When the state owns you, it owns your data, too — why can't you see that?

funny pictures
moar funny pictures

First it was the terms of service rules in the “Cash for Clunkers” program claiming ownership of participants’ computers AND all of their data.

Now, Pamela Geller reports at Atlas Shrugs:

“In extreme secrecy from the public, the Obama administration is hammering out an international treaty with other several other countries and the EU ……under ACTA, the government will get sweeping new powers to search and seize material thought to be in breach of copyright. But why all the secrecy? What it will do on a larger scale is let big brother watch you; however, this time on a completely different level.”

If you do not understand how totalitarianism works, the semi-legitimate excuse of copyright violation is the cover for the real intentions, which are getting to look for whatever they want AND taking away the individual’s sense of being entitled to privacy and free from such intrusive measures.

HillBuzz is back!!!

I saw around 11 pm on August 4 that those nice young gay men from Chicago at HillBuzz have resumed blogging after a hiatus of almost seven weeks and I started writing this post as soon as I’d finished reading theirs! I am overjoyed!

What better way to celebrate than with a song by Ethel Merman:

Sebastian’s last post on June 18 was about the importance of persistance in the campaign to fire David Letterman. In previous posts, he had mentioned that his friend, Lionel, was dying of prostate cancer, and the HillBuzzers also had discussed plans for a new, more elaborate blog this summer. So when readers here asked about HillBuzz’s silence when I wrote about Just a Girl in Short Shorts Talking About Whatever ending her blog due to censorship, I reminded them of how much those dear young men might be trying to juggle.

Things were going worse for them than I thought. In addition to Lionel dying, another friend from Team Hillary died without much warning and a third friend was diagnosed with cancer. They also work full-time and had maintained a grueling schedule for about a year and a half to keep HillBuzz going.

It is rewarding and instructive to read their new posts, here and here. Because some of my gentle readers are very wary of anything related to Hillary Clinton and Democrats, I want to remind them that after the nomination was stolen from Hillary, the HillBuzz men went to work campaigning for McCain/Palin. They continue to be among the most staunch supporters of Gov. Palin, as the following excerpt from today’s post shows:

But going forward, we do think this [HillBuzz] is a useful outlet in a time when the MSM truly is a party propaganda machine and the socialization of America is perhaps the greatest threat to this nation that we’ve faced, at least in our lifetimes. We see merit in the continued investment of ourselves into HillBuzz, but changes will have to be made to balance things from a quality of life standpoint.

The thing that finally jarred us out of the depression we’d all been collectively in was a recent attack on Sarah Palin here in Chicago over this past weekend that was just the sort of thing we’d race to a computer to write all about (see forthcoming article in next post above). We truly believe Sarah Palin is running for president in 2012 and want to do everything we can to help her win the nomination and boot Dr. Utopia from the White House before he can succeed in reducing this great nation to “just one of 190 countries in the world,” the way he aspires.

Our focus going forward is going to be very Iowa and New Hampshire-heavy, as we try to determine how best to win the first Caucus and Primary for Palin in 2012. A lot of this will be reflecting on what worked and what failed for Hillary Clinton during the 2008 primaries.

We sadly do not believe Hillary Clinton will ever be president at this point, which truly breaks our hearts to admit. Things are going to get so much worse between now and 2012, that almost any Republican will be able to defeat Dr. Utopia, but we believe things will rebound in 2014 or so and whoever that Republican is will get a second term. Clinton will be 69 in 2016, and 73 in 2020. It doesn’t seem likely she’ll ever have another shot at the Oval Office…but we hope she runs for Governor of New York in the future…or, more far-fetched but highly possible, is made the first female UN Secretary General (and the first American one too). It remains hard for those of us on the ground that HRC is out of politics for the time being, because we’d love to be out there campaigning for her.

We’d also love to be openly campaigning for Sarah Palin, too. And can’t wait until the red/white/blue moose logos start popping up everywhere, as we expect a Palin campaign would utilize.

I want my dear ones at HillBuzz to know how much I appreciate how intelligent, articulate, perceptive, dynamic and large-hearted they are. I wish them every blessing always and I am joyful that they are back. Life is good, my darlings, life is good. We are battling for the life and soul of America and it is wonderful that you are back with us now, fighting side-by-side.

Joker vows revenge for Obama poster

Obama Joker Poster Popping Up In Los Angeles
Obama Joker Poster Popping Up In Los Angeles

Interesting News Items has the scoop on The Joker’s vow:

“I’m hounded by the cops and Batman and now my trademarked characteristics are used to belittle a man whose political style I respect. This is too mean-spirited.”

Little Miss Attila supplies background and perspective on the aptness of The Joker as Obama metaphor.

The Anchoress has found an image of Pres. Bush portrayed as the Joker — did the Left object to that, or is that the sound of crickets? She administers a thorough shellacking.

Jimmy Bise at The Sundries Shack proposes an alternate character and image.

Michelle Malkin has comparison pictures here and here that liberals created of Pres. Bush, back in the good ol’ days when dissent was the highest form of patriotism.

Allahpundit at Hot Air also pines for those halycon days when “when it was cool to demonize the president, or even the presidential or vice-presidential nominee ….”

Prof. William Jacobson at Legal Insurrection also has images that show, “What goes around comes around.”

Frank J. at IMAO laments that the poster is racist and lets Keith Olbermann explain why. But I like Jim Treacher’s illustrated explanation better.

Jules Crittenden calls the poster a “teachable moment.”

And dear Dan Collins worries that a village in Kenya is … (punchline here).

Personally, I think the mythic persona of Obama was captured best by Rubens here.

Government-Americans lash out at limits looming in new era of Big Voter

Guest bloggers at Iowahawk’s tell a tale of woe of the Big Voter booboisie on the march in ever-increasing numbers with the goal of limiting their rights as Government-Americans:

Certainly, legislators and government officials have always had to deal with the annoyance of obtrusive constituents. But there was always a belief that somehow, between election campaigns, we would muddle along despite the constant threat of voter interference. Those of us who survived the horrors of November 1994 worked hard to design important safety net protections, such as revolving doors, redistricting, earmarks, and franking privileges, in a bipartisan effort to insure “Never Again.” And with the inauguration of President Obama in January, there was an optimistic sense that the era of Big Voter was finally over.

And for the background story, just mosey on over to The Sundries Shack for the video, or check out Roger Simon, who provides a transcription of the money quote:

“I look at this health care plan and I see nothing that is about health or about care. What I see is a bureaucratic nightmare, Senator. Medicaid is broke, Medicare is broke, Social Security is broke and you want us to believe that a government that can’t even run a Cash for Clunkers program is going to run one-seventh of our U.S. economy? No sir, no!” she said.

Obama's mama was trash, now with nude photos

Well, I’ll be ding-dang-darned, when I wrote about Pastor Manning’s sermon about how Obama’s mama was trash, it NEVER ONCE occurred to me to Google anything like “Obama’s mother nude photos.”

However, the mainstream media continues to fabricate stories and spread rumors about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. I found out about the latest one from dear Pamela Geller of Atlas Shrugs, who has known about nude photos of Obama’s mother for awhile, but felt it was too icky to link them until today when a CNN reporter retailed the rumor that the Palins are divorcing — which they are not. That was the last straw for her and she linked the photos of Obama’s mother posing nude, reportedly in the apartment of Franklin Marshall Davis:

Why isn’t CNN pursuing the nude pornographic photos of Obama’s mom, Stanley (unretouched pictures here and here and here) allegedly taken by Frank in Marshall’s apartment. Obama’s spiritual father, Frank Marshall Davis is a child rapist and famous communist. I never ran the pics, as it was unseemly and wasn’t relevant. But this assault on Palin is too disgusting. It’s time to tell the ugly truth about the enemy in the White House and his whores in the media. It is Obama operatives who are spreading the Palin lies. I strongly recommend that conservatives start sending emailing these family pictures. They know we won’t play dirty, so it’s time to play dirty.

I say when they ratchet up the lies, then we ratchet up the truth.

Saber Point has the three photos of Obama’s mother naked along with photos of her by herself clothed AND holding Obama when he was a child for comparison. It really does look like it is Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, in all of the photos.

I started pointing out in June that conservatives MUST have the backs of conservative politicians and candidates or our best and brightest will be driven from the marketplace of ideas. Since Gov. Palin announced her resignation on July 3, I see more people are taking this truth to heart. Carol of No Sheeples Here also speaks out against CNN’s spreading the phony rumor claiming the Palins are divorcing and paraphrases Paster Martin Niemoller:

In America, they first came for Trig and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t the mother of a special needs child. Then they came for Bristol, and I didn’t speak up because my daughter wasn’t an unwed mother. Then they came for Sarah and I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t an Alaskan. When there is no one left to speak up will they come for me and you?

Now, since I denounced the sociopath who was responsible for bringing the illegally-obtained Peeping Tom video of Erin Andrews to the attention of the world, to assist the conscience-challenged, here is the difference between what he did and this post: consent. The Peeping Tom video was illegally obtained without the knowledge of Erin Andrews. Obama’s mother consented to be photographed nude.

In addition, the photographs of Obama’s mother nude shed some light on the likelihood that she is the underage character “Ann” referred to in Franklin Marshall Davis’s book, Sex Pervert. They also shed light on my musings that child molesters like Davis are predators, and with the degree to which Obama’s grandfather, also named Stanley, pushed Davis and Obama together, it is very likely that Davis sexually abused Obama, as well. So the photos are relevant to understanding Obama, his duplicities and his lack of a conscience, especially for the people who are just waking up to the possibility that the real way he is unlike any previous president is not his race, but his intentions toward the U.S. as a capitalist democratic republic. Hint: they aren’t good.

It is time for conservatives to speak up.


Andrew McCarthy also looked into Obama’s character this week and pointed out that the birth certificate controversy is about Obama’s honesty even more than about where he was born — the long version has information he clearly will fight to the death to conceal. Allahpundit at Hot Air matches McCarthy’s observations with a poll showing that members of the party that is out-of-power are susceptible to conspiracy theories. Good to know.


Leave it to Stacy McCain of The Other McCain to interview Gov. Palin and get her definitive quote quashing the divorce rumor:

“Divorce Todd? Have you seen Todd? I may be just a renegade hockey mom, but I’m not blind!” — SARAH PALIN

Yes, that is her OFFICIAL reponse, which I got via phone at 5:35 this afternoon. Take that to the bank.

E-mails from crazy people

There’s a rule in my family, “Never argue with a crazy person.” That’s because their reality is so different and they don’t know when they’ve been beaten, so it’s just a waste of time.

Well, somehow that rule was on my mind today when I was browsing the FAIL blog and I found out they have a NEW and delicious source of FAIL: e-mails from crazy people!

The FAIL blog is soliciting samples of e-mails from crazy people here. (Enjoy!)

Carrie Prejean to sue Miss California organization for libel and stuff

Perez Hilton has posted at his Web site an image of the first page of a lawsuit slated to be filed on Friday, July 31, on behalf of Carrie Prejean. Miss Prejean was fired from her position as Miss California USA by pageant owner Donald Trump in June. Now Prejean is suing K2 Productions, which operates the Miss California USA pageant, and the organization’s top executives, Shanna Moakler and Keith Lewis. Prejean alleges slander, libel, boob job disclosure, religious discrimination, intentional infliction of emotional distress and negligent infliction of emotional distress.

Reached for comment, Prejean told a reporter, “I have a deal for a book about my life that’s supposed to come out in November. My ghost writer is going nuts trying to come up with interesting stuff about me to fill out a whole book even though I talk to him about my life for hours and hours. I thought he had all the material he needs because almost every session ends with him holding himself and rocking back and forth and screaming something about ‘Enough! Enough!’ But the lawyer for the National Organization for Marriage, Charles LiMandri, says if I really want the book to be a bestseller, it needs more drama.

“Charles said I could get back all the headlines I lost when Donald Trump fired me if I sued the Miss California organization,” Prejean said, “so that’s what I’m doing. But I’m not suing Donald Trump even though he said I was being fired for being a two-faced bitch because I can totally make him dump his wife for me. I was raised that the Bible says marriage is one man and one woman, so she would definitely have to go.”

Prejean missed the actual filing of her lawsuit by three hours due to a misunderstanding in which she waited at a Westwood food court texting her friends before learning she was due at the Superior Court House in Los Angeles.

Everybody can dance — in praise of the JK Wedding Entrance Dance

A couple of days ago I wrote in praise of Merce Cunningham, who was one of the most influential choreographers of the 20th century, along with Martha Graham, that he taught me that imperfect bodies dance as beautifully and as meaningfully as perfect ones.

I know people think it’s all motivational to say, “Anything worth doing is worth doing well,” but I notice that doesn’t seem to apply, for example, to sex, which quite a lot of people seem to be enthusiastic about whether or not they do it well. So, NO! say I — anything worth doing is worth doing, regardless of whether you do it well.

Like sex, dance is one of those things.

Now, over the last week, I’ve noticed in my ramblings through other blogs embeds of the “JK Wedding Entrance Dance” YouTube video. Enough other bloggers embedded it that I figured it was old news. Plus, I seldom watch videos online because I’m often working while my father sleeps and I work in the bedroom next to his so I don’t want to wake him up or disturb his sleep. So I ignored the video until I chanced across it while I was looking for background on the brewing war on the obese — the toxic blogger who was denouncing the obese also was wroth over this video. Now, ironically, what motivated me to watch the video, besides the fact that my father was awake and downstairs, was her denunciation of the video and everyone in it. I thought, “How bad could it be?”

Gentle readers! “The JK Wedding Entrance Dance” is wonderful! It is a joy! It is an expression of everything good and true and right and benevolent! It is proof of the lesson Merce Cunningham taught: it is dance because they intend it to be dance, and it is beautiful because it is dance:

Update, August 2: Jill and Kevin have a Web site where the video is posted and people can donate to a charity that works to end domestic violence.

Homosexual equality has nothing to do with slippery slopes

Dear Prof. William A. Jacobson of Legal Insurrection sent me a heads-up on his latest post on Newsweek’s story on polyamory in its current issue. I didn’t notice in Newsweek’s story any call for polygamous marriages by the polyamory movement. Marriage is an option for them and it appears they are just consistent and organized about their extra-marital partners.

Somehow the Newsweek reporter finds an analogy between the polyamory movement, if there even is one, and the movement for equality by homosexuals, including marriage equality, because somehow gays and lesbians being able to be more open about their lives and keep their jobs, homes and families and not get killed for a being crime is just like the Internet making it possible for polyamorous groups to communicate with and validate one another. I do not quite understand why lesbians and gays being able to be more open about their lives is not just as analagous to people who love online role-playing games or re-enacting the Civil War being able to confess their forbidden passion openly and find one another, but whatever.

Prof. Jacobson notes:

The article is sure to re-ignite the slippery slope argument over gay marriage, that legalizing and institutionalizing gay marriage inevitably will lead to the requirement of similar treatment for polygamous groups of people.

It appears that, somehow, if homosexuals ever have equality and can legally marry, there is a slippery slope somewhere and everyone will slide down it into a heavenly meadow of sunshine and bliss where we will all have eternal love, enlightenment, ever-lasting joy and world peace.

I’m quite looking forward to it.

Oh, wait, I see now that the dear professor is saying OTHER people are saying that if two — and only two, really, that’s all we’re asking — same-sex persons can marry one another that we will immediately slide into an abyss of hell where anything goes, marriage-wise. I’m not sure why the law EVOLVES when we like where it’s going, but it has slippery slopes when we don’t, but there you are.

In Christian cults — they become religions, officially, once they are large enough to destroy any opposition, that’s how democracy works — that are on the make, so to speak, the very best strategy is polygamy because it’s the fastest way to take control of women’s reproductive capacity and produce babies to be brought up in the cult. Oh, and Muslims, I hear tell, here and there, are big on polygamy — same reason.

Christians who oppose homosexual equality and marriage equality for same-sex couples seem to me always to resort to the Bible and their particular religion’s dogma to make their case that the apparatus of the state should be appropriated to turn their religion’s teachings on marriage into the law of the land. This is their end-run around the case homosexuals make that homosexual equality is a civil rights issue on account of the 1,138 rights, privileges and protections provided under the law to married couples according to a 2004 report of the General Accounting Office of the U.S. Congress. No, no, they say. When we want to define as second class citizens an entire class of people we don’t like because they are unlikely to produce children to increase our power and wealth, that is not a civil rights issue as it was with blacks, no, no, that is a MORAL issue. This, by the way, is how blacks are sold on crushing another minority’s access to civil equality.

Well, it seems to me that the problem with constantly pointing to the Bible to define marriage is that polygamy is the dominant form of marriage in the Bible. So, if we fall down the slippery slope to legalize polygamous marriages, it will have nothing to do with homosexuals wanting equality as citizens, including all the civil rights that attend marriage equality and the right to marry a same-sex spouse. No. What is making that slope slippery is the insistence that marriage is defined by religion and pointing for proof to a book filled with polygamous marriages.

I really do not see how equality for homosexuals, including the right for same-sex couples to marry, has anything to do with the demands other groups might make.

If other groups do make demands to marry legally in some way not currently allowed, I wish to goodness they would argue their case on its own merits, which, I must add, have to be more compelling than saying, “No fair! The homosexuals got their marriages! Now it’s OUR turn!”

The Newsweek polyamory story quotes Andrew Sullivan drawing a pertinent distinction between the rationale for homosexual marriage equality and polygamy (which, by the way, is not the same as polyamory): “I believe that someone’s sexual orientation is a deeper issue than the number of people they want to express that orientation with.” This is another way of saying that homosexuality is not a choice, but polygamy is, so there is no comparably compelling reason to legalize polygamy. I agree.

I personally oppose polygamy because it is a type of marriage where women are property. Also, it really is used to exploit women and children to gain wealth and power rapidly. Legalizing polygamy would be a fast way to use democracy to destroy itself. I would expect a wave of new Christian sects embracing polygamy to build the power of their charismatic leaders. Women would lose their equality and rights as persons and become legally more like livestock. Again.

I also would expect that legalized polygamy would make us no more than two generations from becoming a Muslim country because of the enormous advantage democracy confers on groups like Islam that approve of polygamy, consider women to be property and ruthlessly control women’s reproductive capabilities.

But mostly, if I were worried about polygamy being at the bottom of a homosexual equality slippery slope, I would not have made the footing at the top so treacherous by insisting that everybody has to stand on all those copies of that book with the polygamous marriages in it.