Bake the cake, design the dress

President-elect Donald Trump will begin his presidency as a uniter, having managed to bring conservatives and progressives together on the subject of discrimination in public accommodations. These are businesses and facilities open to the public, such as bakeries, florist shops, professional photographers, and fashion designers. It turns out that conservative conniptions intended to assert a religious right to refuse …

In 2012 you can still be fired in 29 states due to your race or religion

Did I say you legally can be fired in 29 states in America due to your race or religion? Dang. I meant sexual orientation. You can be fired because you are gay, no matter how well you are doing your job, in 29 states. In America. While Obama is president and head of the Democratic …

At PJ Media I explain why marriage will be saved by marriage equality, not DOMA

My piece at PJ Media begins: “A meteor is threatening to destroy the institution of marriage, but it isn’t marriage equality.” For background, read the full decision from Feb. 22 by a federal judge that the Defense of Marriage Act is unconstitutional.

Maryland State Senate may vote today on marriage equality — UPDATED: It passed!

Updated: Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendan Ayanbadejo, who is speaking in the video above, supports same-sex marriage. The Ravens’ team color is purple, which is why he is wearing a purple shirt. (Baltimore and Maryland are crazy for purple in support of the Ravens — you can even get all-purple Christmas tree lights.) The Baltimore Sun has …

Why Newt’s lesbian sister is a good reason for gays to vote for him as the Republican presidential nominee

Newt Gingrich is chock-full of character and personality failings that should bar him from being considered for the job as president, but he is gaining steam in the polls because of his well-informed and sharp-tongued performances in the Republican presidential candidate debates. However, a chimpanzee with a magic eight-ball would be an improvement over Obama …

UPDATED: Sec. Hillary Clinton bravely speaks out for gay equality

Today Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking to a UN gathering in Geneva, Switzerland, made an eloquent speech supporting gay equality in observance of International Human Rights Day — click the link to read the whole thing. It’s worth it. Here is a sample (bolding mine): At three o’clock in the morning on December …

Why NOM would be fighting Obamacare instead of gays if it’s true purpose were to protect marriage

Watch the latest video at Today Fox News ran the story in the video above about how Obamacare will destroy marriage for the middle class because its means-testing requirements will force millions of couples to choose between marriage and health insurance. That’s because married couples who file joint federal tax returns will be means-tested …

Census results on gay couples

Dear libertarian Bruce Majors at Big Homo posted about a Washington Post piece in August on the release of Census Bureau results on the number of gay couples in Maryland and Virginia (the results on D.C. came out a week later). I recommend clicking to read the whole thing, but here’s a sample: [Washington Post, …

Conservative arguments for gay equality

Yesterday evening I took my father to see our local minor league team, the Ironbirds, and when we got home we watched an episode of “Columbo,” one of my father’s favorite TV shows, through the magic of Wii and streaming Netflix. Dad loves how Peter Falk springs the trap on the murderer. I am saddened …