'The initiative and resourcefulness of common men and women'

Pondering how the passengers on Flight 253 saved the day after Abdul Farouk Umar Abdulmutallab’s bomb failed to ignite properly, law professor Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit, links a column he wrote after the D.C. snipers were caught in 2002 by a citizen who spotted their car and blocked it from escaping with his own vehicle …

That was a lot of snow

Two feet of snow fell here on Saturday and I spent most of Sunday digging out the walkway and driveway. Then I spent the rest of Sunday and today recovering. However, I did read up a bit today on the Senate’s vote on the healthcare reform bill. I agree with the rants on HillBuzz — …

Hey, Newsbusters — Christians DO commit honor murder

We have a DVR and I record NCIS and NCIS: Los Angeles because the former is one of my favorite shows and the latter has Linda Hunt, which makes it just interesting enough to tolerate. I also squirrel away various movies for my father, so on Tuesday I recorded “Gone with the Wind,” and something …

Bitchslap for John Aravosis: Democrats are losing on healthcare reform because their proposals stink — it's not a leadership thang, you fool

H/T for the video to Kathy Shaidle. Note to visiting HillBuzzers: clearly Bob Hope is referring only to Dr. Utopia Democrats. Dear Moe Lane drew my attention to the rant by John Aravosis at Americablog against the Democratic leadership for not being able to get the ever-changing and sometimes top secret healthcare reform legislation through …

Obama hits a new low — in the polls, I mean, because with Obama and the expression 'new low,' you have to be specific

Today Obama built on his previous new lowest approval rating of -16 yesterday to plummet to his newest new low of -19 today. I wonder what is making American voters so testy with Obama — so “ungovernable.” (Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!) Wasn’t getting the Nobel Peace Prize in a box of Cracker Jacks on Dec. 10 supposed to …

Iowahawk explains how to put the 'hockey stick' on ice

Iowahawk understands statistical analysis — something to do with his day job and all — and his column this week is educational, rather than humorous, on the subject of Climategate. He walks his readers through the process of deriving the famous “hockey stick” graph, which purports to prove global temperatures are rising at such a …

Oprah picked Obama to be president and is surprised to be under the bus now that he doesn't need her any more

The National Enquirer reports today that Obama has thrown Oprah under the bus and set his wife, Michelle, up to take the blame. Oprah still does not understand what her idol really is so she has fallen for his ruse, which means she’s hurt and angry with Michelle but still all gooey and starry-eyed about …

'Drink the Kool-Aid' got its tragic meaning 31 years ago today

Today is the anniversary of the first time a sociopathic charismatic leader charmed and coerced his followers into mass suicide by getting them to drink poisoned Kool-Aid, even as they watched those who drank before them dying and saw their friends’ and fellows’ dead bodies piled higher and higher. Jim Jones, leader of the Christian …

Please help Phyllis Chesler keep you safe by sending her money now

Let’s rush to Dr. Chesler’s aid with baskets — and an e-mail Inbox — filled with money to help her out. (In the film clip above, Uncle Billy arrives with the basket of money at 3:36.) Phyllis Chesler, who has fought for equality for women and against totalitarianism and anti-semitism, needs financial help immediately to …