Girls, girls, girls! This is a CONSERVATIVE Jell-o wrestling match and proper attire will be worn at all times!

OK, I did not think it would be up to me as a lesbian to have to gavel the conservative blogosphere back to to order regarding the upcoming Jell-o wrestling grudge match between Suzanne Logan (aka “Clever S. Logan) and Monique Stuart (aka HotMES), but I see that I must! Order! Order! This blogosphere must …

The Bloggess: So funny you must PFNFNDHTIN

The Bloggess is so funny that I am coining a new Internet acronym for her to warn my friends before they read her blog: Pee First, No Food, No Drinks, Have Tissues and Inhaler Nearby. That’s PFNFNDHITN. Or better yet, PF-NF-ND-HITN. Yeah, divide it by task — that’s easier. This acronym is for the pinnacle …

Black Panthers' bomb almost killed my father and me 39 years ago today

My father and I came within five-to-10 minutes of being killed by a Black Panthers’ bomb that detonated in the car of the bombers just after they crossed Tollgate Road at Route 1 in Bel Air, Maryland. The bombers were on their way out of town because their intended target, the Bel Air Courthouse, where …

Is Obama's mandatory 'voluntary' public service corps the slippery slope to the Weathermen's vision of re-education death camps?

I came upon this story at I Saw the Right, which may have gotten the illustration above from Six Meat Buffet. Protein Wisdom picked it up from Weasel Zippers, which got it from World Net Daily News, as quoted below. The idea in my headline that Obama’s mandatory “volunteer” corps is a slippery slope to the …

At last I am where I have longed to be, under Little Miss Attila

Robert Stacy McCain has, at long last, put me where I have longed to be, right under Little Miss Attila in his testimonial list at The Other McCain (click, scroll, look right). She is like my fairy blogmother, you understand, so I would never put myself above her. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to …

As a completely disinterested, objective observer of hot girl-on-girl Jello wrestling

Dear, dear, dear. I was scrolling around The Other McCain today to copy some photos of me since his camera was working on Wednesday at the Andrew Breitbart party on Capitol Hill and mine was not, and what should I spy! A Jello-wrestling match is on between Monique Stuart, aka Moe, aka HotMES (pick a …

You learn the most interesting things about Obama at HillBuzz

I dearly love those nice young gay men at HillBuzz and read them every day. They poured out their hearts and bank accounts and traveled to many states campaigning for McCain/Palin, so show some respect, please. Since they live in Chicago and know Obama from WAY back, they regularly provide the most interesting details on …

I'm in favor of eminent domain …

… and I’ve suffered losses not only in the hundreds of thousands of dollars but also almost my life due to liberal/libertarian opposition to development of any kind. But that’s a story for another day. Right now, Stephen Gordon has asked for help in spreading the word about another side of the story down Alabama …