white woman that got pregnant without being married was trash. I never intended to convey that. That was never my intent.

My momma told me, and I trust my momma, and her momma told her, and she trusts her momma, and I trust both of them. But my momma told me, back in the 50’s and the 60’s, the only kind of white woman that would take up with a black man back in the 50’s and the 60’s was a trashy white woman. The only kind of white woman that would take up with a black man in the 50’s and the 60’s was a sloozy, was a floozy, was a low-life snail-eatin’ white woman, that’s the kind of woman that Obama’s mama was. And that’s what my mama told me and if you don’t like you go tell my mama that you don’t like it.

But my mama told me and my mama’s mama told her, and all the mamas in the community of blacks saw those trashy white woman hanging around on the outskirts of town, called the Black Bottom, where the black men lived. Hanging around on the outside of the skirts of town with their skirts jacked up and their breasts showing, hoping some of these black men would take an interest in them. They were nothing but trash.

Well, Obama’s mother was nothing but trash. And she picked up with an African in heat, if you will, low-life pathetic loser drunkard, and I made the statement that Obama was born trash. Well, let’s just look at the equation. His father, it is documented, was a pathetic loser, an alcoholic who couldn’t hold a job, had two iron legs when he finally killed himself in an automobile accident, that’s his daddy, that’s what we got from the heritage of his daddy.

His mama got knocked up by this low-life, this low-living, alcoholic pathetic African, who was already married to several other women back in Africa when she lay down with him, when she wallowed in the mire with him, when she lay in the hog path with him and got knocked up with him, she was trash

That doesn’t mean that Sarah Palin is, nor that her daughter [is]. There is a distinct difference and it needs to be clear. So now if you want to talk about something, hey, let’s talk about that. Hey, listen, Pastor Manner’s got a new statement out about Obama’s mother being the trashiest thing since the Staten Island landfill. Obama’s mama, if you want to talk about Sarah Palin, if you want to talk about Bristol Palin, and by the way, those of y’all who think that the media’s not going to run her down, you got another thing coming, they’re going to run this thing as long as they can run it, and every time they mention, post me up, every time they mention it, send this posting over to them and see what will happen from there.

Leave Bristol Palin alone! Otherwise, you find out what your daughter’s been doing. Yeah, let’s find out — John Roberts, you got a daughter? Hey! Hey! Wolf Blitzer? You got a daugh — Donna Brazile! Let’s find out what y’alls homosexual children are doing. Hey! Come on, let’s find out what the children of these news reporters — Keith Olberman, Chris Matthews — let’s find out what your deranged, drug-dealing, Satan-worship, homosexual, sodomizing children, what are your children doing? What are they doing?

Let’s see if we can’t get them up on the Internet. Let’s go to Facebook and see what are your young’uns doing? Yeah! Why don’t we do that — since everyone’s children are public property, let’s find out what your drug using, Satanist, homosexual, bestiality children are doing and what you are doing to them! Yeah! I think that’s a great idea! Might as well get it all out in the open, don’t you think?

Since you want to bring it out about Bristol Palin, let’s see what your young-uns are doing! What’s good for the goose ought to be good for the gander! Pot shouldn’t be able to call the kettle black without expecting the same kind of a response.

So, you want to talk about Bristol Palin, let’s talk about that piece of trash, called Obama’s mama. Want to talk about Bristol Palin? Let’s talk about that trash that hatched Obama. Yeah! Want to talk — let’s get down and dirty, if you want to get down and dirty, come on, don’t start nothin’, it won’t be nothin’, if you want to start something, it shore ‘nough, you can start it, I’ll end it for you. So, so, so, there you have it.

I can’t say I’m crazy about Pastor Manning’s denunciation of homosexuality. But I very much admire his courage in defending Bristol Palin regarding both her character and her right to be free from attack since she is the child of a candidate, not a candidate for office herself.

As I’ve pointed out in other posts, Franklin Davis gloated about molesting a young girl named Ann in three-ways with his wife in his book, Sex Rebel. He may have been referring to Obama’s mama. Sadly, too often girls who are molested do grow up to be trash. Whether or not Obama’s mama turned out to be trash for that reason, certainly we can rely on Pastor Manning’s word that his mother and grandmothers consider her to be trash based on their culture and acquaintance with trashy white women in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Liberal media bias and the debate where Sarah Palin trounced Joe Biden

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Toward the end of the 2008 U.S. presidential campaign, the media bias in favor of Sen. Obama and Sen. Biden was so flagrant in covering up their faults and mistakes while exaggerating those of Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin, or just plain spreading lies and rumors without regard for the trust reposed in the press in a democratic republic, that Pravda began to mock U.S. journalists for their bias. Pravda! Mocked OUR journalists! With good reason!

And with ABC News turning itself into the All-Barack Channel to promote Obama’s healthcare reform, clearly we have not plumbed the depths to which journalists will stoop to prostitute themselves and their profession in service of their own political beliefs. So it is no surprise that conservative bloggers, en mass, recently switched from calling their paid, establishment brethren the MSM, or “mainstream media,” to denoting them as the “state-run media.” The latter does seem more accurate now.

However, the Kool-Aid seems to be wearing off for Carl M. Cannon at Politics Daily. My intuition is that he is looking to have a reputation if our country survives the mass betrayal of trust by our press and its complicity in the ways the Obama presidency is destroying liberty and capitalism and obliterating any and all connections to the founding principles of the United States of America.

Just to make sure Cannon’s 7/8/2009 column, “Sarah ‘Barracuda’ Palin and the Piranhas of the Press,” doesn’t get scrubbed — see above, depths not yet plumbed — I am quoting it here in its entirety, although my real interest is in the fact that Cannon goes into detail about how Gov. Palin really and truly trounced Joe Biden on Oct. 2, 2008, in the vice presidential debate, where Biden’s non-stop lies, distortions and gaffes were truly of epic proportions. I am not the first to point out that if Gov. Palin had made any one of the gaffes Biden did, she’d have been tossed off the Republican ticket. Conservative columnists noted and explained Biden’s lies and gaffes at the time, but not in the detail that Cannon does in the latter part of his column:

Sarah Palin’s rambling abdication speech was hard to follow, let alone acclaim, but in her abrupt announcement that she is withdrawing from public office, the Republican governor of Alaska was hardly the only player in a 10-month drama who demonstrated a lack of self-awareness. Democrats scoffed at her “politics of personal destruction” line, but it’s a maxim they originally popularized, and one they will undoubtedly trot out again the next time it happens to one of their own. But the true villains in this political morality play may have been the press.

The mainstream media is undergoing its demise, drip by drip, day by day, and its practitioners, which include most of my friends in life, are under considerable pressure. In my opinion, however, these pressures do not excuse the treatment accorded Sarah Palin. On the contrary, to me the entire Sarah saga revealed that it wasn’t only the traditional media’s business model that is broken. Our journalism model is busted, too.

In the 2008 election, we took sides, straight and simple, particularly with regard to the vice presidential race. I don’t know that we played a decisive role in that campaign, and I’m not saying the better side lost. What I am saying is that we simply didn’t hold Joe Biden to the same standard as Sarah Palin, and for me, the real loser in this sordid tale is my chosen profession.

* * * * *

From the founding of the Republic until the 1840s, newspapers were organs of a particular political party, or faction – or reflected the personal views of the proprietor. In that decade, as is happening now, technological innovation wrought cosmic change, first in the speed of news delivery, and then in the underlying philosophy of those who presented it. The telegraph begat the Associated Press, and, over time, a new paradigm emerged. In “The Rise and Fall of the Media Establishment,” political scientist Darrell M. West dubbed the second era of newspapering — from the mid-1840s until the 1920s — the “commercial media.”

Political agendas remained in evidence, but there was money to be made in packaging the news, big money, and ultimately, the nation’s publishers decided they could reach ever-larger audiences (and rake in ever-larger pots of dough) by toning down the partisanship. “Objectivity” became the watchword, and to enforce this concept, a host of social innovations, from journalism schools to journalism prizes, came into existence. Increased professionalism was part of a larger societal trend that swept vocations such as medicine and the law. In journalism, a movement that Professor West dubbed “objective media” came to pass. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than anything that had preceded it — and it enjoyed a nice, 50-year run.

Concerns about “liberal bias” arose in this supposed Golden Age, but we had an answer for that: Sure, reporters are liberal, we told our sources, but the publisher is conservative. The ideal being peddled was that, yes, a Depression-era reporter making $8 a week will likely pen pieces extolling the New Deal, but meanwhile the owner/publisher is commissioning editorials lamenting Franklin Roosevelt’s assault on capitalism. It sounds esoteric now, but when newspapers were king it worked. (It might still work: The lone news outlet in North America that still operates under this model is The Wall Street Journal. Its editorial pages have been conservative for decades; a recent study found its news pages to be the most liberal in the mainstream media. Guess what: The Journal is the largest circulation paper in this country.) But I digress.

Perhaps the seeds of the “objective” media’s demise were sown in its very creation. Professionalism and a quest for objectivity made journalism a more attractive profession even as record profits made it a better paying one. The upshot was a generation of college educated reporters and editors, along with a set of cultural and political attitudes they brought with them from the nation’s elite institutions of higher learning. In time, another technological innovation – broadcast – changed the historic role of newspapers and magazines. No longer deliverers of the news, print journalists became interpreters of events. That proved a slippery slope. As the elite denizens of newsrooms began to analyze the news instead of merely chronicling it, the confidence their audience had in the journalists’ fairness and ideological balance began to wane.

This trend was only heightened by the ascendancy of television network news broadcasts, which had no convenient wall between opinion and fact-based journalism. And all this happened, mind you, before the advent of the Internet. By the 1990s, the audience for political news began fragmenting into subgroups of Americans who already thought alike. Meanwhile, an unrelated development put journalism on the firing line.

That event was the decline of conservative, mostly Southern, Democrats (and, eventually, liberal Republicans as well). A patchwork quilt of ideology and regionalism gave way to a U.S. political system more closely resembling that of Great Britain. Today, an American who is liberal tends to be a Democrat, a conservative is almost always a Republican. This may help clarify things for voters, but it created a little-understood crisis for journalists. If being “liberal” now meant sympathy for the Democratic Party, and being conservative implied sympathy for Republicans, all those liberal newsrooms across the country were gradually going to alienate themselves from about half their readers.

That this might pose a problem never dawned on the men and women who controlled the media – even as it drove their right-of-center readers and viewers away in droves. When I tell my friends working in places like The New York Times that they created Rush Limbaugh, they respond with shock and disbelief. But it’s obvious to me that it’s true, even as the anointed sages of the Old Media solemnly denied that an animal such as “liberal bias” existed at all. It’s like that scene in the fire swamp in “The Princess Bride” when Buttercup expresses fear of “R.O.U.Ses.” Replies our hero Wesley: “Rodents Of Unusual Size? I don’t think they exist” – just as one is about to chomp his arm off.

In the meantime, a new technology has arrived. The World Wide Web is every bit as revolutionary as the telegraph and the television, probably more so. It not only democratizes political communication, but it invokes a kind of permanent open mic night in this country. With no censors. Think of an open microphone in a great big saloon where it helps to use profanity, name-calling, and outrageous accusations — all the better to be heard over the cacophonous crowd at the bar. It was into this political and journalistic environment that last Aug. 29 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, in an uphill fight against an attractive and front-running Democratic candidate, tapped the little-known governor of Alaska to be his running mate.

* * * * *

From the beginning, and for the ensuing 10 months, the coverage of this governor consisted of a steamy stew of cultural elitism and partisanship. The overt sexism of some male commentators wasn’t countered, as one might have expected, by their female counterparts. Women columnists turned on Sarah Palin rather quickly. A plain-speaking, moose-hunting, Bible-thumping, pro-life, self-described “hockey mom” with five children and movie star looks with only a passing interest in foreign policy — that wasn’t the woman journalism’s reigning feminists had envisioned for the glass ceiling-breaking role of First Female President (or Vice President). Hillary Rodham Clinton was more like what they had in mind – and Sarah, well, she was the un-Hillary.

“The fact of the matter is, the comparison between her and Hillary Clinton is the comparison between an igloo and the Empire State Building,” Chris Matthews said on MSNBC’s “Hardball” last October. (Note to Chris: That’s not a “fact;” it’s closer to a simile, and an ad hominem one at that.) But Matthews was hardly alone.

“This is not a serious choice,” said Eleanor Clift, a regular on “The McLaughlin Group.”

“It looks like a made-for-TV movie. If the media reaction is anything, it’s been literally laughter in very, very many newsrooms.”

Howard Fineman, Clift’s Newsweek colleague, in an appearance on MSNBC, said that McCain’s choice of Palin undermined the planned story line of the GOP convention, which was going to be that Obama lacked the readiness to lead the country. “Well, Sarah Palin makes Barack Obama look like John Adams.”

The first thing reporters and commentators seemed to have noticed about Gov. Palin was her physical beauty. The second was that she had a bunch of kids, the last one born with Down’s syndrome in spring 2008. For some reason, these two facts infuriated many Democratic activists and bloggers – and some liberal journalists.

The most egregious example was posted on Daily Kos on Sept. 12, 2008 by Paul Lewis Hackett III, a trial lawyer and U.S. Marine Corps veteran of Iraq, who ran in 2005 for a vacant seat in the House from Ohio’s second congressional district, losing narrowly in a district President Bush had carried easily just a year earlier.

Fretting that the Obama campaign was going to lose Ohio to McCain, Hackett proposed his own solution: A series of savage attacks on the GOP ticket focusing on Sarah Palin and her family. Here is what he wrote:

The message (would be) simple and the professionals can refine it but essentially it should contain these elements: Sarah Palin? Can’t keep her solemn oath of devotion to her husband and had sex with his employee. Sarah Palin? Accidentally got pregnant at age 43 and the tax payers of Alaska have to pay for the care of her disabled child. Sarah Palin? Unable to teach her 16 year old daughter right from wrong and now another teenager is pregnant. Sarah Palin? Can you trust Sarah Palin and her values with America’s future?

Apparently, Hackett took the rumors of an affair from the National Enquirer, which offered no proof, or even evidence. He then segued into an even uglier line of attack, arguing that it’s irresponsible to bring a handicapped baby into the world. This is not “pro-choice,” it’s pro-eugenics. It’s also creepy and illiberal, and reinforces conservatives’ worst fears about Democrats and the issue of abortion. And, oh yes, Bristol Palin’s age was wrong. She was nearly 18 when Hackett wrote this screed, not 16. This proved a harbinger, too, as misinformation slipped easily from the left blogosphere into mainstream coverage.

This New Journalism, if you can call it that, exhibited in 2008 was epitomized by an eradication of the lines between fact and opinion – and, even more troubling, between reporting and propaganda. Some journalists were content to repeat Democratic Party talking points or bloggers’ rumors as though they were established fact, interspersing them with ideological commentary in a kind of toxic stew.

“She is a far-right conservative who supported Pat Buchanan over Bush in 2000. She thinks global warming is a hoax and backs the teaching of creationism in public schools,” wrote Jonathan Alter in Newsweek on Aug. 29, 2008. Actually, she did not support Buchanan, she questioned whether climate change is man-made (not whether it’s occurring) and gave creationists the most minor of rhetorical nods – and never questioned the teaching of evolution in schools.

But so it went.

She was a book burner, you know. How do I know this? Like many Americans, I received numerous emails telling me so, and found a hundred liberal Web sites that mentioned it. They even listed the books Palin wanted to ban from the public library in Wasilla, Alaska, classics and best sellers, ranging from “Huck Finn” to “Catch-22.” The list was a hoax, of course, a deliberate smear, and none too clever, either: It included books published a decade after Palin served as mayor. When questioned by their own audiences, these bloggers would point to stories in the mainstream media, including one in Time magazine quoting a man named John Stein, the bitter ex-mayor whom Palin defeated when she ran for office. This is from Time:

“Stein says that as mayor, Palin continued to inject religious beliefs into her policy at times. ‘She asked the library how she could go about banning books,’ he says, because some voters thought they had inappropriate language in them.'”

This turned out to be about half-true, as what Palin really did was ask the librarian “if she would object to censorship even if people were circling the library to protest about a book,” according to a contemporary account in the local newspaper. Yet this symbiosis between the mainstream media and the blogosphere raged throughout 2008, almost always to Palin’s detriment.

Remember her callous decision as governor to cut Alaska’s special education budget by 62 percent? After receiving emails to that effect, CNN’s Soledad O’Brien cited the figure on-air. Oops. Palin actually tripled the state’s spending on special needs kids.

Did you hear the one about her membership in the Alaska Independence Party, which favors secession from the union? That made The New York Times, and it was wrong, too.

But it was in the area of her family life where the press really lost its bearings.

“A day of stunning Palin disclosures,” was how the Associated Press greeted the news that Bristol Palin was pregnant. “A political stunner!” echoed CNN’s Campbell Brown. In one 30-minute stretch, CNN reporters and anchors referred to the teen’s pregnancy as “a bombshell” four separate times.

Personally, I had always stood with the late, great Molly Ivins when it came to kids of politicians. The legendary Texas newspaper columnist was as liberal as they come, but her view about such matters was straightforward and unambiguous. “I don’t do children,” Molly said. (Barack Obama, by the way, agreed. Campaigning in Michigan when the Bristol Palin “bombshell” broke, he said, “People’s families are off-limits and people’s children are especially off-limits. This shouldn’t be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin’s performance as a governor or potential performance as a vice president. So I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories.”)

His admirers in the press didn’t heed their hero’s warning. The Times, for example, which found the alleged transgressions of an actual presidential candidate (John Edwards) unworthy of investigation, managed to find room for three Page One stories touching on the sex life of a vice presidential candidate’s daughter.

Also, it’s important to remember why the Palin family even acknowledged Bristol’s pregnancy: Because a thousand “liberal” Web sites, led by Daily Kos, the favored site of leftist Democrats, filled cyberspace with off-the-wall theories that Trig Palin was really Bristol’s daughter and that Sarah had faked her own pregnancy. This was truly ugly territory, and nutty besides. It’s not terribly different from the Obama-is-a-secret-Muslim-not-born-in-this-country stuff, with one crucial distinction: The Obama Muslim stuff was either debunked or ignored by the media –not the conspiracy theories about Trig Palin’s birth. In some quarters of the evolving new media – The Huffington Post and Bill Maher’s HBO program, to name two – the Palin pregnancy hoax was repeated. Some traditional outlets, including Vanity Fair and, most inexplicably, The Atlantic blog written by Andrew Sullivan, kept hammering away at it after it was proven false by photographic evidence and by Bristol’s own pregnancy.

* * * * *

How much did this matter, in the end, to the outcome in 2008?

I really don’t know. I do know this, however: The story line recited by my media brethren, naturally, absolves us of any wrongdoing. The narrative goes like this: Bristol’s pregnancy notwithstanding, Sarah Palin and her family galvanized the Republican faithful in St. Paul, where the candidate showed great poise in her first national address, while attracting 32.7 million TV viewers – only 1.1 million fewer than had watched Obama a week earlier in Denver. By the end of the GOP convention, Palin had pulled ahead of Joe Biden by nine points in a poll asking who Americans would support if they could vote for the vice presidential nominees separately. She was doing fine, until….

…The Interviews.

The first of her in-depth network sit downs came with ABC’s Charles Gibson. In those sessions, Palin came across as iffy, just barely treading water. But the press dunked her, particularly after witnessing this exchange:

GIBSON: Do you agree with the Bush Doctrine?

PALIN: In what respect, Charlie?

GIBSON: What do you interpret it to be?

PALIN: His worldview?

GIBSON: No, the Bush Doctrine, enunciated in September 2002, before the Iraq War.

(Palin, clearly not knowing what he’s driving at, responds with generalities before Gibson interjects as though he’s a civics teacher and she’s a lazy student.)

GIBSON: “The Bush Doctrine, as I understand it, is that we have the right of anticipatory self-defense. That we have the right of a preemptive strike against any other country that we think is going to attack us. Do you agree with that?”

This was widely cited in the media as proof that Palin was unready and over her head, and that McCain had done something “cynical” in choosing her. Except that Bush never said that, exactly, and certainly never suggested Iraq was one of many nations to be invaded. Gibson was simply wrong in suggesting the so-called “Bush Doctrine” was as immutable as the Monroe Doctrine. The “Bush Doctrine” was always a fuzzy concept, usually described that way by the president’s critics as a way of expressing disagreement with his approach to foreign policy.

I remember seeing the phrase for the first time in a think piece by Steven Weisman in The New York Times in April 2002 – the very time frame suggested by Charlie Gibson. Weisman, writing about Ariel Sharon and the Middle East, defines the “doctrine” much differently than Gibson. (“Washington is filled right now with speculation about the state of Mr. Bush’s thinking and which of his advisers have gained the upper hand,” he wrote. “Vice President Dick Cheney and the hawks in the Pentagon are said to have encouraged Mr. Bush to support Mr. Sharon’s military drive, arguing that it was simply an extension of the so-called Bush Doctrine, which holds those who harbor terrorists accountable for terrorism.”)

Okay. Despite how it was portrayed in the press, perhaps Charlie Gibson didn’t really expose Palin as an ignoramus. Maybe he tipped off his own private political views instead. No matter, the story line was set. Then came the much-parodied Katie Couric interview, where Palin couldn’t name a single publication she reads as a source of news, struggled to provide an example of McCain standing up to Wall Street, and rambled semi-coherently when Couric asked Palin why on the campaign trail she cites Alaska’s proximity to Russia as a foreign policy credential. It was this exchange that led to the most memorable line of the entire campaign: “I can see Russia from my house!” It came, of course, not from the candidate herself, but from her body-double, Tina Fey.

It must be said that no matter what one thinks of Couric’s style of interrogation, Palin bombed in that interview. Clearly, the lack of lead time afforded her by the McCain camp, as well as her own lack of preparation, was showing. More disconcerting, she was still winging it when she should have been cramming furiously. So, the coverage of that interview may have been fair, up to a point. My beef with my colleagues in the press is that we copied Palin’s very mistake: We thought after that session that we knew all we needed to know about Sarah Palin. Helen Thomas, old enough to just let it fly, spoke for many journalists when she said. “The ballgame was over after that. (Couric) saved the country.”

That’s one view. Another is that we chose sides in that election, and when our side pulled ahead, we stopped keeping score. The next time the Republicans showed strength (or, more precisely, when Palin’s Democratic counterpart goofed up) we’d already become cheerleaders instead of judges.

Before I explain what I mean by that, it’s important to remember that those weirdly personal attacks on Palin began before the Gibson and Couric interviews. “I’m not convinced that’s her baby,” Bill Maher had said on HBO. That was Sept. 5. The following day Mort Kondracke called Palin “this wacko right-winger.” Then movie star Matt Damon gave a television interview, saying he thinks the possibility of Palin becoming president is “a really scary thing.” He went on in this vein, using words like “terrifying” and “totally absurd” and saying the possibility of a “hockey mom … facing down President Putin is like a really bad Disney movie.” Then, and only then, did the interviews take place. In other words, Palin’s detractors had already made up their minds before she’d flopped in two interviews. Were her tormentors prescient? Or were they close-minded?

We were about to find out. As the truncated 2008 general election campaign raced by, Palin’s critics in the Fourth Estate maintained that they were simply doing their job in ferreting out the qualifications, experience, temperament, and knowledge base that Sarah Palin would bring to national office. I’m not a Republican or a conservative; I’m a lifelong journalist who was born and raised in this profession and normally I’d defend the media in this argument. In this instance I cannot.

The reason is what happened when the battle over Sarah Palin came to a head on Oct. 2, 2008, in St. Louis, Mo. That night, the press showed its colors – and they were Democratic blue. That was the night that Palin cleaned Joe Biden’s clock in their only debate, and nobody in the media could even see it, let alone report it. That was the night that the dual blinders of ideology and elitism prevented us being honest brokers.

* * * * *

Gov. Palin certainly had her sketchy moments that night. On one occasion, she called her opponent “Senator O’Biden.” She referred twice to the top U.S. military officer in Afghanistan as “General McClellan.” (His name is David McKiernan). She claimed as mayor to have reduced taxes “every year I was in office,” an assertion that is accurate only if one ignores sales tax increases. Likewise, she maintained that McCain’s $5,000 tax credit for health coverage was “budget-neutral,” which is only possible by repealing the laws of mathematics. She gave McCain more credit than he was due in blowing the whistle on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, while repeating a misleading claim against Obama used by Hillary Clinton and McCain on an energy bill. She also exaggerated her own accomplishment regarding a $40 billion proposed pipeline in Alaska.

Sen. Biden, however, was in a place by himself when it came to bogus claims, absurd contentions, and flights of rhetorical fancy. He threw out several assertions that were so preposterous that – had Palin made them – they would have prompted immediate calls for McCain to dump her from the ticket.

The good senator from Delaware warmed up slowly, erroneously claiming that McCain voted with Obama on a budget resolution, and asserting wrongly that Obama wanted to return to the Reagan-era marginal income tax rates. He also embarked on an appallingly wrongheaded monologue about the constitutional history of the vice presidency. But when the talk turned to national security, presumably Biden’s purported area of expertise, he went completely off the grid.

• “John McCain voted against a Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty that every Republican has supported,” Biden stated. (Actually, in a 1999 vote in Congress, McCain sided with 50 other Republicans to kill the treaty. Only four joined the Democrats.)

• “Pakistan already has deployed nuclear weapons,” Biden said. “Pakistan’s weapons can already hit Israel and the Mediterranean.” (Pakistan has no known intercontinental missiles. The range of its weapons is thought to be 1,000 miles – halfway to Israel.)

• “When we kicked–along with France–we kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon, I said and Barack said, ‘Move NATO forces in there. Fill the vacuum, because if you don’t…Hezbollah will control it.'” Biden recalled. “Now what’s happened? Hezbollah is a legitimate part of the government in the country immediately to the north of Israel.” (Except that the U.S. never kicked Hezbollah out of Lebanon or anywhere else. They’ve been entrenched in Lebanon since 1982. Actually, Hezbollah, insofar as it was responsible for the 1983 suicide bombing at the Marine barracks that killed 241 U.S. servicemen, kicked America out of Lebanon, not the other way around.)

• “The president…insisted on elections on the West Bank, when I said, and others said, and Barack Obama said, ‘Big mistake. Hamas will win. You’ll legitimize them.’ What happened? Hamas won,” Biden said. (Only the last two words of Biden’s strange soliloquy are true. The rest are false. For one thing, Fatah controls the West Bank. Biden was thinking of Gaza. Secondly, neither Biden nor Obama predicted the 2006 victory for Hamas in Gaza’s legislative elections. Third, McCain and Obama – but not Biden — signed a letter urging the president to pressure Palestinians to require that candidates adhere to democratic principles before being allowed to run for office. Fourth, Biden served as an election observer and later wrote an article expressing high praise for Bush’s actions. To sum up: One factual error and three fibs in only 31 words. Pretty impressive, in its way.)

• “With Afghanistan, facts matter…we spend more money in three weeks on combat in Iraq than we spend on the entirety of the last seven years that we have been in Afghanistan. Let me say that again…” (He did say it again, but that didn’t make it true. It’s wildly and weirdly off the mark. Yes, facts matter. The facts here were that at the time Biden was speaking, the U.S. had spent $172 billion in Afghanistan. The Iraq War consumes between $7 billion and $8 billion every three weeks. Biden’s math was off by 2,000 percent.)

• “Can I clarify this? This is simply not true about Barack Obama. He did not say (he’d) sit down with Ahmadinejad.” (He most certainly did. And among those who criticized him at the time for it was Joe Biden, who told Byron York of National Review that the idea of a president meeting with the likes of the Iranian president or Hugo Chavez was “naïve.”)

Those were alarming mistakes. To me Biden’s most discordant claims concerned his Animal House-like history lecture about the office of the vice president. It came while Biden was dressing down Dick Cheney, who was not present, for supposedly being unfamiliar with the Constitution. “The idea (that) he doesn’t realize that Article I of the Constitution defines the role of the vice president of the United States – that’s the executive branch – he works in the executive branch,” Biden said. “He should understand that. Everyone should understand that. And the primary role of the vice president of the United States is to support the president of the United States of America, give that president his or her best judgment when sought, and, as vice president, to preside over the Senate, only in a time when in fact there’s a tie vote. The Constitution is explicit….He has no authority relative to the Congress. The idea he’s part of the legislative branch is a bizarre notion invented by Cheney to aggrandize the power of a unitary executive, and look where it has gotten us.”

Lord, would Tina Fey have had fun with this jumble of misinformation – if only Palin had said it! Article I defines the legislative, not executive, branch. The vice president is, indeed, mentioned there. What Biden finds “explicit,” hasn’t been so to previous vice presidents or to most constitutional scholars. Prior to the 20th century, vice presidents didn’t even have offices at the White House compound – they were housed in the Capitol. The notion that a veep’s constitutional authority is to provide advice to a president springs from Biden’s brow; it certainly isn’t mentioned, or even contemplated, in the Constitution, which doesn’t even say whether the vice president should receive a salary.

Should Joe Biden have known this stuff? Since he chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee, you’d hope so. But even if he didn’t, you’d think it would be news when he unleashed a veritable fount of misinformation to impugn Palin’s knowledge of the federal system while attacking a sitting vice president. It barely rated a mention in the collective mainstream media.

Facts matter, the man said. But they didn’t in 2008, not when it came to Joe Biden (our guy) against Sarah Palin (odd outsider). The ladies and gentlemen of the press were more interested in her hair, her glasses, her wardrobe, he accent, her sex life, her kids’ sex lives, and her hunting habits than in whether her opponent knew anything about foreign policy, the Constitution of the United States, or the job he was running for. They still are. The relentlessly negative coverage of Palin goes on unabated — she’s the subject of a much-ballyhooed hatchet job in Vanity Fair this month — even as Biden makes minor news from time to time by continuing his penchant for gaffes, this time while serving as the second most powerful person in the federal government.

I must say, however, that when Palin announced her resignation last Friday, one of the few people who commented on it without saying something snarky was the only man who ever defeated her in an election. Asked for a comment by ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Vice President Biden replied that although he didn’t necessarily see Palin as a victim of political bloodletting, he accepted her judgment on this matter and assumed she was doing it out of concern for her family.

“I don’t know what prompted her decision…so I’m not going to second-guess her,” Biden said. “And I take her at her word that (there was) a personal ingredient in it. And you have to respect that.”

My parting thoughts are that our country has been sold out by liberal media bias. Gov. Palin was answering gotcha questions while Barack Obama’s competency to be president of the United States was being determined by his responses to questions on a par with whether he preferred boxers or briefs. Every fault and mistake of Obama and Biden was either hushed up or minimized. Every fault and mistake of McCain and Palin was trumpeted and exaggerated, except for the ones that were fabricated and THEN trumpeted and exaggerated.

Of the four candidates on the Democratic and Republican tickets, Gov. Palin had the best qualifications AND grasp of the measure necessary to ensure both economic prosperity and peace of ALL four candidates. We would be MUCH better off if she were president RIGHT NOW than we ever will be with Barack Obama.

Cuban Diva BFF on Sotomayor

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“Is it over, yet? I am so DONE with her!”

Just so you know, Cuban Diva BFF is a wise Latina woman from Manhattan who does NOT favor Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court. (Even as I type, she is in mid-rant providing considerable detail about how Sotomayor’s story was not nearly the “girl from the projects” triumph over adversity and racism that it has been portrayed to be.)


Cuban Diva BFF is much hotter than Judge Sotomayor. In case you were wondering. And she is a conservative Republican. Really. I swear. In Manhattan. (!)