explains ‘why so many vehemently anti-gay politicians and religious leaders are creepy sexual deviants’

Because: Experiments show power and hypocrisy are linked in the brain [snip] No matter how the researcher went about instilling the feelings of power, the results were the same: Within minutes, a feeling of power flips a switch in the brain that says, “The rules now do not apply to me. BRING ME A WHORE.” …

Instapundit proposes tax increases the Tea Party can support

In his Sunday column for The Examiner, Prof. Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit, asks a pertinent question, “Why should Democrats be the only ones to enjoy the fun of taxing people they dislike?” Then he proposes taxes that would clarify the thinking of Hollywood on the effect of taxes on prosperity: Were I a Republican senator …

Best coming out letter EVAH!

By Adam Cuneo and published at The Onion, it starts as follows, and just keeps getting better: Mom, Dad, there’s something we have to talk about. I’ve been wanting to tell you this for some time, and I want you to know that while I’m fully aware this might be difficult for you to hear, …