Moe, I beg to differ, Peter Scolari RULES!

Opening credits and the show’s premise: On February 28 dear Moe Lane advised his readers to have a couple of glasses of wine before perusing the site, “Peter Scolari, Unsung Genius.” To enhance the WTF factor, he says. Ahem. Let me make one thing perfectly clear, once and for all. Peter Scolari RULES. What do …

Chris Matthews: 'For an hour I forgot he was black'

This post is a two-fer. Chris Matthews’ remark on MSNBC after Obama’s State of the Union speech, “For an hour I forgot he was black,” rightly has been ridiculed as revealing an all-consuming racism and, apparently, the fact that for the very first time Matthews, did what conservatives have been doing, which is consider Obama …

UPDATED — Just a reminder before Obama's State of the Union speech

It turns out Barack Obama is not a magic Negro. It turns out there’s no such thing as a magic Negro. Dang. The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The First 364 Days 23 Hours Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Watch this from Charles Krauthammer …

Hayek and Keynes rap duel

H/T Megan McArdle via Alex Massie at The Spectator, UK. Swear to God last week I ordered the following five books: Going Rogue by Gov. Sarah Palin The Road to Serfdom by Friedrich von Hayek The Fatal Conceit: the Errors of Socialism by Friedrich von Hayek Socialism by Ludwig von Mises Liberalism by Ludwig von …

Best video round-up of Obama's broken promises is on — Comedy Central?

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Stealth Care Reform Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Health Care Crisis Jon Stewart at Comedy Central has pulled together the best collection of videos of Obama making campaign pledges that he never intended to keep, which some people uncharitably, but accurately, …

Merry Christmas

My favorite part of Christmas is singing Christmas carols. I spent Christmas Eve afternoon baking pies — one cherry, one pumpkin — and trying to get the high notes in “O Holy Night.” I never made it to the end because my big gray cat, Beauregard, meowed more and more desperately as I sang. Sigh. …